Thursday, August 15, 2013

Benefits of Diet in Preventing Cervical Cancer

Benefits of Diet in Preventing Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that attacks women. This cancer forms and spreads in the organ connecting the uterus and vagina, or commonly called the cervix.

Cervical cancer is very dangerous. However, you can prevent cervical cancer with a good diet. Diet with foods and natural herbs. There is strong evidence that changes in a healthy diet can significantly reduce your risk of becoming prey to the "silent killer" is.

A study in the journal Cancer Research found that women who consumed fruits and vegetables high in number to fight against infection with HPV (human papillomavirus, cervical cancer-causing microorganisms) get more significant results than those who do not do so.

Understanding the Cervical Cancer

Lowest narrow end of the uterus known as the cervix. Cancer is the opening of the uterus that connects to the top of the vagina. Prior to the development of cancer, cervical cells undergo certain changes, called dysplasia.

During this stage, abnormal cells begin to appear in the cervical tissue. After that, the cancer cells begin to grow and spread to the cervix and surrounding areas. Cervical cancer is characterized by abnormal growth of malignant cells in the cervix. It is the second most common cancer in women and occurs generally between 40 and 55 years old. This cancer can be successfully treated if detected at an early stage.

Generally cancers are caused by genetic mutations in the cells healthy. Cervical cancer usually starts inside, flat squamous cells of the cervix thin. Squamous cell carcinoma is responsible for about 80% of cervical cancers.

This cancer can also occur in the cells of the cervical glands. Adenocarcinoma accounts for about 15% of cervical cancers. Abnormal changes in cervical tissue associated with certain factors such as previous infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), multiple sexual partners, early sexual contact, oral contraceptives and smoking.

HPV infection is the main risk factor for cervical cancer. Some other risk factors are weak immune system and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia or HIV / AIDS.

There may be no obvious symptoms until the cancer progressed to a dangerous stage. Some common symptoms are:
  •     Pelvic pain or pain during intercourse
  •     Vaginal bleeding between menstrual periods
  •     Unusual vaginal discharge
  •     Longer and heavier menstrual periods
  •     Bleeding after the menopause
  •     Diagnosis

If detected in the early stages, cervical cancer can be successfully treated. Routine screening for precancerous changes in the cervix is ​​very important. The most important test for the early detection of cervical cancer is the Papanicolaou test (Pap smear). Thanks to Pap test screening, the death rate from this particular cancer has declined significantly over the last 50 years.

Cervical cells in the precancerous stage can be detected through an abnormal Pap smear tests. HPV screening test is another test to determine HPV infection. Diagnosis is made on the basis of colposcopy, biopsy and cone biopsy.

If you are diagnosed with cervical cancer, the stage of cancer is very important to decide on a treatment plan. Staging is done on the basis of imaging tests such as X-rays, MRI scans and CT scans and visual inspection of the bladder (cystoscopy) and rectum (Proctoscopy).

Cervical Cancer Treatment

In limited cases, noninvasive cancer, treatment focuses on removing the abnormal area of ​​the cervix cells. Noninvasive cancer can be removed with cone biopsy, laser surgery, hysterectomy, cryosurgery and Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP). No additional treatment is necessary for most women.

In the case of invasive cancer, more extensive treatment is needed. Treatment of cervical cancer depends on various factors such as the stage of cancer, other health problems and preferences of patients themselves. Different treatment options hysterectomy, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

You can minimize the risk of cervical cancer by taking a few precautions. First, you have to prevent HPV infection by avoiding contact with an infected person. You should get vaccinated against HPV.

Routine Pap test is the most effective way to detect cervical cancer at an early stage. Be sure to get it done regularly after the age of 21 ..

Survival chances

Five-year survival rate refers to the percentage of cancer patients, who live at least five years after the diagnosis of cancer. Many patients live longer than five years.

Five years to determine the level produced a standard way to discuss prognosis or outlook for survival. This survival rate is not a means to decide what will happen in certain patients after certain years.

The growth rate of the cancer, overall physical health, mental health is strong, treatment, response to treatment, cancer stage at diagnosis, how it has spread, will vary from woman to woman. Each cancer case is unique.

Survival of women diagnosed with cervical cancer is highly dependent on stage at diagnosis'. Life expectancy of cancer patients increases significantly when the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage or when the local form (cancerous growth limited to local areas only, limited to the cervix).

