Tuesday, December 10, 2013

3 Bad Habits in Exercise

Health and fit is not just owned, but is the result of a healthy lifestyle including regular exercise run. Running regular exercise is actually not a difficult thing. Small changes in daily habits can have an adverse impact overall health.

Well, to start a change to a more regular exercise, try to consider our current habits will try to do the exercise. Are we still doing the bad habits that are detrimental to health ?

Here are three bad habits that need to be removed in order to obtain a more healthy lifestyle, especially for a running exercise routine.

1. Exercising only if mood
Tired after a return to work is often used as an excuse to be lazy to exercise. In fact, the more often we do something, the more we liked it. That is beginning to make a healthy habit.

The more we thought tired to start doing something, the more tired we are. Even in a study in Psychology Bulletin, researchers found that more than 90 percent of participants who undertake regular exercise program reported improvements in their ability to focus and fight fatigue. That is, should not the reason we are tired of not exercising, because exercise can actually repel tired.

2. Forgetting weekend
Most people who have a healthy life to make the weekend as their cheat day. Although the cheat day is still needed to pep leading a healthy lifestyle, but there needs to be limits.

Not that the current cheat day, we forget all the healthy habits that have been built before. When the weekend was, actually we can work more freely and varied. Try to exercise in the open space. In addition to making healthy, exercise in the open space would be an interesting experience in itself because not necessarily every day we can do it.

3. affected friend
Being in an environment that does not support it seems it is difficult to create a healthy lifestyle for yourself. In fact, a long-term study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that people tend to be obese when their environment is full of people who are obese as well.

However, as long as there is no intention of us to want to transform into a more healthy lifestyle, we are actually able to affect the environment. Try to come to a fitness class with a friend, and make a commitment to help each other fight the unhealthy lifestyle. A study showed that a healthy lifestyle with colleagues will increase the opportunity for success.

Why Need to Eat Before and After Sports?

Sport has the benefit of being able to increase the metabolism so as to burn more calories in the body. However, intake of energy to perform exercise movements are also not to be missed.

Sports requires energy, let alone the type of exercise you do is strenuous exercise. To obtain optimal energy during exercise, you need to eat beforehand.

Energy does not actually have to be food. The body has a reserve of energy called glycogen. When required, glycogen is converted into energy. That is why some people can exercise without eating beforehand.

Eating before exercise is an action to get extra energy so that one can exercise better. However, not all food is good to eaten before exercise. Should choose low in fat and high protein foods. And eat two to three hours before the start of exercise or one hour if only eat small portions.

After the exercise was not to say you do not need anymore energy. Exercise burns glycogen which is the "content " of the muscle. So after that, you should immediately replace it with proper food intake.

According to JJ Vigrin, nutrition and fitness experts from the United States, eating after exercise is important for muscle repair process called back or muscle protein synthesis. The body requires the intake of carbohydrates to replenish muscle energy and protein to help rebuild muscles.

" The first hour after exercise is the golden period of the formation of the muscles, so now is the best time to mengasup nutrients needed in the process, " he explained.

Although carbohydrate is recommended, but should avoid fructose as carbohydrate sources. Virgin said that fructose may slow fat burning after exercise. So avoid juice drinks or fruit juice after exercising.

Instead, choose complex carbohydrates in combination with protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Diligently Eat Fish Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is still a scourge for women. However, this disease can be prevented by making healthy lifestyle, among others, often eat fish rich in omega - 3 fatty acids.

The researchers analyzed 26 studies of China's international involving 900,000 women, including 20,000 of whom had breast cancer. They found that women who consumed omega - 3 fatty acids from fish most often have a reduced risk of breast cancer 14 percent less.

The study results also showed a decrease in risk with dose relationship. Mentioned, each 0.1 gram increase in consumption levels of omega - 3 per day was associated with a 5 percent reduction in the risk of breast cancer. As a comparison, one serving of salmon contains 4 grams of omega - 3 fatty acids.

Omega- 3 fatty acids are a type of unsaturated fat that has been known to prevent heart disease and cancer.

