Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Benefits of Lullabies; Accelerate Baby Healing

Every parent would always want the best for their children, not the exception for treatment. Because of this, most parents are skeptical of pain medication for their babies and seek alternatives.

One easy and effective way to relieve pain recently discovered by a study of the origin of Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) in London. According to the study,"lulling or lullabies"is the most effective prescription to relieve pain, reduce heart rate, and anxiety in infants.

Study researcher, Dr Nick Pickett, said parents had always been singing to her child. By instinct, they know it can soothe their babies."Nevertheless, there is no scientific evidence that supports the truth of the matter,"he said.

Pickett and his team conducted experiments on 37 infants and toddlers who were treated at GOSH aged 7 months to 4 years. They were treated for cardiac or respiratory disorders.

Then, the researchers divided the participants into three groups. The first group played the song"lullabies", the other group read the story, or did not get any treatment. The third treatment is performed for 10 minutes.

Furthermore, a team of researchers measured heart rate and pain level of the participants. They found that the group treated lullabies song most significant change, the heart rate decreased on average from 134.1 to 128.7, and the pain level dropped from 6.21 to 5.64.

Meanwhile, in the other group, no significant decrease. The researchers also found, the song sung by direct effect is more noticeable than the recorded music.

"Facial expressions and visual stimulation for"lulling"also has an important role to add to the effect,"said Pickett.

The researchers assert that parents avoid giving pain reliever for infants less than three months without first consulting with your pediatrician.

Monday, November 04, 2013

11 Facts About Human Immune System

Immune system or the human immune useful as a protector, who will fight any disease, whether from viruses, bacteria, parasites or damage caused by injury. The immune system recognizes every state in the body.

Every body recognizes the existence of"intruders", then he will issue a"troops", ie white blood cells, in order to destroy the intruder. There are 11 shocking facts of the body's immune system.

As report by LiveScience, following the eleventh facts :

1. There are some people whose immune systems are low
In a 1976 movie,"The Boy in the Plastic Bubble, describes a person who should be in a sterile environment, because the body is not able to fight the virus. Thing that is real, because there are 1 out of every 100,000 births with a low immune system. A the only treatment is a bone marrow transplant.

2. Believers disease causes fluid imbalance

Germ theory of disease states that microorganisms cause several diseases, very famous in the 19th century. And the theory is to survive until the germ theory. But basically, the human body, there are four liquids, namely : blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. The deficiency or excess fluid, can cause defects.

3. Immunity known since 2000 years ago
The vaccine was developed around the 18th century, but before that the people already know the importance of vaccination. Such records in the history of plague that hit Athens 430 BC, they realize that the people who have been exposed to smallpox will not be affected for the second time.

4. Symptoms of the disease is often the effect of working immune system.
We often hear that the cause of the pain is due to a virus, bacteria or parasites, but not entirely true. Sometimes we experience pain, caused at work in the body's immune system. Giving rise to discomfort in the body.

5. The immune system becomes vulnerable due to lack of rest
The immune system is essential to ward off colds, flu and another disease. However in recent research suggests that lack of sleep can lead to a reduction of T-cells. Who will respond to any pests that attack.

6. Milk helps the development of vaccine the first time
In the 1700s, there practice in the west in treating smallpox patients that can lead to death. But thanks to kids 8 years working in dairies are exposed to smallpox and recovered, successfully developed a vaccine with the help of cow's milk.

7. Autoimmune mostly affects women
Is an autoimmune disorder where the body's natural defenses become more active. Even the white blood cells invade normal tissue, as if they were foreign objects. About 5 to 8 percent of Americans experiencing autoimmune, and 78 percent are women.

8. Intestinal bacteria are key immune
The human body is home to trillions of bacteria. In the human gut, there are a lot of good microbes will synthesize vitamin B and K. In addition, these good microbes also helps the immune system in various ways.

