Thursday, December 12, 2013

sweating trigger brain more creative

Most people desire to make more slender as the motivation to exercise. However, a new study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience shows, sweat-producing activities that one is also useful for enhancing creativity.

Dutch researchers found that people who exercise regularly tend to be better at generating creative thinking. According to them, physical activity improves people's ability to think more flexibly.

However, the researchers emphasized that such effects can only be felt in those who exercise regularly. Chairman Lorenza Colzato research from Leiden University, the Netherlands, said the research team conducted an analysis of the impact of sports on the creativity of two main parts, namely the divergent and convergent thinking.

Divergent thinking is the thinking that produces many solutions to solve a problem. Meanwhile, convergent thinking can produce the best solution to the problem right.

Colzato and his team asked two groups of respondents to test creative thinking. Meanwhile, the group is required to exercise at least four times a week, the other group was asked not to exercise.

Creativity tests conducted by researchers think that writing down the link of the three words that are not interconnected. They found that the group of respondents who exercise have better scores than any other group.

" Physical activity is good for improving the ability to think creatively, as long as done routinely. If not, then the energy that could be used for nearly think it used to move, " he said.

Colzato added, regular exercise is a healthy and inexpensive way to improve cognitive abilities, including creativity.

Make your short exercise more effective

many people end up choosing a minimalist exercise or high intensity interval training ( HIIT ) is done with a relatively short time. By doing so, we can derive the same benefit even more than spending hours in the gym.

According to Jennifer Cassetta, sport jujitsu black belt trainer, HIIT can help burn more calories. The reason, after exercise your metabolism is still too high so as to burn more calories.

However, because time is short, it takes a maximum effort in doing HIIT to obtain the promised benefits. Here are tips from the experts to get the optimum benefits of HIIT.

1. Start Slowly
Sports briefly just burn more calories than exercise intensity is already high current generally. Then slowly start training can not only help maintain the current energy started to increase the intensity, but also increase the consumption of oxygen after exercise ends which helps burn calories longer.

In addition, start slowly to minimize injuries by preparing the body before entering the high -intensity exercise. But before start of course must be preceded by warm-up and ends with cooling.

2. Set 15 minutes
HIIT is a type of exercise that is appropriate for those who want to lose weight. Not only because it makes the sport more motivated, but also flexible performed at any time, morning, noon, or night. Set 15 minutes of time to do HIIT and promise to give you utmost high intensity without stopping prematurely.

To be effective, we must focus on doing HIIT. So during exercise, make sure there are no distractions such as chatting, television viewing, to check the phone. That way, no time is wasted so that the benefits of HIIT will be increasingly felt.

3. multitask
Versatility allows HIIT to train multiple body parts at once in a single training session. The more variations of movement, HIIT will get better. The experts advise to do squats, push ups, sit ups, and other movements to train the upper body at the same bottom.

We can also combine with the earlier movements of other sports, such as jogging. When jogging for an hour is boring, then combine with HIIT will be a challenge. For example, after 15 minutes of jogging, connect with one session of push ups or sit ups, jogging back and continue.

As well, do not let out the desires of the body to rest in the middle of doing HIIT. Remember, this is only 15 minutes, so let your body adjust to the rhythm of the exercise. We can start HIIT 2-3 times a week, once familiar, even every day.
Black Cumin Potential for ARV HIV/AIDS Medicine

Black Cumin Potential for ARV HIV/AIDS Medicine

Hexane extract of black cumin seeds ( Nigella sativa Lor ) was developed as a potential immunomodulator in patients with immunodeficiency such as HIV - AIDS infected patients who experienced a decrease in CD4 cell count, said Akrom Kes, lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta.
" Hexane extract of black cumin seeds ( EHBJH ) can be developed as a chemopreventive agent antikarsinogenesis through cytoprotective antioxidant and immunomodulatory mechanisms, " he said in an open doctoral examination in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada ( UGM) in Yogyakarta, on Monday ( 04/02/2013 ).

According to him, the effect EHBJH can increase CD4 lymphocytes, CD8, IFNgamma levels, and hematoprotektor. The success of black cumin seeds increase the number of CD4 and CD8 cells as well as the impact on CD4CD25Treg cell population gives hope to patients with HIV - AIDS undergoing antiretroviral therapy ( ARV ) as adjuvant therapy.