The survival rate for women at different stages of cancer would be different. Five-year survival rate for women diagnosed at this early stage is about 93%. Rate fell substantially when the cancer is diagnosed at a later stage.

Five-year survival rate of approximately 56% was observed in women diagnosed with cervical cancer at the regional stage, (the cancer has spread beyond the cervix into surrounding tissue, or into nearby lymph nodes). Women diagnosed at an advanced stage, when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, has a survival rate within five years of approximately 17%.
Natural Intake Through Diet

The following kinds of diet that works to prevent cervical cancer.

1. Aloe Vera juice
Aloe vera contains many vitamins and amino acids that help your liver in preventing toxins that can develop into carcinogens. You can drink 3 cups of aloe vera juice every day, preferably 30 minutes before meals.

2. Avocado fruit
Avocado is a fruit which is effective to prevent cervical cancer grows. In addition to balancing hormones, avocado fruit contains phytochemicals. Phytochemical potential to destroy precancerous cells without damaging normal cells you.

You are advised to eat an avocado every day. You can take a direct or presenting it in the form of juice.

3. Green tea
Green tea contains catechins, antioxidants that inactivate plasmin, the substance responsible for creating pathways to tumor blood vessels. The recommended dose is 240 milligrams. Green tea can be consumed three times a day.

4. Astragalus Capsules
Astragalus herb increases the production of interleukin-2 molecule that helps the immune system in the fight against cervical cancer-causing human papillomavirus (HPV).

The recommended dose is 1,000 milligrams and can be consumed three times a day. You can get these capsules in pharmacies.

5. Turmeric or Turmeric Tablets
In East India, this herb in value effective to prevent cervical cancer. Turmeric contains a powerful compound that activates the tumor protein 53 (p53), a protein that is responsible suppress cancer cells and help prevent cervical cancer. Add turmeric to your main dish every day.

Well, you could start a healthy diet is to avoid the risk of cervical cancer.

But, in addition to diet, to prevent cervical cancer is coming to attack, you also need to do a good habit. Of which is not permitted and faithful to their partners.
FAQ Cervical Cancer

FAQ Cervical Cancer

Every woman shall understand and know about cervical cancer cervix. Cancer cervix has claimed many lives of women around the world. Its presence in a vital part of a woman's body, sometimes making many women ashamed to see her let alone having to deal with a male doctor.

What Is Cervical Cancer Cervix?

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor of the cervix that grow on the cervix / cervix (the lowest part of the uterus is attached to the top of the vagina).

There are two types of cervical cancer, cervix, which is as follows.

    Cervical cancer cervical squamous cell carcinoma, which originated or derived from cells lining the cervical mucus membranes, particularly the border endocervical and ektoserviks.
    Cervical cancer, cervical adenocarcinoma, derived from epithelial cells endocervical mucus-producing glands.

Are there any signs that would be dangerous If It Regarding Cervical Cancer Cervical?

Cervical cancer cervix at an early stage often has no symptoms or signs typical. Patients with cervical cervical cancer is still able to perform daily activities, such as child care, washing, cooking or working in the office, in the factory, and so on. Sometimes some are experiencing symptoms of vaginal discharge or bleeding after intercourse.

Type Symptoms of Cervical Cancer Cervical?

    Increasingly whitish odorless.
    Bleeding touch (contact bleeding).
    In women who are still having menstrual bleeding in between menstrual cycles 2.
    In the post-menopausal women vaginal bleeding or spotting.
    In women over the age of 40 years bleeding very long, heavy, and often.

What about Cervical Cancer Symptoms Cervical in Advanced Stage?

- Decreased appetite, weight loss, fatigue.
- Pelvic pain, back or leg.
- From the vagina out of urine or feces.
- Broken bones (fractures) due to spread of cancer cells.

What Causes and Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer Cervical?

The main cause of cervical cancer is cervical infection with HPV (human papilloma virus). The risk factors for cervical cancer cervix is ​​as follows.

    The first sexual activity is less than 18 years (married young.)
    System resistance decreases.
    Many sexual partners.
    Bad hygiene.
    Infection: GO, syphilis, HIV / AIDS, chlamydia.
    Many children.

How to Diagnose Cervical Cancer Cervical?

