Sunday, July 28, 2013

Nanoparticles predicted efficacy in treating blood cancers

The Benefits of Nanoparticles predicted efficacy in treating blood cancers

Previously, a study says nanoparticles can be a method to cure cancer. It is now proven by a new study from the University of Notre Dame have demonstrated the effectiveness of nanoparticles in treating multiple myeloma (MM), a blood cancer that attacks the plasma cells in the spinal cord.

During this refractory MM is because these types of cancer cells began to resistant to chemotherapy.

"Nanoparticles that we developed showed beneficial results. Firstly, the nanoparticles lower the cancer defense reaction against doxorubicin treatment. Secondly, this method makes the cancer cells take nanoparticle drugs. Thirdly, the toxic effects of the drug on healthy organs also revealed," he said Baar Bilgier one researcher, as quoted by Science Daily (18/06).

In the experiment, the nanoparticles protected by a special peptide that targets receptors on MM cells. These receptors causes the spinal cord tissue refuse any drugs, but the use of peptides attached to nanoparticles prevents cancer cells in the bone marrow.

The nanoparticles also carry medication with them. When a particle is attached to the MM cells, the tissue will absorb the particles so that the drug will be launched and make cancer DNA is damaged and die.

"Our studies in mice showed nanoparticles formula reduces the toxic effects of cancer drugs on healthy tissues, such as kidney and liver," said another researcher, Tanyel Kiziltepe.

Before developing the research to humans, the research team plans to develop a study to improve the design of nanoparticles and found the number and the maximum combination of chemotherapy drugs.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Cure Lower Back Pain With Walking Backwards

The Benefits of Walking Backwards to Cure Lower Back Pain

Disorders of the spine bones, kidney disorders, and neurological disorders can cause back pain. In addition, the disc or fractured bones also trigger the onset of pain suffered. So many techniques and drugs developed to relieve back pain disease, one among the many healing back pain techniques contained in Buddhist Healing Touch is efficacious technique.

Here's how to do walking backwards therapy to relieve lower back pain:
Choose a quiet place away from traffic and pedestrians. The ideal time to carry out the exercise is in the morning when the air is still clean. Walking backwards can be done along the 40 meters and the distance gradually be increased. 

benefits of walking backwards
benefits of walking backwards
Backward walking exercise can be done with stride length and speed are varied. Occasional look towards the back to avoid crashing into something much less drop. Keep your legs should be straight and keep normal breathing. At run time, the position of the hand can be placed next to the body or can also be moved while beating the waist.

Treatment of back pain with the technique developed by the retreat of the Japanese people. Walking backwards is believed to strengthen the spine and back muscles flexing. At the time of the therapy retreat, make sure the thigh muscles more utilized than the buttock muscles or calf muscles.

This technique can reduce the backward pressure on the kneecap allowing people to train without whipped worry that can interfere with a vulnerable part of the body. There have been many people who claim that the disease is reduced even disappeared and no recurrence after walking backwards therapy.

Cure back pain with 5 activity following

Back pain is now not only experienced by middle-aged women. Teens and young women are also at risk of back pain due to an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of exercise or sitting position is wrong. If you are a woman at the age of 20 and 30's who have experienced disruption in the back of the body, is to overcome some physical activity.

1. Change often Posture
Frequently change posture when sitting. This method is useful for preventing the body is not only concentrated pressure on the spine. But keep your body arches remain in the correct position when changing posture, the upright but still relaxed

2. While careful Sports
When lifting weights over your head, press the muscles in the buttocks. Cata will encourage the body in a position that automatically stabilizes your spine. With so may reduce the risk of injury to the back.

3. Sitting in Fitness Exercise Ball
Try sitting on the exercise ball workout, or rubber balls every day for 15-20 minutes. This exercise will strengthen muscles and reduce body middle back pain caused by too much sitting.

4. exercise Crunch
Crunch movement that focuses on abdominal and low back muscles can reduce lower back pain by 75 percent. When your abdominal muscles are weak, the muscles in the buttocks and back of the leg muscles have to work harder to be more stable spine.

5. Drink Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of osteoporosis. According to the study, 80 percent of people who suffer from back pain known deficiency of this vitamin. So, consume vitamin D supplement every day or bask in the sun in the morning for 10 minutes.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Natural way get rid of skin fungus infection

Fungal Skin infection diseases has a high prevalence in in the population tropical climates and high humidity. Fungal diseases can actually be cured, it's just often not treated until complete and one pick antifungal drugs.