However, the researchers say the consumption of omega - 3 fatty acids from plants did not show the same effect in reducing breast cancer risk.

In addition, they also discovered the benefits of omega - 3 to reduce the risk of breast cancer is different in each population. In Asians, the benefits may not be as big as the West. According to the researchers, this may occur due to differences in sources of omega - 3 are eaten.

The benefits of omega - 3 in fish is considered the most well to reduce the risk of breast cancer. While not yet clear whether the consumption of omega - 3 supplements also provide the same effect.

A review of 48 studies concluded that it is still unclear consumption of omega - 3, either from food or supplements, may alter the risk of heart disease or cancer. But that does not mean people should stop a diet rich in omega - 3.

Dangers of Sleeping in a Too Cold room

Most people prefer to sleep in a cool room so that the air conditioner is installed in a cold enough temperature. But according to a study in Japan as it turned out the way sleep is not healthy.

The study found that people who slept the night in the room temperature is too cold (around 14 degrees Celsius for example) tend to have systolic and diastolic blood pressure were higher in the morning.

Our blood pressure will naturally rise in the morning when we woke up. But if we put the room temperature is too cold, the blood vessels will constrict and the heart to work harder to keep our bodies warm.

According Keigo Saeki, an epidemiologist from Japan 's Nara Medical University, these conditions will last about two hours. In the long run this is bad for your heart.

In a study conducted Saeki, the people who slept in the room temperature below 15 degrees Celsius has an increase in blood pressure between 6-8 percent compared to those who sleep in temperatures around 24 degrees Celsius.

High blood pressure can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Blood pressure usually occurs gradually. If not treated, excessive blood pressure can damage organs and tissues. The higher the blood pressure stage, the greater the risk of damage inflicted.

5 Benefits of Cinnamon for Body Care

Talk about natural ingredients that are beneficial for the treatment or beauty, we used to call tea, lemon, or honey. In fact, there are many other herbal ingredients, no less, for example cinnamon.

Cinnamon has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to cure diseases such as flu and gastrointestinal disorders. This spice contains calcium, fiber, iron, and manganese, as well as essential oils.

Not only that, cinnamon mixed with other ingredients such as olive oil and brown sugar concoction turned out to be a natural beauty. Want to know more about the benefits of cinnamon to treat the body ? Include the following.

Top 5 Benefits of Cinnamon for Body Care

1. Makes lips look "unbiased"
Most people want lips " contains " to create the impression of sexy and attractive. But no need to drain the bag to get it, because cinnamon can create the effect. Apply a lip moisturizer and dab lightly pinch of cinnamon powder on it. Flatten the mixture and allow a few minutes. But do not directly apply dry cinnamon on the lips as it can lead to irritation.

2. anti acne mask
Cinnamon has antibacterial benefits to be able to fight the bacteria that cause acne. Mix cinnamon powder with honey and apply with a brush to a cleansed face, let it dry for 10 minutes, and rinse thoroughly. Honey can reduce inflammation and provide moisture to the face.

3. hair growth
Hair loss is a problem among many people. To nourish hair back, cinnamon may be an option. Use cinnamon mixed with honey as a hair mask, leave 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. But if you have a sensitive scalp, you should consult with your doctor first.

4. breath fresheners
Because it contains antibacterial, cinnamon can also be used to kill the bacteria that cause bad breath. The trick is to brew cinnamon with warm water and gargle with it.

5. Scrub dry skin
Dry skin and chapped would interfere with the appearance and health. To fix it, you need to eliminate dead skin cells with a scrub. Cinnamon can be used as a scrub is by mixing with salt, olive oil, and honey.

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Prevent Heart Disease with Diligently Eat Tuna

Heart disease is still a scourge because of its status as the number one killer disease in the world. However, heart disease is actually very likely preventable, one of them with a certain diet or diet.

According to researchers from Harvard University USA, eating tuna twice a week can reduce the risk of death from heart disease by a third. They find omega - 3 fatty acids contained in the tuna or salmon may protect from erratic heartbeat potentially lethal. Fat is also associated with blood pressure and heart rate were lower.