    Hip examination
    Pap-Smear-also for early detection

The usual treatment is that the patient should continue to check the existence of the cervical cervical cancer, depending on the type and location of cancer. Because cervical cancer is cervical down enough to make the sufferer physically and mentally, then it is necessary for the patient's family to provide encouragement and support so people do not feel alone in the face of illness. Nutrition and proper nutrition is needed by the patient to the treatment process takes place smoothly.

Is There Any Way to Prevent Cervical Cancer and Cervical Early Detection?

To reduce the risk factors of cervical cancers in the cervix that can be done is as follows.

    Use condoms for high-risk groups
    Do not smoke
    Single-faithful spouse on spouse
    Reducing sexual activity
    Maintain cleanliness
    Healthy living behavior
    Anti-HPV vaccination

As for the early detection could by doing regular pap-smear.

Cervical Cervical Cancer - What Is a Pap-smear?

Pap-smear is a screening test (screening) to find changes in malignancy (cancer) / cervical precancer as early as possible. You do this by taking the cervical mucous membrane cells, and then sent to a pathology lab to be checked for any abnormalities or not. Pap-smear done when not needed medication or anesthesia.

Cervical Cancer Cervical - Why Must a Pap-smear?

    The incidence of cervical cancer in Indonesia is still high (numbers 1-2).
    In general, people come to the doctor (known to suffer from cancer) is in an advanced stage.
    Pap-smear done regularly can help find. Early changes in cervical cells before they become cancerous.
    Early changes (precancerous) can be treated easily, are when it became difficult to cancer treatment.

Cervical Cancer Cervical - Who Should Pap-smear?

    Women who are over 30 years old and already had sex.
    Though women are not sexually active, including those who have menopause, because the risk of cervical cancer increases with age.
    Women who underwent partial removal of the uterus or the cervix intact.

Cervical Cancer Cervical - Where Pap-smear Can Do?

    Maternity home
    Place practices obstetrics-gynecology specialists, general practitioners and midwives who have been trained
    Bureau of cancer consultation
    Pap-smear result is complete and can be taken approximately 1 week.

Vaccine for Cervical Cancer Cervical

Cervical cancer is a malignancy of the cervix most experienced women. As was mentioned earlier that 98% of the causes of cervical cancer is cervical Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Of a number of types of HPV, type 16 and type 18 is a major cause of cervical cancer cervix.

The HPV virus transmission through sexual intercourse in general. Based on the data obtained, about 500 thousand women die per year due to cervical cancer cervix. HPV genome consists of transcription elements (E1, 2,4,5,6,7) which has properties of oncogenes and L1 and L2 capsid which will form the immunogenic properties. HPV is classified into low-risk HPV (6, 11) and high risk (16, 18, 34, 35, 56, 58, 59, 73, and so on).

Potentially lead to high risk cervical cancer cervix because approximately 80% of HPV DNA found that the type 16 and type 18. Meanwhile, type 6 and type 11 cause warts (genital warts or condyloma accuminatum). The development of cervical cancer is cervical progressive nature, but HPV infection can occur in the early stages of spontaneous regression. Now, if a woman is exposed to infection by the HPV virus, vaccination is often used to prevent the development of cervical cancer cervix.

Cervical Cancer Cervical - Age How Vaccinations Begin?

Normally, a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer Cervical given to women aged 11-26 years. The following groupings.

    Age group 11-12 years 
    Age group 13-15 years 
    Age group 16-25 years 
    Age group 22-55 years.

Outside the earlier grouping, can be classified from women attending child health facility or obstetrics and gynecology. Meanwhile, checks the identification of DNA (hybrid capture) are not needed before vaccination for cervical cancer cervix.

Cervical Cancer Cervical - How much time Vaccination?

Vaccine for cervical cancer Cervical given in 0.1 and pad the sixth month. Women who have a history of HPV infection or precancerous lesions can be given even less effectiveness. Pregnant and lactating women are not advised to vaccinate. Vaccination is only aimed at the prevention of cervical cancer cervix is ​​not for treatment.

Where to get vaccinated? Vaccination for prevention of cervical cancer in the cervix can be done obstetricians, pediatricians (child age group), or can also be a general practitioner. For the cost of this vaccination can be quite expensive, which is 1 vaccination series (three injections, months 0, 1, and 6), will cost about 3 million more.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tattoos Benefits from Fashion to Health

tattoos health benefits

Tattoo Story

Tattoo comes from the Tahitian "tatu" which supposedly means sign. Although historical evidence tattoo is not so much, but the experts concluded that the tattoo art already existed since 12,000 years BC. Ancient tattoo ritual for ancient tribes like the Maori, Inca, Ainu, Polynesians, borneo etc.

