Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Beneficial Caffeine Prevent Fatty Liver

The Benefits of Caffeine to Prevent Fatty Liver

Exciting news for those who are used to sipping coffee or tea every day. It turned this positive habits contribute to health care, according to recent study from a team of international researchers DUKE-NUS Graduate Medical School and Duke University School of Medicine, USA.

The research team found that increased intake of caffeine can reduce fatty liver disease in people who suffer from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), or a disease closely associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia.

By using cell culture and mouse models that were conditioned with high-fat diet, a study led by Paul Yen, MD is observing the effects of caffeine on the metabolism of fat in the liver. As a result, regular caffeine intake canreduce the risk of the formation of fatty deposits in the liver.  

Although the tests conducted in mice, the results ofthis study also claimedeffect on the human heart. With dose adjustments, is estimated dose of caffeinethat can providea similar effect in humans is about 4 cups of tea or coffee every day.

"Coffee and tea are very commonly consumed, and note that both of them had a therapeutic effect, especiallysince it is often called is not good for the health, of course, very encouraging," said Yen

This finding, according to the Yencould be developedsimilar to drug discovery that caffeine does nothave side effects such as caffeine fortherapeutic purposes. Yen also expect these findings to be a starting point to examine thefull benefits of caffeineis associated withtherapy.

Results of this study are published in the Hepatology journal.

Make Love in This 5 Time for Easily Orgasm

Sexual satisfaction is not only influenced by the place where you do it. But there are certain moments that also affect the level of satisfaction in sex.

Dr. Laura Berman explains that the couple can reach orgasm in intercourse will get an experience of extraordinary love, which can strengthen the bond between couples.

Here are 5 best time to get satisfaction and pleasure in sex.

1. Morning
Male body produce more testosterone can increase sexual desire and male fertility, so the more excited during sex.

Richard Longhurst, a sex expert at the U.S. said that the sun can make the mood to be more warm and cheerful, and can bring the passion for sex. Several previous studies also mentioned that the chances of the sperm to fertilize an egg bigger when having sex in the morning, because men's testosterone production reaches its peak.

2. Weekend
This moment became the most special moment for couples who are both busy. Try to decorate the rooms to be more comfortable and romantic. Put candles and aroma therapy at the end of the room to increase the sex drive. Play romantic music and nyamankan yourself with each kiss and fondle each other.

3. A day before menstruation
Laurie Watson sex therapist and author of "Wanting Sex Again" states "When the accumulation of blood adds to the load on your uterus, contractions may be more pronounced when the labial and clitoral orgasms and tend to be more sensitive. Try doing a sexual relationship even though you are so easily annoyed (because PMS) and uncomfortable, because sex can make a happier mood. "

Another study revealed that the abdominal pain experienced when menstruation can be mitigated by way of lovemaking. This is because orgasm triggers contractions that deal with pain. Plus the emergence of the hormone oxytocin, which is produced when sex is considered instrumental reduce abdominal pain.

4. Year-End holiday
Just like the moment in Sunday's final, year-end holidays will give you peace and comfort during sex. In fact, you have more time for romance and sex.

"When there's a lot of pressure of work and you have plenty of time to solo, it's easier to get a moment longer lovemaking. No need to rush. Teased her husband in the morning with intimate whisper in the ear, followed by an intense eye contact during lunch. "Said Terence Watts a psychosexual expert.

5. After Exercise
A study conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Forida found that people who diligently exercising will feel confidence despite not getting into shape. Confidence is what will make a person more expressive in love. In fact it is claimed to make you dare to have sex in a state of light.

So, you think when the best time?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Broccoli Beneficial To Prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis

The Benefits of Broccoli to Prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that usually affects women. This disease can be caused due to a penchant for women use high heels. Arthritis is a disease in which the joints become inflamed. The symptoms are joint stiffness, pain and swelling. To prevent this joint disease with natural way is to diligently consume broccoli.
Green vegetables is not only good to help the diet. But also can prevent arthritis and arthritis that often haunt women. Reporting from Time nutritionists expressed about the benefits of broccoli are rich in vitamin A, B, K and C as well as nutrients such as potassium, zinc, and fiber that are needed by the joints. Besides green vegetables also contain sulfur compounds that can filter out carcinogens or substances that trigger tumors.

According to recent research, published in the journal Arthritis And Rheumatism, showed that these substances also can fight joint inflammation, which can also lead to osteoarthritis disease. According to experts the sulfur compounds found in broccoli can inhibit the formation of enzymes that contribute to inflammation of the cartilage.

Well readers, prevention is better than cure. For those of you who like to use high heels or want to reduce your risk of arthritis, so let consume broccoli. Besides broccoli is also useful to prevent various chronic diseases.