Fungal Infection In Skin Type

Fungal Skin Infection Prevention

Avoid Fungal Skin Infection

There are two types of fungal infections of the skin tinea (its lay terms we call ringworm / scabies / water fleas) and tinea versicolor.

1. Tinea
Tinea infections caused by Trichophyton, Microsporum, and Epidermophyton. Tinea can affect areas of the skin (ringworm / scabies) or hand-foot (athlete's foot), nails, anus, buttocks, genital, hair, and scalp.

Transmission can be direct or indirect. Direct transmission of the direct contact with the skin or hair for good mushrooms from humans, animals, or soil. While indirect transmission can be through plants, wood fungus infestation, clothing, and dust. Can also be transmitted through contamination of clothing, towels or bed linen patients.

2. Skin Fungus
Skin fungus is caused by Malassezia furfur fungus infection. Infection occurs when yeast / hyphae / spores attached to the skin. Patients will undergo a skin disorder in which white people are the mushrooms will appear brown spots or red (hyperpigmentation), while in patients with brown-skinned or black fungus will look younger patches (hypopigmentation).

Patients complained of feeling itchy when sweating or itching without complaint at all, but people feel embarrassed because of the spots on the skin. The fungus spread by contact or personal equipment contaminated skin of patients and lack of personal hygiene.

prevention of fungal skin infection

1. Maintain personal hygiene
2. Make it a habit to take a bath at least once a day. Wash your feet twice a day and dry it by pressing (do not rub) with a towel.
3. Dry your skin thoroughly after bathing.
4. Make it a habit that every person store and use their own towel so as not contaminated with fungal or bacterial diseases.
5. Wash towels and clothing contaminated fungal with hot water to prevent the spread of infection.
6. Use antiperspirant to reduce perspiration and makes skin dry so it does not facilitate the growth of fungus.
7. Use socks and underwear from cotton, change regularly (at least once a day).
8. Use an antifungal powder on your shoes or socks.
9. Antifungal products generally need to be given up to two weeks after free skin fungal infection that completely lost without the rest.

Treatment of fungal skin infection

Fungal skin infection Medication can be done from the outside and inside. External treatment can be powder, anti-fungal creams and ointments that can be purchased over the counter. But, be sure to use the right fit hint that the fungus is completely gone completely. For the treatment of the (drugs taken), must be prescribed by a doctor.

With natural ingredients, overcome fungal infection on the skin can be done by slicing slant / oblique one finger fresh rhizome of galangal (Alpinia galanga) , then applied to the fungus infected skin. Do this every day after bathing until the fungus is completely gone.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Benefits of long hairstyles

Hair is the crown of the body. Especially for women, has a long and healthy hair is indeed exciting. There are several benefits that a lot of women who keep long hair, including:

Black as well as Brown Cool trends hairstyles For Women
1. Change style to taste
By having long hair, you can make other people fascinated with the variety of hair styles. You can tie your hair in a ponytail on Monday. Models of woven hair on Tuesday. Then change its shape again in the following days.
Lovely Half Up Half Down Hairstyles
2. Show off the beauty of hair
Long hair is easier to show off the beauty and color than those with short hair.
Best trends hairstyles For Function
3. hair cut
To change the hair style, you can cut it a bit shorter than usual.

4. can experiment
For experimenting with new hair styles, you can do so without having to wait for hair to grow longer.

5. Can easily seduce men
It is a fact that many men are tempted by women with long hair. Men are more happy to see women braiding hair.

6. Deal with thin hair
One of the problems is thinning hair in women. But you can work around this by adding volume to hair appear thicker.

For those of you who have long hair then have to be careful in the way of treatment, because it is not easy to care for long hair to keep it as beautiful as commercials.

If proper care is done in less time to grow hair, can actually be dry and brittle so that loss. Here are some tips that will help you look beautiful in a way to maintain long hair:
1. Even if you feel too hot or feel overloaded with long hair who starts, do not hold yourself to the salon to cut hair. If you feel really need, treat hair only to salons, do not cut short.
2. You must make a change to style hair, can be curled or wavy, but do not make permanent changes.
3. It's okay with accessories such as hair clips or headbands.
4. If your hair is thick and curly, ask your hairdresser to thin hair that can be styled more easily.
5. Long hair so that you stay healthy, keep your hair moisture. Make sure rinse shampoo and use a conditioner that suits your hair type.
6. In order to grow long hair faster, you also need to consume good nutrition. Drink multivitamin and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Enough sleep is also important.
7. After washing your hair, do not immediately combed. If desired, use a wide-toothed comb.
Fashionable Long Hair Style For Women