Tattoo as Fashion Lifestyle

Even now tattoos have become accessories to some fans, not only among men on, now we are not strange anymore to see a woman having a tattoo, tattoos have become part of this fashion century.

Tattoo for Health Purpose - Benefits Tattoo For Diabetes Patients

tattoos health benefits

tattoos health benefits

A tattoo (tattoos) is no longer just a part of fashion or style but will be part of the people who have diabetes.

A research conducted by Drapers Laboratories have found a tattoo technology that facilitates For people with diabetes to control blood sugar in body.

By using ink which is called Nano-Ink, colors in the tattoo will change color to yellow when sugar levels already approaching the limit.

This tattoo technology would be more efficient, since people who have diabetes do not need to check blood sugar with regular sugar checker tool, quite often see existing tattoo image, when it changes color then stop eating foods that are too sweet.

Benefits of Bone Density Examination (densitometry)

Prevent Osteoporosis with Benefits of Bone Density Examination (densitometry)

If you are post-menopausal women or older men with risk factors such as glucocorticoid therapy, history of fractures by minor trauma, family history of hip fracture, low body mass index (<20 kg / m²), a history of smoking or heavy alcohol consumption, menopause Early on female or male hypogonadism, rheumatoid arthritis, malabsorption, liver disease or chronic kidney disease, you may need to do a bone density test. In fact, even if you were younger but want to perform special steps to prevent osteoporosis, you may well need it.

Examination to measure the bone mineral density is known as densitometry, appliance called a densitometer. Bone mineral density is determined by the amount of calcium and other bone minerals (in mg) were collected in each unit area (cm2) of the bone. The higher the mineral content, the more solid bone mass and the stronger your bones. The rapid development of medical technology has resulted in techniques of non-invasive technique for measuring bone mineral density.

Commonly, There are two ways to measure the bone mineral density by DEXA densitometer (Dual Energy X-ray absorptiometry) and ultrasound densitometer.

1. DEXA Scan

Benefits of Bone Density Examination (densitometry)

Benefits of Bone Density Examination (densitometry)

Spine and hips surrounded by soft tissue, including fat, muscle, blood vessels, and abdominal organs. DEXA densitometer allows us to measure bone mass was hidden by utilizing differences in attenuation of low energy X-rays and high energy by the bone mineral and soft tissue.

DEXA Scan or DEXA scan is the gold standard for diagnosis of osteoporosis because it provides a very high accuracy, reaching 98-99%. The test is performed by DEXA machine at risk of bone fractures due to osteoporosis. This section covers the lumbar spine is the lower back, part of the femur that joins the hip, spine and wrist forearm.

Scanning takes a few minutes, with no anesthesia, no injection, no pain, and only describe levels of radiation in limited (well below the levels of X-rays for chest x-rays). However, under the recommendations of the International Society of Clinical Densitometry (ISCD), with a DEXA scan to Skiring and diagnosis should be no more frequently than once every two years.

Portable version of this machine is sometimes used for bone density screening at clinics and health fairs, but as they only scan smaller bones, such as the heel or finger, the result is not as accurate as a standard DEXA machine.

Scanned image is used to calculate bone mineral density in mg/cm2, which is then compared with the bone density in the comparison group:

Value of T

T values ​​(T-score) is a unit number (standard deviation) in which bone density is above or below the bone mineral density of healthy young adults, regardless of race or gender memadang. If you are experiencing bone loss, a negative value of T you because you have a bone mineral density that is less than standard. Interpret the value of T is as follows:

T Value Meaning

-1 Above normal bone mass density.
Value between -1 and -2.5 indicates osteopenia sign, the condition in which bone density is below normal and may lead to osteoporosis.
Below -2.5 indicates osteoporosis bone mass density.

Each one-point decrease in the value of T indicates bone loss between 10 to 15 percent, which means to increase the risk of hip fracture 3 times and 2.5 times the fractured vertebra.

Your doctor may suggest a traditional X-ray X-rays to examine further if there is a fracture or broken bone. X-rays can not diagnose osteoporosis until a serious fracture occurs (over 30 percent).