"This study is not a study of fish oil supplements, but studies on omega - 3 levels in the blood are associated with diet," said researcher Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, associate professor of epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston.

According to Mozaffarian, omega - 3 levels in the blood associated with lower risk of death, mainly caused by cardiovascular problems. Meanwhile, the results of another study conducted by researchers from Washington University in elderly people also found similar results.

They found that there was a 50 percent reduction in risk of death from heart disease in those who eat fish three times a week compared to those who ate it less than once per month. The researchers revealed that participants who had higher levels of omega - 3 fatty acids were highest in blood live on average 2 years longer than those with lower levels.

Nevertheless, the researchers say, these benefits can only be found in fish baked and burned. While fish fry does not give the same effect. According to Alice Lichtentein, director and senior investigator at the Cardiovascular Nutrition Laboratory at Tufts University, the consumption of fish with omega - 3 and heart disease can not demonstrate a causal relationship.

" Omega - 3 is not necessarily directly responsible for reducing the risk of death or as an indicator of a healthier lifestyle. However, people who regularly eat fish usually also a fan of vegetables and fruits, " he said.

Reconciled with the Subconscious Mind Through Hypnotherapy

Daily experiences can be recorded in the powerful subconscious mind. Records of the memory that is not only positive but also negative.

Without realizing it, the experience continues to carry on daily activities. Without we consciously relize someone has a specific reaction to the object, for example on a plane phobia, fear of stairs, until you feel unwell, just because of rain.

The reaction, according to technology experts Adi W. mind Gunawan, is the result of memory processes recorded in the subconscious mind.

" The subconscious mind affects 88 percent of the action taken. While the conscious mind is only affect by 12 percent. With the dominance of the unconscious mind, then no wonder if someone has a trauma or phobia, " he said in a media workshop titled ' Navigating the Mind Clinical Hypnotherapy '.

A number of adverse reactions such as trauma and phobias, Adi, an example of the mental block in a person. This is a mental block that inhibits the subconscious mind, what has been done to execute the conscious mind. The conscious mind itself tasked with analyzing rational thinking, careful planning, making decisions, and exert the will ( will power ).

Adi said the mental block will result in a person difficult to go forward because it creates a feeling of confidence, nervous, hesitant, lazy and unfocused. To overcome this problem, one can choose hypnotherapy as a solution.

Hypnotherapy helps one come to terms with his subconscious mind, and then eliminate the mental block that experienced.

Adi explained, hypnosis hypnotherapy is conscious. While hypnosis is a relaxed state of mind. Relaxing the conditions required in order for someone more receptive to the message and suggestions posed. In practice, the therapist will usually tell its clients to close their eyes and imagine a beautiful, until the brain waves are emitted only 0.5-4 Hz.

Hypnotherapy techniques can be done if the client agrees therapist enters the subconscious mind, and dig some previous experience. Without consent, the therapist can not enter the unconscious or subconscious mind that users in a fully conscious state.

During therapy, the therapist will ask you a series of questions that lead to the occurrence of a mental block. Furthermore, the therapist will find a client with the same age when the mental block is formed.

"When the mental block is formed at the age of 3 years, then the therapist will be dealing with clients in the same age. Then the client will do as directed by the therapist to remove the mental block," said Adi.

Recovery, said Adi, entirely dependent on the patient. If the patient can work together and properly guide the therapist, treatment and recovery can be expedited. One session typically lasts 2-3 hours, as many as 1-4 sessions. When mental block has been removed, the client is expected to be a new person better.

Even so Adi reminded, hypnotherapy for emotional and psychological disorders. "Hypnotherapy is not just for neurological or brain disorders, such as autism. However hypnotherapy can still be applied to hallucinations or identity disorder, for example dissosiative identify disorder (DID)," he said.

Saturday, December 07, 2013

"Baby Yoga" Optimize Your Baby's Development

Yoga can be done not only by adults but also by children, even babies. According to coach Tina Maladi child yoga, yoga can help more optimal infant development.