Stunning trends hairstyles For Bridal

Attractive Long Hairstyles

Cute Long trends hairstyles Back Side View

Wonderful trends hairstyles With Butterfly as well as Snack Bow Hair Clip For Women

Sweet Wedding trends hairstyles With Flower

Fantastic Up-do trends hairstyles For Long Black Hair

The Benefits of 4 simple step for healthy ear

The Benefits of 4 simple step for healthy ear - Care and health care is not just to clean the ear with a cotton bud. Many some of which also have to be done for the health of hearing organ. Well, as quoted from several sources, including the following:
cottonbud benefits

4 easy steps beneficial for ear health

4 easy steps beneficial for ear health

1. Reduce the intensity of use of earphones: without realizing it, to listen to music using earphones especially with the volume too loud can cause disturbances in the organ of hearing. Exposure to noise above 100 dB for more than 1 hour per day within five years can cause a person to suffer from permanent hearing loss.

2. Stay away from too noisy atmosphere: too long in noisy atmosphere such as roads, music studio, or go to the concert can also aggravate the condition of the organ of hearing health. At least reduce its intensity is a wise move.

3. Use safety devices such as helmets with a good standard or ear protectors when driving. This step can also be done when you are in a noisy place because it sounds like a machine in a factory.

4. Always keep your ear hygiene: to keep the ears should also be careful. Never to clean the ear with a finger or a pointy object than a cotton bud. Although cotton bud fairly effective, their use should also be careful. Clean only the ears because if you clean up into the ear hole, cotton bud will push cerumen (ear wax) to a deeper place. If the wax accumulates in the ear drum can cause tinnitus or inflammation of the ear drum.

5. Simple way, use a soft towel soaked in warm water. Clean the outside of the ear canal slowly.

6. Make sure you check the health of your ears to the ENT doctor at least once a year.

hyperbaric oxygen therapy benefits

The Benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy

benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy

benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy

It has long been known that in some parts of the body healing can not occur without oxygen levels in appropriate tissues. Most diseases and injuries happen, and often last long, at the level of cells or tissues. 

In many cases, such as circulatory problems, healing wounds, and strokes, adequate oxygen can not reach the damaged area and the natural healing ability of the body can not function properly.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides additional oxygen is naturally and with minimal side effects. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improve the quality of life in many parts of the patients body when standard medications do not work. Many conditions such as stroke, cerebral palsy, head injuries, and chronic fatigue have responded positively after getting HBOT.

Brain Injury or Stroke

When cells in the brain die, either due to trauma or lack of oxygen, blood plasma leaks out into the surrounding brain tissue that causes swelling of the brain and reduce blood flow. It's otherwise normal cells in a passive state or asleep because they can not function without an adequate amount of oxygen.

HBOT dramatically increase the oxygen carried in the blood plasma, making oxygen available to heal the damaged capillary walls, prevents plasma leakage and reduce swelling. The reduced swelling will cause the blood flow can be restored to the network is not functioning (neovascularization) and later the cells have the potential to function again.

Cerebral Palsy and Traumatic Brain Injury

CP patients and patients on Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), multiple injured brain tissue may be "neglected" and does not work. HBOT can stimulate tissue "neglected" and return them to function more normally. On young children, cognitive function and flexibility can be improved. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, done in conjunction with other therapies, ensuring the best recovery for children with cerebral palsy and Traumatic Brain Injury (traumatic brain injury).

hyperbaric oxygen therapy benefits for Beauty

HBOT is also attractive for other things. For example, to beautify the skin, cleanse toxins and even to regenerate damaged body cells. Actually many methods are done to maximize oxygen consumption by the human body, one of them with oxygenated mineral water.

Health Benefits of Salt

Salt is an important ingredient that can be found in every kitchen. Cooking without salt it sure tasted bland. In addition, salt is also a part of the natural elements of beauty treatments. Basically, there are two types of salt for skin. First, the bath salts were mixed in the tub. 

Another type of salt is a salt scrub your skin, which serves to peel the dead skin and get rid of acne. Here are some of the benefits of salt for skin, as reported, Boldsky.

1. Exfoliating or peeling
Salt scrubs can be used to remove dead skin cells and rejuvenate the skin. In addition, salt scrubs are also completely organic because it contains silica sand.