Z values ​​(Z-Score)

Z value is the ratio of the number density of your bones with bone density in the reference group who have the same age and sex with you. Race and weight are sometimes also included. Z value is calculated according to the percentile, the percent of people in the population who have a lower bone density. 

Here is a complete list of Z values ​​and percentile. If you have a Z value of zero then you are in the 50% percentile. If your Z value is -0.84% ​​then 20 others have lower bone density than you. The larger the negative value of Z, the more brittle your bones.

2. Ultrasound densitometer

Benefits of Bone Density Examination (densitometry)
Densitometer with ultrasound (USG) is a new method for diagnosing osteoporosis. Scanning is done with a device that emits sound waves on the heels of the patient and takes about one minute. The device used is smaller and cheaper than traditional DEXA systems. 

Scan results are then used to calculate the bone mineral density, which is compared with the standard density in young adults to get the value of T. T values ​​below -2.5 indicates you have osteoporosis.

Because the measure bone density in the heel, ultrasound is not as accurate as DEXA densitometer which measures the spine or hip. However, with a negative predictive value of 95% is an effective tool for screening. If you get a negative result, then you should feel confident not have osteoporosis. 

If the result is positive, further testing with DEXA scans are required because the positive predictive value of only 27%. This device can save costs by preventing examination of DEXA scans are not necessary for you that are not at risk of osteoporosis. (DEXA scan can cost hundreds of thousands to over a million dollars).

Bone density tests can detect when you have low bone density but can not explain the cause. To answer these questions, you need a complete medical examination including medical history, physical examination and laboratory. This information can help your doctor interpret the results of a bone density test.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Often Orgasm Beneficial Make Intelligent Brain

The Benefits of Often Orgasm for Brain Health

The Benefits of Often Orgasm for Brain Health

Often Orgasm Beneficial Make Intelligent Brain

During past times, solves Sudoku or crossword puzzle is said could make the brain more intelligent, it often orgasm can also give a similar effect, according to new research.

"The sensation that is felt when orgasm increases the activity of the brain to all organs of the body, while playing Sudoku only activate parts of the brain alone," said neurologist, Barry Komisaruk.

During this time, also frequently referred orgasm can cure headaches and migraines. Because when it reaches a climax, the blood flow to the brain increased in size. So that the intake of nutrients and oxygen come and ease the pain increases.

Working Komisaruk at Rutgers University, New Jersey, is already doing research on female arousal since the 1960s. According to him, there are a lot of things behind female sexuality that needs to be unveiled.

"We all barely not understand what is enjoyable, especially how the brain do it," he said, as quoted by the Daily Mail.

Even so, Komisaruk reminded that each pair is not too focused to achieve pleasure, and eventually forget about comfort during lovemaking. After all, love yourself also provide many health benefits.

health benefits keeping a beard

The Benefits of Having Beard

The woman could be argued that the beard makes the man's face was neat and reduce the level of cleanliness. Though Beard was able to provide health benefits as well you know.

Here are the health benefits that can be obtained man who has a beard, as reported by Shine! (18/07).

health benefits keeping a beard

health benefits keeping a beard

1. Beard can Protect from sunlight
Research from the University of Southern Queensland suggests that the beard can prevent 90-95 percent of the sun's UV rays. This will slow down the aging process of skin da reduce the risk of skin cancer. The thicker beard in waja men, the higher the level of protection.

2. Beard Reduce asthma and allergy symptoms
For men who have allergies and asthma caused by dust, beard can be a filter and prevent the symptoms of asthma and allergies come.

3. Beard Reduce the signs of aging
By protecting the face from the sun, the beard can also reduce the symptoms of aging and make the face moist. Beard could protect the face from wind and cold air can make dry skin.

4. Beard Benefits preventing the flu
Thick beard that is under the chin to the neck will increase the temperature at the neck and prevent the flu, according to researchers from Birmingham Tichology Centre. Beard could act as a barrier to the cold air.

5. Beard Reduce infection
Let the beard and mustache elongated means you do not often do the shaving. Shaved his beard cause infections in areas of the face, but it can be reduced if you do not often shave his beard.

Five of the above are some of the benefits that can be obtained if you let the beard stays long. Who knows by knowing these benefits, the couple will let you have a beard.