9. Sunlight affects the immune system
For decades, researchers acknowledge that exposure to ultraviolet light, can suppress the body's response to bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. To suppress exposure to sunlight, UVR dose required approximately 30 to 50 percent. However, the body needs sunlight to produce vitamin D.

10. The percentage of white blood cells are very small
Immune system to work every day, but the"army"( white blood cells ) occupies only a small part of our blood. But in every microliter, there are about 5,000-10,000 white blood cells, which always protects the body.

11. Sea stars have an ancient immune system
There are two immune systems, the innate and adaptive immunity. The innate immune system, composed of cells and proteins. And the adaptive immune system, there are as acts of resistance, such as those found in starfish. These animals did not evolve since 500 million years ago.

Benefits of Breakfast with Oatmeal

Oatmeal is often referred to as one of the compulsory consumption of healthy breakfast menu. Why ? Consider the reasons and other interesting facts about the oatmeal more as reported by the Health following.

Top 7 Benefits of Oatmeal Breakfast

Oatmeal is made from whole wheat
Whole grains are the best sources of fiber are needed by the body. Healthy food is then processed into nutrient-rich oatmeal increasingly important with the addition of other ingredients.

Oatmeal lowers cholesterol
Eating oatmeal is one easy way to lower cholesterol. This is because the fiber content in oatmeal is well proven through research is able to lower the bad cholesterol in the body.

Oatmeal has antioxidant
Antioxidants are compounds that are essential for the body. When most people think of antioxidants can be obtained from fruits and vegetables alone, it is also an antioxidant found in oatmeal.

Oatmeal against inflammation
Chronic inflammation is the cause of the early emergence of a variety of health problems, including obesity, cancer, and heart disease. However, the consumption of oatmeal, inflammation can be fought and reduced health risks afford.

Oatmeal is very filling
Fiber and complex carbohydrates in oatmeal is the ultimate recipe for a full stomach to withstand the lunch hour arrived. Breakfast is oatmeal is also able to provide energy for the body to move.

Oatmeal is heart healthy
There have been many studies that prove that oatmeal can reduce the risk of heart disease. Because fiber is automatically lowers cholesterol can reduce the risk of disruption of the blood vessels that leads to heart disease.

Oatmeal prevent cancer
A health associations recommend that the body be given adequate fiber intake to reduce the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer. It can be done by eating oatmeal.

That's the interesting facts and health benefits eating oatmeal. Did you also include healthy food connoisseur ?

Avoid this habit get healthy eyes

healthy eyes benefits

There is a proverb that says eyes are the windows to the heart. Not only is it eye is also a reflection of our health and emotional well.

Maintain eye health can give your face look healthy and fresh. Here are some tips to maintain eye health as reported by magforwomen.

Top 5 habits to avoid to get healthy eyes

1. Do not Rubbed your eyes
If your eyes itch, do not immediately rush rubbed your eyes. Your hands may not be clean, can contain germs that can hurt the eyes. Should expose it to water or eye drops in your eyes.

2. Rest your eyes
If you are facing the computer for too long your eyes would be sore. Do not force your eyes to constantly work. Rest your eyes for a few minutes to avoid pain.

3. Expand the vegetables, fruit and fish
In addition to protection from the outside, you should protect it from the inside by eating nutritious foods and are rich in vitamin A.

4. Perform regular eye tests
It never hurts to get your eye test regularly. This can help diagnose and prevent eye conditions such as cataracts, macular degeneration and glaucoma.

5. Replace contact lens regularly
If you use contact lenses, then you have to replace it on a regular basis. You can not wear them for a full year. Additionally keep your contact lenses in order not to tarnish your eyes.

Regardless of your age, eye health is very important to be maintained.

Sunday, November 03, 2013

4 Things to avoid at breakfast

Avoid this 4 things at breakfast
Avoid this 4 things at breakfast
Breakfast is one of the important meals of the day. Be important early breakfast to start your day. Therefore,

To get a quality breakfast, there are 4 things you should notice as quoted by Indiatimes following.