Monday, September 09, 2013

Avoid Breast Cancer; Doctor Advise

Dr. Susan Love, founder of the Susan Love Research Foundation in Santa Monica, California to give a little advice for women to avoid the threat of breast cancer.

5 Doctor Advise to Avoid Breast Cancer

1. Always exercise
No need to wait for sick or overweight to exercise. Make sure that every day you have time to exercise and maintain a BMI under the number 25. Turned out to factors of obesity also increases the risk of breast cancer, especially if his immune system is weak.

80 % of breast cancer cases occur spontaneously, without any relationship to the family tree. So he's like a disease that is being terrorized by random women. You may never have a family history of breast cancer, but you have to stay alert and cautious. Prevention is the first step to a sport that should not take you long.

2 Keeping food intake
You must intelligently choose what food goes into your stomach. Not only choose foods that are feel-good, know what nutrients it contains, and whether the benefits to the body. If after all the food was only good to eat but not useful, why should be bought ? It could be he will only lead to health problems in the body, right?

Prevent cancer, eat healthy foods rich with antioxidant, which can be obtained from fruits and vegetables.

3. Use a 5-year contraceptive
Advised by doctors Jacqueline Miller from Atlanta to replace contraception once every 5 years. Breast cancer is strongly influenced by the hormone estrogen, which, if the amount is too high, it may help the development of cancer cells.

4. Deodorants do not cause breast cancer
Causes of breast cancer today is a bad lifestyle. So, rumors about deodorant that can trigger breast cancer is a myth.

Problems that could occur due to irritation caused by deodorant is incompatible materials to the skin.

5. Breast cancer is not an emergency
No need too panic when you are convicted of breast cancer. Though dangerous, breast cancer is not the case of an emergency that requires the second relief well.

You should do some research so that details could be considered an alternative treatment is best for you. It is recommended to ask for a second opinion to make sure the condition of your illness.

Saturday, September 07, 2013

healthy and beauty inside and outside

The Benefits of Consume Orange Juice Daily for Health and beauty

daily Orange Juice benefits

daily Orange Juice benefits

Want to look beautiful? Do not need expensive and luxurious treatments. Drink a glass of orange juice every day. This method can improve the health of skin, hair, and nails.

These benefits were obtained because oranges contain vitamin C, potassium, and folic acid as Quoted from page Times of India.

Vitamin C is an essential substance in producing collagen along with other nutrients, lutein. Yellow pigment contained in citrus is also associated with a decrease in the induction of skin damage caused by sunlight. This pigment is also believed to improve skin elasticity.

A glass of orange juice contains 200 milliliter contains 60 milligrams of vitamin C. This is equivalent to 100 percent of the recommended daily intake of nutrition experts. "The saying 'you are what you eat' is not new. But science has lagged behind in estimating the influence of nutrition on skin, hair, and nails, "says nutrition expert Amanda Ursell.

In a study conducted on 200 beauty industry workers who are members of the Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW) recently, 65 percent of them recommend the client to consume a glass of orange juice every day as part of a regular beauty treatments.

"Essential nutrients you need for healthy skin, hair, and nails are very beneficial when consumed as part of your diet," said Susan Mahy, of the Board of Directors of Cosmetic Executive Women, England.

He added that the executive panel in the beauty industry, fragrances, and hair styling concluded that orange juice has a direct effect on the skin.

A glass of orange juice contains 200 milliliter contains 60 milligrams of vitamin C. This is equivalent to 100 percent of the recommended daily intake of nutrition experts.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Toe Ring Health Benefits

Toe Ring Health Benefits

In India, as reported by Boldsky, story that the toe ring has a lot of tradition and relationship with health. Generally there, even wedding rings worn on both feet, at the foot of the index finger.

This tradition reportedly had been there since the first Ramayana legend. That said, Shinta throwing her wedding ring in the area of ​​Sri Lanka when kidnapped by Ravana, so he can find it.

Now, it's just some people are still running the tradition. Even if there are still doing it, it was not only limited to wedding traditions run.

According to the Indian, wearing a toe ring has many health benefits, especially in terms of female fertility. The following are the health benefits that can be gleaned when women wear toe rings.

Make Menstruation smoothly
The first reason India women wear toe rings after marriage is for smooth menstruation. Indeed, there are no studies that may explain the association with menstruation toe rings. But researchers estimate there are nerve points pressed while wearing toe rings, which can help make menstrual so regularly and smoothly.

With the activity and high stress, menstruation is generally so distracted. There is no harm if you try it this way, isn't it?

the balance of the uterus
In order uterus balanced and healthy, you are advised to wear toe rings on both feet forefinger. Nerve points should be pressed them together so balanced. The nerves associated with the uterus and also the heart.

Wear toe rings on both feet will help keep the uterus and reproductive fertility.

Good energy conductor
Indian ladies toe rings are made of silver, where silver is a good conductor of energy. So when you walk away, the silver material will channel good energy from the ground, and transferred to your body.