2. pimple
Salt has anti-bacterial effect on the skin. That is why salt scrubs can help get rid of acne on the skin.

3. Oily Skin
If you have oily skin, the salt can be beneficial for your skin. Properties owned dry salt can help absorb the extra oil from the skin. This will get rid of the oily texture of your skin and also prevent acne outbreaks.

4. Eliminate body odor
Usually scented bath salts. When you mix them with your bath water, they can help you to get rid of body odor and makes you feel fresh.

5. Minerals for the skin
Sea salt is very good for the skin because it contains a lot of minerals. This mineral can be absorbed into the skin and make it healthy from within.

6. allergy
Salt can cure allergies and infections of the skin. You can mix your bath water with salt to get rid of minor skin infections.

7. Pain relievers
When your feet ache after a long day, pedicure with salt water to stop the pain. Soak feet in a tub of warm water that has been sprinkled with salt to get rid of the pain.

These are some of the benefits of the use of salt on your skin. Want to try?

Healthful Diabetes with Red Pumpkin & Cane Juice Benefits

For people with diabetes, healthy eating means understanding that those were not content exacerbating diabetes he suffered. Though not a food ingredient that was the main reason, but it's important that you understand the various types of good food to be consumed or not.

Recent research shows the benefits of red pumpkin (pumpkin) in diabetics salutary. Taste is sweet, but very good for diabetics. Pumpkin has a glycemic index (GI) is very low. 

Foods that have a high glycemic index will raise blood sugar levels. It follows, therefore why pumpkin is very good for diabetics.

Pumpkin can also improve pancreatic function network has been marred by diabetes. If the pancreas does not function properly it will be difficult to produce insulin which is very much needed by the body to break down glucose in the body.

To process, spices like cinnamon and nutmeg can be used as an additional spice in pumpkin as relatively friendly to diabetes. And it's important not to add sugar in processed pumpkin, because it will damage the function of a healthy pumpkin for diabetics. In addition, in processing pumpkin, not by way of frying, because the cooking oil will add calories and nutrients in pumpkin damage. Cook by boiling, steaming or baking.

Cane juice; natural sugar for diabetics
Cane juice contains natural sugar which is much better than raw sugar or artificial sweeteners. Sugarcane juice is used to keep blood sugar in balance so that both consumed for diabetics. It is important for diabetics to change your habits to benefit the sugar from cane juice.

It is important to note that, you should be careful in consuming sugar cane juice. Although it has great benefits for diabetes, which is not clean cane instead will be a source of disease.

When you save a cane, sugar cane porous tip try not to touch directly part or dirty areas, such as story boat (including new floors cleaned using a detergent), through the pores of the cane, the substances that exist in the story boat will be sucked into it. Hence, the cane should be stored with the supine position, not standing to avoid surface (tip cane) suck the bacteria elements that will be a source of disease.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Health Benefits of Snake Bile

Cobra Bile Health Benefits

Cobra Bile Health Benefits
Cobra snake as one of the most feared because its venom is poisonous. Broadly speaking can be categorized into two: the snake neurotoxin and hemotoxin. Neurotoxin type is a poison that can paralyze the respiratory system and brain damage. While hemotoxin is toxic to the cells that destroy blood cells to clot and can lead to death.

Benefits cobra bile

There are about 20 types of enzymes in snake venom and the composition of each enzyme varies with the type of snake. The snake could contain harmful enzymes pulse but could be useful. One of the enzymes contained in the venom is proteinase that can cause skin and muscle tissue of victims die quickly. According to research in Australia, in particular dose of this enzyme could cure cancer. 

Choline esterase enzyme is one that is quite popular. This enzyme normally attacks the nervous system and the muscles become loose. This enzyme can be used to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

In addition to the enzymes found in snake venom, snake body organ is also believed to be a cure for a disease. In Indonesia, until now there has been no research on the benefits for the treatment of snake organs. The rise of organ treatment using the snake over to the experience.

One organ snakes commonly used drug is a snake bile. Bile itself is a collection of toxins that have been frozen. Benefits cobra bile in the sines is to dissipate the heat, making a good skin, the lungs are good and make your heart stronger.

In addition, the benefits of cobra bile is able to make the body become immune from cobra venom itself. The trick is to take the cobra bile in order for the body to form antibodies of the snake bile. Not only are believed to snake bile is very nutritious. Cobra blood is also believed efficacious treatment benefit and increase stamina. Not a few special shop selling herbal concoctions cobra blood and bile cobra