Avoid making fruit juice
When you blend the fruit juice to be, most of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber contained in the fruit will be lost. Therefore you should eat fruit intact.

for you who often assume that breakfast will actually make more fat, you should blot out these assumptions.
Small portions
In order to maintain your weight, you also choose to have breakfast with small portions. But instead of satiety, you are still feeling hungry.

Excessive Caffeine consumption
A cup of coffee or tea can help improve your mood and spirit. But limit your intake of caffeine in order not to endanger your health.

Unhealthy breakfast

Practicality be your reason to prepare breakfast menu with a menu that instant but unhealthy. Yet once again, breakfast is an important meal hours. Make healthy menu like a plate of sliced ​​fruit or a cup of oatmeal. Heavy diet will actually make you weak and drowsiness.

The breakfast is one way to help energize you in the morning. Therefore fill your breakfast menu with a healthy thing for you to feel fit throughout the day.

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Health benefits of lemon and honey

Have you heard the efficacy of a combination of honey and lemon juice? The combination of the two produces a sweet refreshment, but also to restore power after a long daily hard work.

Reportedly this healthy beverage consumed daily and effectively cope with a variety of things, one of which is to balance the weight. But, that's not only benefit of lemon and honey?

There are several benefits that you can pick through the herb lemon and honey, as follows:

Helps heal digestive problems
Do not think that sour taste of lemon is not good for digestion. Instead of lemon and honey is able to blend into a natural remedy for those who suffer from digestive problems.

Natural Detox
Require natural detox? Well, this is the most appropriate beverage. In addition to helping you lose weight effectively. This juice also make your skin more clean and glowing. You can serve it cold or warm to suit your taste.

Prevent kidney disease
Kidney diseases are caused various things, one of which is the lack of drinking water, excessive calcium in the body, holding urination. Gradually crust occurs in the kidney that usually causes the pain of kidney stones. Overcome this problem, you can do therapy with lemon and honey drink water. Lemon will help to remove excess calcium through urine. However, make sure you consume enough water, at least 1-2 liters a day.

Cure a sore throat
If you have a sore throat and felt the problem would cough, rapid drinking better blend of lemon juice and honey. Honey itself contains an ingredient that can kill the bad bacteria causing sore throat or flu. While the hot water and lemon can help clear the throat of mucus.

Against colon cancer
Honey is a good antioxidant that can prevent the formation of tumors in the body. By eating honey on a regular basis, then you can prevent the formation of cancer in the colon.

Friday, November 01, 2013

Take advantage of Cabbage as Anticancer medicine

Cabbage is not just ordinary vegetables. In addition to delicious cooked and made fresh vegetable, cabbage leaves can also be used for prevent or cure various diseases because the content in it is good for the body.

Cabbage Vegetable plants from Asia and the Mediterranean is readily available in the market, even the price is quite affordable. Fresh cabbage contain lots of vitamins (A, aB , C, and E). High content of Vitamin C to prevent scurvy (acute sprue). Contained many minerals are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron. Fresh cabbage also contains a number of compounds that stimulate the formation of glutathione, a substance required for disabling toxic substances in the human body.

Here are some health benefits that can be drawn from the cabbage :

Cabbage for Anti- inflammation and boost immunity
Animo acid contained glutamine can help some types of inflammation. As well as the content of vitamin C, which can help strengthen the body and fight free radicals.

Cabbage to prevent cataracts
The content of beta - carotene can be used to protect the eyes from cataract risk.

Cabbage benefits to Lose weight
Cabbage can be selected as a vegetable to support diet or to lose weight. In two gengam cooked cabbage contains only 33 calories. That's the reason why people who are on a diet are encouraged to eat cabbage, because in addition to filling vegetables, cabbage consumption that many will not change or increase weight

Cabbage as Anti Carcinogenic
Cabbage has a compound called sulforaphane that protects cells from carcinogenic attack. Cabbage helps treat cancer of the colon, stomach, lung, breast and ovarian.