Tina said, in general yoga has many benefits for both physical and mental. The benefits can be felt as well as for the baby and mother are with him.

" After all yoga baby needs help the baby 's mother or companion, so the class is called mom and baby yoga, " said the founder of the Jakarta Kids Yoga class when found in Namaste Festival in Jakarta, Saturday ( 12/30/2013 ).

Baby yoga, he added, could be done since the baby started at the age of three months to four months. According to him, it was done for security reasons, because the baby is at least three or four months old already have physically strong enough to perform yoga movements.

Baby yoga movement, said Tina, yoga is not the same as in adults. Although in principle, breathing exercises, range of motion, asanas, savanas remains in baby yoga.

" But more to the guidance method of communication, so I teach my baby to be able to recognize the people around him, more conscious with her ​​, " he said.

Tina explained, by doing yoga, infant motor skills honed so that its development is expected to be optimal. Though he could not guarantee the difference because every baby is definitely unique.

Not only provide benefits to the baby, mom and baby yoga is also useful for the mother or baby companion while doing yoga. " There was even a special yoga exercises for pregnant women to nourish both mother and fetus, " he said.

Meanwhile, Tina explains baby yoga also has an age limit for infants. If the baby is able to walk, he said, it should follow the toddler yoga classes, yoga for toddlers.

" If it can walk, doing yoga while her mother feared the baby would not shut up and walk around disturbing other participants. Having said that, the method of teaching yoga for babies who can walk another, namely toddler yoga, " he said.

In teaching toddler yoga, Tina more use of support tools such as colorful feathers, imitation fruit, and others. It was in order to make the atmosphere more pleasant, especially for toddlers who are generally easily bored.

" Teaching children to be creative yoga teaching methods create a fun, yet still provide benefits, " he concluded.

Other kids yoga instructor Michael Gonzalez Wallace said, yoga can stimulate motor responses so good for children's development. Yoga, he said, can also distract children from gadgets hardly be separated from the lives of children today.

When using the gadget, said Wallace, children tend to be passive so that less developed motor skills. " By doing yoga, balance of mind, body, and soul can be repaired so that the performance expectations of the brain could be a lot better, " said Wallace.

5 Habits that Make Slim

Have a desirable body shape is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. It takes intention and effort to get it. Then, after the effort it takes to get it was to maintain it.

Although not easy, the ideal body shape can actually be obtained and maintained by living habits of a small but significant following :

1. Actively moving
Research shows that many people move to burn 350 more calories per day than those who mostly silent. This amount is equivalent to running for 60 minutes, or about 6.4 miles. Many moves do not need to exercise, but activities like call while standing, get up every hour, often run counter to colleagues, to pick up the stairs instead of the elevator. Many move also will keep you from disease such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, or heart disease.

2. Eating without distractions
Multitasking eating is one of the main enemies have the ideal body shape. Because when not focus on food that will not receive a signal "fullness" of the stomach. This is what makes the desire to eat remained there despite the fact that the body is getting enough calories. Therefore, make it a habit to eat without doing any activity, such as watching TV or working.

3. Plan is eaten
The habit of counting calorie intake of foods that will be eaten directly will have an impact on body weight. The reason, by calculating, we will be more observant estimate equilibrium between caloric intake and expenditure. That's why people who are used to calculate the calories tend to be slimmer. For example, you plan to eat popcorn while watching a movie. Popcorn contains about 300 calories. So make sure you did not eat food with high calories, so you are more " flexible " while eating popcorn.

4. Eating so hungry, stop before satiety
When you want to eat, make sure if you are really hungry or just bored and want to taste the taste of food. If really hungry, then eat but try to stop when hunger is gone and before satiety. The stomach is too full of food difficult to digest and increase the risk of acid reflux. And if you just get tired, do not concentrate on the food, but other activities that can drive your bored.

5. Eat foods are preferred
Diet method that limits the types of food that should be eaten may have limitations. It is precisely because this method makes people dissatisfied with foods and other foods tend to want a more satisfying. As a result, he intake over caloric needs. Then you should still eat foods that you like, but processed in a healthy and edible portions are not excessive.