Steam Cell Therapy for Healthy and Beauty

Healthy and Beauty with Stem Cell Therapy

Steam Cell Therapy for Healthy and Beauty

Stem Cell Therapy can now be done by anyone. This type of therapy is no longer just useful in the world of health, but also venturing into the world of aesthetics.

WORLD medicine continues to grow rapidly. Several years ago, storing umbilical cord shortly after birth had a conversation. 

Benefits that can be used to cure a variety of diseases that may be suffered by the baby as an adult, the main attraction at the same time 'thrust' because the storage costs are very expensive.

However, not many know that placenta storage is part of Stem Cell therapy. Now, this type of therapy can be used by adults, although not previously been storing umbilical cord. 

Even the use of Stem Cell is no longer the monopoly of the health part, but also venturing into the world of beauty or aesthetics. The cost is no more exorbitant.



Embryonic stem cell (Embryonic Stem Cell)
Stem Cell is obtained when individual development is still in an embryonic stage. Embryonic Stem Cell is the beginning of all cell types in the human body. Classified as a stem cell that is pluripotent.

Stem Cell adults (Adult Stem Cell)
Stem Cell found among the other cells that have been differentiated, in a network that has undergone maturation. In other words, adult stem cells are a group of undifferentiated cells, even sometimes found in an inactive state, on a network that has a specific function in the body of the individual. 

The existence of stem cells is thought to aim to maintain tissue homeostasis where he is. Based on existing scientific evidence, the ability of adult stem cell differentiation of multipotent classified.

What exactly is meant by system Stem Cell? How effective their use? The extent to which the application in the world of beauty and how this type of therapy work? To understand further, following an interview with Dr Agung Pranoto SpKK, skin specialists from RS Meilia Cibubur.

What is the method of Stem Cell?

Stem Cell method is an action to replace cells damaged, lost or diminished ability to stem cells that have the ability to turn into cells needed. There are two types of this kind of therapy, the Embryonic Stem Cell derived from umbilical cord stored moment the baby is born and some are Adult Stem Cell, taken from adult tissue, such as from bone marrow, peripheral blood, central nervous system, adipocytes (network fat), skeletal muscle and pancreas. Same point to health and later venturing into the world of beauty.

What are Stem Cell Benefits for health and what can be done?

TheStem Cell benefits is to replace cells that have been damaged. Its application can be used for cardiac surgery, bone, beauty, hair loss, wounds, and others. The system is also useful for treating diabetes, Parkinson's, stroke, and many more.

How steam cell therapy works and what can be done For the beauty purpose?
In the beauty world, Stem Cell therapy is very beneficial, Among for Anti-aging, remove wrinkles, whiten skin, remove acne and scars, remove scars, regenerate skin cells, moisturizes the skin, add the cheeks and forehead (filler), fill the shortage of parts of the face. even can also be used to provide nutrients for the skin, overcome strechmark, and hair loss.

Is the removal of tissue in adults painful?
Not! By using specific techniques that can be done by a specialist, taking untukk adult tissue stem cell therapy is not painful impact.

Are there any steam cell therapy side effects?
Not! According to the context in which it used the Stem Cell nucleus cells that can regenerate areas, then there are no side effects that arise from this type of treatment.

What kind of preparation to prepare the patient for steam cell therapy?
For beauty is relatively no preparation. General principle, patients will consult with specialist doctors, expressing the intention and purpose, then observations, after the action is done in a laboratory scale to obtain the cell nucleus.

How long to see results and how long the recovery after the steam cell therapy?
With one immediate action can be seen the results and does not require any down time (recovery). But it certainly depends also on the natural response of each individual or patient.

How much percent success rate?
There has been no specific research, because this technique is relatively new and somewhat continues to experience growth in the scientific aspects and knowledge.

How much the cost of steam cell therapy?
Price of steam cell therapy is relatively inexpensive, depending on the action taken, which is the key of this act of communication between doctor and patient course.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Powerful Benefits of Ice Cubes For Beauty

Healthy and Beauty Benefits of Ice Cubes For Beauty

Powerful Benefits of Ice Cubes For Beauty
Powerful Benefits of Ice Cubes For Beauty
Look beautiful is not necessarily the expensive treatments. Apparently a lot of natural ingredients that are easily found to have beauty benefits. One is an ice cube. Ice cubes can be a natural recipe for skin problems.