" Although the new scale laboratory research through the provision of hexane extract of black cumin seeds in mice, known to have timokuinon antikarsinogenesis chemopreventive effects in rats even able to reduce the mortality rate of 81-97 percent, inhibiting liver and kidney damage as well as increase the number of leukocytes and hemoglobin, " he said.

He said, cumin seed hexane extract was also able to reduce the incidence of nodule formation 45-50 percent and 70-90 percent decrease formation of rat mammary adenocarcinoma induced dimetilbenz ( a) antracene.

In addition, the activity and immunomodulatory mechanisms antihematoksik hexane extract of black cumin seeds is known to increase the number of peripheral blood lymphocytes, increases the number of lymphocytes CD4Th, CD8 and CD4CD25treg, increase spleen weight and lymphocyte counts and lymphocyte activity in secreting IFNgamma.

According to him empirically black cumin seed has been used as a medicinal herb for the treatment of various disorders that are able to treat them as immunomodulatory, antiviral, antidiabetic mellitus, anticancer, antiasma, and antiepileptics.

" The content timokuinon, nigelon, and unsaturated fatty acids in the seeds of the black cumin is the content that is alleged antioxidative, chemopreventive, and immunomodulatory, " said Akrom.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Prolactin Hormone benefits for sexual desire

Low sexual desire in men? Pay attention to the levels of the hormone prolactin.

Prolactin was not only instrumental in women. Men are also affected by the influence of the hormone, which stimulates breast development and milk production in women. Prolactin is produced in the pituitary gland located below the brain.

The study found that men with low levels of the hormone prolactin has a general and sexual health poor. Turns prolactin plays a role in providing sexual satisfaction for the body. These hormones work together with the role of dopamine in the onset of sexual desire.

In the study, researchers involved 3,000 European men aged 40-79 years. They underwent tests to determine levels of testosterone, prolactin, cholesterol, and blood sugar. They also underwent measurements of body mass index ( BMI ).

In the final stage, the respondents answered questions about sexual and general health. Including whether respondents consuming alcohol and smoking. Research results published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

The result, according to LiveScience reports, men who have low levels of prolactin have poor sexual and psychological health. Men who had prolactin levels below average, tend to experience depression, poor sexual function, and do not enjoy orgasms. Men also tend to be healthier in general, indicated a high BMI, blood sugar, and low physical activity.

The results of this study conflict with the allegations of the results of previous research on the function of prolactin. In this research, high levels of prolactin inhibit sexual desire and performance.

In fact, high levels of prolactin which tends to have a positive effect than negative in maintaining male sexual desire. This research demonstrated in mice that using drugs to increase levels of prolactin. As a result, the increase in prolactin encourages sexual desire in mice. Still not known how prolactin affects sexual function in men.

Terrkait low production of prolactin, a theory is, it is associated with poor health in general, men who consumed alcohol and smoking. The low prolactin signal then becomes reduced production of other hormones that affect sexual desire.

Noteworthy, although there is no research, hormones that affect a man's sexual desire, it is also associated with the production of breast milk in women. Low levels of the hormone prolactin potentially lower milk production.

Want Satiety Stomach but not Fat, This How!

Satiety is the feeling of satisfaction or fullness in the stomach after eating. Psychological and social conditions influence also strongly influences what, when, and how much you eat. Boredom, stress, and sadness can also affect appetite. Then if satisfied that always makes you fat ?

Before answering these questions, you should first understand the following explanation.

Are You Really Hungry ?
Hunger is caused by three things, decreasing blood sugar is stored, an empty stomach, and aroma of food. The brain needs 20 minutes to receive messages about what is happening in the stomach (hunger and satiety).

Well, to find out if you are really hungry you should drink several glasses of water before eating, due to dehydration of the body which can also trigger hunger. This will prevent you from eating blindly and greedily.

One other thing that is not less important, you also need to know some foods that keep you full longer. So, you can avoid the risk of obesity due to drink more calories accumulate or hoard fat.

Here are 4 important nutrients that can help you fuller for longer :

1. proteins
Protein is more satiating than carbohydrates or fats. Enter the protein in each of your diet like eggs, either boiled eggs or omelets at breakfast, fish, milk and yogurt.

2. complex carbohydrates
Complex carbohydrates sugar levels stable because they contain complex sugar molecules and quickly digested. This makes the body to have energy for longer periods because blood sugar levels are not increased or decreased significantly.