According to Ayurveda, it is good to put some metal in the body for energy to be balanced.
Ooh, so it turns out that yes the reason Indian women wear toe rings. So not just a reason to make it more stylish fashion, but also to carry on the tradition and maintain health.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Health Indicators of Woman Genital Organ

Health Indicators of Woman Genital Organ

Compared to male genitals, vagina in women is more often problematic because it lies within. If cleanliness is not really well maintained, disorders such as itching, odor and vaginal discharge often occurs.

Unfortunately, many women are embarrassed to ask when he sees something wrong with the genitals. To solve the problem the following indicators to examine the state of the vagina itself.

4 Health Indicators of Woman Genital Organ

1. Humidity levels
"It's easy, put your little finger into the vagina surface and touch the walls of your vagina. Feel humidity. Such is approximately normal vaginal moisture, " said dr. Ryan Thamrin, specialist genitals doctor.

Moisture can be reduced due to several things including menopause. When the humidity is reduced, does not need too problematic, unless you feel this situation disturbing your intimate relationship with your partner. The solution, among others, use of lubricants ( artificial lubricant ), consumption of soy products and vitamin E.

2. Odor
Normally vagina does not smell, but when they appear odor like rancid odor, there may have been fungal and bacterial infections.

3. Normal mucus
Whether normal or mucus discharge from the vagina can be seen from the color and viscosity. Normally, mucus translucent color and viscosity such as baby oil or egg white. Usually occurs before the fertile period and in the fertile period.

If the color is white and more concentrated as body lotion, is relatively normal as usually happens after ovulation or fertile period ends or when sexually stimulated.

4. Abnormal mucus
Abnormal condition is when the fluid that comes out thick and the color is yellowish, greenish, or brown, because there has been inflammation and bacterial and fungal infections.

Causes include use of antibiotics in a long time, so that the normal flora balance disturbed. It could also be because the immune system is not working properly, the use of birth control pills, or unhealthy sex.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Health Benefits of Thermogenic Foods; lose weight

Lose Weight with Thermogenic Foods Benefits

Actually it's easy if you want to lose weight. Consumption of foods lower calories than your body burn, you can lose weight.

There are some foods that can help burn fat, this is called thermogenic foods. Thermogenic foods can help burn more calories, explains Tara Gidus, a dietitian for the Orlando Magic basketball team.

What kind of food is thermogenic? Ellen Kamhi, author of Weight Loss: The Alternative Medicine Guide explains that the fat burning foods have three characteristics, it contains protein, good fats, and high in fiber. "Foods that increase the burning of fat for energy needed to process large when digested," he said.


This is the 6th most fat burning foods.

Lean meat
Consuming lean meats will make you feel full longer. Meat is rich in protein so it takes a lot of energy to process. If the body needs to break down proteins contained in meat, meaning it takes more calories to burn.

green tea
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that drinking four cups of green tea every day will make weight reduced up to 6 pounds in 8 weeks. That makes green tea so effective is the content of EGCG, an antioxidant fat burner.

Many will not eat avocados because of the high calories, but rich avocado monounsaturated fat and high in fiber which can burn more fat.

Raw Almond
A handful of almonds contains protein, good fats and fiber. Giving a sense of satiety for longer and help burn fat three times faster.

cayenne pepper
Add a spicy flavor in a dish of chili or cayenne pepper can increase the body's ability to burn fat. Thanks to capsaicin, the chemical in peppers can increase metabolism.

Caffeine is also able to make your metabolism work faster. This is because caffeine can make the process of fat digestion or liposis. One or two cups of coffee per day is recommended for you.

Monday, September 02, 2013

healthy benefits of Inhaled steroids

Inhaled steroids are one type of treatment that is intended for people with asthma. This treatment contains many substances that are useful to relieve your asthma. Although the use of this treatment doesn't completely remove of asthma, asthma remains on your body, this treatment could very least minimize the recurrence of asthma you have.

Some of the effects you can get by doing this regularly treatment is reduced asthma symptoms that often arise in you, in addition, you can use this tool to control your asthma. Controlled asthma will no longer interfere with your daily activities.

There are several benefits of using inhaled steroids, as reported in, that you can feel if you are using this type of asthma treatment regularly. The first benefit is to reduce the frequency of your asthma relapse. It is certainly very encouraging because the burden of asthma you can decline.

The second benefit is to improve lung function. As you well know many people, asthma occurs due to inhibition of the flow of air that flows from and to the lungs or in other words, lung function and air flow to pump less than the maximum. Now, you do not have to worry anymore because inhaled steroids may improve the lung function.

The third benefit is to reduce the frequency you to stay in the hospital because of your asthma relapse more severe than usual. This is because, your asthma has become more controlled on inhaled steroids these services.