If the ice is usually always used to give a cold sensation in drinks. Try using ice cubes instead of beauty products with high prices and likely made from hard. As reported by, here's a few ice cubes to the beauty benefits:

Overcoming Acne
Ice cubes can be used as a natural remedy to overcome the problem of acne. Ice cubes can help neutralize skin areas with acne. Because of the cold ice cubes to help eliminate the oily glands of the face thereby reducing acne. The way is to massage the face with an ice cube before bed.

Reduce excess oil on the face
Ice cubes be the perfect solution to reduce oil glands in the face. By utilizing ice cubes on the face of excess oil production can be overcome. The trick, just wash your face with crushed ice. Do it once a week. This can help to keep the fat cells under control.

Shrink pores
For those of you who have problems with facial pores are dilated, ice cubes can be a natural recipes to shrink pores. Treatment is simple with ice cubes for 30 days is believed to be a powerful way. The trick is to simply wrap ice cubes in a cotton and gently massage on face and neck. Do this every night before bed.

Overcoming skin sunburn
Ice cubes can be a powerful solution to tackle skin sunburn. This recipe can naturally cool the burned skin. It's easy to make herb ice cubes were given rose water and use on sunburned skin area.

That's some of the benefits of ice cubes and how to apply it. It is very easy and does not need to be expensive to care for beauty. Good luck

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Halthy Benefits of Durian

Make Your Brain more Powerfull with Durian Benefits

When it comes to taste, there is no sensation that belies the taste of durian. Up in western reference point mentioned 'smells like hell, but tastes like heaven'. Westerners more fully describe by a British naturalist, Alfred Russel Wallace, who among other things said that the durian is a fruit as a pudding enriched with almond flavor, sometimes like a flavor of ice cream cheese, mixed with onion gravy, wine, and a variety of unique flavors. He also has a fluffier pieces of meat, and other flavor elements not grow unless further adds to the deliciousness.

Durian contains essential nutrients in higher amounts than other fruits. Until told by a writer from Thailand that `durian nutrition class 'five-star'. Among the important nutrients are vitamin B, vitamin C, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, riblofavin, omega 3 and 6. In addition it also contains a lot of durian phytonurient, polyphenols, phytosterols, antioxidants, organosulfur, and tryptophan. Besides, it is also common nutrients such as carbohydrates, unsaturated fat and protein

In traditional medicine in the record to say that the durian has benefits as body warmers, improve mental fitness and vitality enhancer men (aphrodisiac). For the latter there is the famous speech in Malaysia 'as durian starts to fall, then the gloves started to rise'. While modern research has found that specific substances in durian provide an important role in human health.

Phytonutrient for example, is a natural substance found in many durian too many fruits and vegetables. Although historians can be identified pelum gambling (intangible) but these substances are recognized benefits for health maintenance along with vitamins, minerals and fiber. Researchers from Ohio State University have even suggested that this substance is vitamin-vitamin future. Phytonutrient capable of disabling substances suspected to cause cancer, boost the immune system, prevent cataracts and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and hypertension.

Durian contains many antioxidants and polyphenols that are said to have a higher capacity than the antioxidant form of vitamin. While both types of durian has antioxidants, either vitamin (vitamin C) and non-vitamin. Generally mentioned on the content of vitamin C ranged from 22.9-107 durian, even from an analysis conducted found no durian Balitbu Tropical containing up to 200 mg/100 g of fruit flesh. This is the highest figure for the vitamin content of the fruit.

Phytosterol is also an important substance that contained a lot of durian. Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, School of Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo gives an account of the benefits of phytosterol substances, among other things: improve anti-tumor response in the body, improve resistance to cancer, and directly inhibit tumor growth.

Organosulfur substances is one of the important nutrients in the fruit durian. This substance is also found in many garlic. The benefit of this is to lower organosulfur cholesterol synthesis occurs in the liver cells, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-microbial (bacteria and fungi), a component of insulin to increase the uptake of glucose to produce energy, as well as organosulfur with thiamin and biotin to help maintain sugar metabolism and effective as a stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Equally important is the content of Tryptopan which is known to have the effect of 'feel good' for those who consume durian. This substance is one of the essential amino acids needed by the body to form serotonin, melatonin and niacin which can be used to prevent depression, anxiety, insomnia, stress, pain, etc..