Monday, October 28, 2013

do not lie down at least 2 hours after eating

do not lie down at least 2 hours after eating

After eat or consumming food is usually a big plus desire to sleep, or at least some direct lie down. You should not make this a habit again. At least, avoid sleeping position within two hours after eating.

Medicine specialists Doctor. Ari Fahrial SpPD - KGEH, MMB, FINASIM, P.hd, FACP suggested body should remain in an upright position for at least 30 degrees even though drowsiness attack. To ensure the upright position, use the backrest.

Ari said, actually this condition by gravity. Sleeping position will automatically open the hull valve. While the upright position ensures hull valve remains closed.

"When the stomach on sleeping position valve will open, as a result of stomach acid out and meet the upper body. Fact gastric acid is needed to process the food consumed," he said at the seminar lay Chest Pain, Symptoms of Stomach Acid, Saturday (26/10/ 2013).

Ari explained after eating should not be in a position to sleep for about two hours. Therefore, during the time of the stomach in full condition. At the same time the hull is in the stage of preparing food. Facilitate sleep position and acid stomach contents up the esophagus out.

Ari further advised to set the time between meals is not too late. This is to prevent drowsiness attack when eating was too late. Types of dishes at dinner also should not consist of red meat, chocolate, or cheese potentially debilitating stomach valve.

Weak stomach valve which lead to disease Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). GERD disease, Ari added, actually a disease due to poor lifestyle. This disease is caused by the consumption patterns of plant and animal that is not balanced, eat often too late, or too much caffeine consumption. This disease must be avoided.

"Balance the consumption of vegetables, fruits, meat, caffeine, and alcohol. Besides eating habit on time so as not to consume an excessive, which would be bad for digestion especially the stomach valve," said Ari.

High dose vitamin C Trigger Cancer Risk?

Consumption of vitamin supplements in food or pills as long as it is believed to increase endurance. Not surprisingly, most people consume a lot of supplements in the hope of staying healthy body.

But the assumption that many supplements will give more advantage seems to be thrown away. Research shows that men who consumed more high -dose vitamin C supplementation increased risk of developing prostate cancer. The researchers said the increased risk ranged up to 30 percent.

The findings of the scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, U.S. and University of Oslo Norway is not the first to warn the risk of excessive vitamin. Researchers linking high doses of vitamin C with increased risk of mortality and prostate cancer.

This research also involves 48 thousand men aged 40-75 years during 1986 to 2008. Every 4 years, the respondents completed a questionnaire designed to record their eating habits. Researchers followed them to see which one is more likely to experience prostate cancer.

The results, published in the International Journal of Cancer that showed antioxidant intake from food or pills, do not reduce or increase the risk of tumors. Antioxidants can fight the tumor process called oxidation. It is this process that destroys the tumor cells.

It is important to note that men who consumed the most antioxidants from vitamin pills 28 percent higher risk of developing prostate cancer than those who consumed little or no supplements at all.

Those who drank the most vitamin supplements are also at risk about 15 percent higher advanced prostate cancer. These tumors can quickly spread to other organs and reduces the chance of survival.

According to researchers, this study confirms that the intake of high amounts of antioxidants are associated with increased risk of lethal prostate cancer and quickly spread.

"Contributors primarily vitamin C. These findings further research to be a reference,"they said.

But the researchers said, until more research is done they are not sure whether vitamin supplements actually cause cancer.

Dr Carrie Ruxton of the Health Supplements Information Service in the United Kingdom expressed a different opinion. According to him, he is very likely to experience symptoms of prostate cancer terkair or weakness long before being diagnosed.

"Cancer has nothing to do with the consumption of supplements," he said.

Consumption of high doses of vitamins are popular lately. Stores sellers can sell supplements vitamin C tablet dose of 1,000 milligrams. Though the body only needs 40 milligrams in order to quickly recover and stay healthy.