Durian Nutritions

Durian Nutritions for Health

Facts durian benefits to human health have also been summarized by Professor. Dr.. Aminuddin AHK from the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kebangsaan Malaysia University, as follows.: Durian contains three natural sugars sucrose, fructose and glucose. Combined with fiber, durian is instant, sustained and provide a real energy boost for those who consume them.

Research shows that only the two pongge durian can provide energy for 90 minutes in the continuous employment. When compared to the Apples, the durian contains 4 times the protein, 2 times the carbohydrates, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and 2 times for the other vitamins and minerals.

With a rich nutrient content, consuming durian can maintain and prevent a number of diseases and maintain health Events, including:
  • Preventing Depression: According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people showed depressed, gain a better condition after eating durian. This is due to durian contains tryptophan, a type of amino acid that can change into serotonin in the body, to make the body more relaxed, improve mood, and generally make the feeling more happy.

  •  PMS (premenstrual syndrome): Vitamin B6 is contained durian regulate blood sugar levels which will improve your mood.

  • Prevent anemia (lack of blood): With high iron content, durian can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood that help people with anemia.

  • Pressing blood pressure: Durian contains very high potassium but low levels of salt, making perfect durian to suppress blood pressure. So that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has allowed the industry to submit durian official recognition of the ability of durian reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

  • Brain Power: 200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school has helped their exams by eating durian at breakfast, break, and lunch to boost their intelligence. Research shows that high-potassium fruits that can help students more attention / serious in the subject.

  • Launched CHAPTER: Because it contains high fiber, adding durian in the daily diet can help normalize the digestive process and launched BAB.

  • Motion sickness, fatigue: One of the quickest ways to deal with a hangover is to make a durian milkshake, with a mixture of honey. Durian will soothe the stomach, the honey will raise blood sugar levels, while the milk going to rehydration of the body system.

  • Relieves gastric pain: Durian has a natural antacid effect in the body, if you experience abdominal pain, try eating durian to ease it.

  • Avoid nausea (Morning Sickness): Eating durian among staple foods help keep blood sugar levels and menghndari morning sickness.

  • Reduce the itching from mosquito bites: Before you use the insect bite cream, try rubbing the skin that once bitten by a mosquito with the inside of the durian skin. Many people find this as an incredible way and managed to reduce the bumps and itching caused by mosquito bites.

  • Improve nervous system: Durian contains high vitamin B that can help improve your nervous system.

  • Control diet for overweight people: Study at the Institute of Psychology in Austria shows that the pressure of work encouraging people eating and snacking. The results of the study concluded that to avoid snacking due to stress, we need to eat foods that are high carbohydrate every 2 hours to maintain stability. Durian is a fruit carbohydrate levels of 20% to 39%.

  • Inflammation of the digestive tract: Durian can be used as a preventive food cause intestinal illness and a soft textured soft durian. Durian is the only fresh fruit that can be eaten directly on cases that have been chronic. Durian also neutralize excess acid and reduces irritation by coating the stomach wall.

  • Temperature controller: It is very contrary to our beliefs. Apparently a lot of other peoples cultures regard as a durian fruit 'cooling' which can lower the temperature for pregnant women. For example in Holand, pregnant women were told to eat durian to ensure that their baby will be born with the temperature of the 'cool'.

  • Help to stop smoking: Durian can also help people trying to quit smoking, because it contains vitamin B6, B12, potassium and magnesium which help the body resist the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

  • Preventing stress: Potassium is one of the vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain, and regulate the water balance in the body. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate increases, thereby reducing potassium levels. It can be in balance again by eating durian containing high potassium.

  • Reduce the risk of stroke: According to research in The New England Journal of Medicine states that eating durian as part of the daily menu can decimate the risk of death from stroke by 40%.

  • Drug injury: Durian is also an alternative for wound healing. Take some durian paste on the wound and then bandage or dressing.

But what about the rumors that have been developed and how to eat durian that can truly benefit the health of members? Negative cases that occurred during this relates to the durian is due to over eating durian in energy because the excessive portion. If the energy is not channeled, it will cause disruption of the balance of the body resulting colapse. 

So it is suggested that eating durian is quite 100-200 grams each meal. Also to be considered in order to eat durian is not mixed with alcohol and avoid eating durian at bedtime.