Complex carbohydrates also stimulate serotonin in the body, ie, compounds that control emotion and appetite as well.

Examples of foods containing complex carbohydrates in them, brown rice, wheat and dairy, potatoes, and much more.

3. Good Fat
When dieting, your body still needs fats ( good fats ). Good fats in the diet can stimulate hormones that helps dieters feel full longer. Sources of healthy fats can be obtained from fish, grains, or beans. The food can also be consumed as a snack menu.

4. Add Fiber
Add to this fiber-rich foods such as cereals, vegetables, and fresh fruits in your breakfast menu. Foods rich in fiber can help you full faster, while helping to improve the health of the digestive while dieting. Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits in the diet and get important nutrients.

Those are some ways that you can try in order to keep your stomach full while dieting. So, if satisfied that fattening ? As long as you understand the above process, and how to keep the stomach remains full, it is full will not fattening.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Multivitamins Help Fight HIV Infection Progress

The most efficient way to inhibit the progression of HIV infection is the use of anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs). Even so, a study from Africa indicate, the consumption of multivitamins and supplements of selenium also has a good ability to reduce the risk in those who had not undergone antiretroviral treatment.

According to the study, multivitamins and selenium may have an effect on people living with HIV (PLHIV) for two years. It remains unclear whether these effects could occur in a longer period.

It is also related to the study participants were limited to PLHIV in Africa who have not received antiretroviral treatment. Meanwhile, in developed countries like the United States, once a person is diagnosed HIV positive, antiretroviral treatment was started immediately.

Dr. Jared Baeten, professor of global health at the University of Washington USA said, these findings are very useful as a new strategy of delaying the progression of HIV. Because not all people diagnosed HIV-positive, or would soon be able to start ARV treatment.

Chairman studies Marianna Baum, professor of diet and nutrusi at Florida International University's School of Public Health Stempel said, previous studies showed, PLHIV who have a healthy diet can not properly process the nutrients from food. Thus, supplementation can be beneficial for them?

Baum noted, no one has previously examined how the immune system is improved with a multivitamin while they have not yet started antiretroviral treatment. Baum and his team also performed an analysis of 900 PLHIV in Africa. Most of those given placebo, partly given multivitamins containing vitamins B, C, and E. The other group was given a multivitamin and selenium supplements, and some are only given selenium supplements.

The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that found that there is no treatment that provides a meaningful impact on the immune PLHIV except in the group given the combination of multivitamin and selenium supplements. Even after statistically analyzed based to include other factors, the conclusion remains the same.

Compared to the placebo group, PLHIV who were given a combination of multivitamin and selenium had a 50 percent lower risk for entry into the AIDS stage after two years. Baum has not received information about the price of multivitamins and supplements of selenium, but the estimated price is relatively cheap and does not cause side effects.

According to Baum, multivitamins can strengthen the immune system, while providing mineral intake of selenium supplements that suppress the growth of the virus. "Remember, not smbarang vitamins can increase endurance PLHIV, in combination with selenium is the most effective," he said.

In addition, Baum also emphasizes the study goal is not to reduce the need for antiretroviral treatment. According to him, antiretroviral drugs are still the gold standard to reduce the amount of virus.

Going forward, the research team will conduct further experiments to see the effectiveness of multivitamins and supplements of selenium against PLHIV who had received antiretroviral treatment.

3 Bad Habits in Exercise

Health and fit is not just owned, but is the result of a healthy lifestyle including regular exercise run. Running regular exercise is actually not a difficult thing. Small changes in daily habits can have an adverse impact overall health.

Well, to start a change to a more regular exercise, try to consider our current habits will try to do the exercise. Are we still doing the bad habits that are detrimental to health ?

Here are three bad habits that need to be removed in order to obtain a more healthy lifestyle, especially for a running exercise routine.

1. Exercising only if mood
Tired after a return to work is often used as an excuse to be lazy to exercise. In fact, the more often we do something, the more we liked it. That is beginning to make a healthy habit.

The more we thought tired to start doing something, the more tired we are. Even in a study in Psychology Bulletin, researchers found that more than 90 percent of participants who undertake regular exercise program reported improvements in their ability to focus and fight fatigue. That is, should not the reason we are tired of not exercising, because exercise can actually repel tired.

2. Forgetting weekend
Most people who have a healthy life to make the weekend as their cheat day. Although the cheat day is still needed to pep leading a healthy lifestyle, but there needs to be limits.

Not that the current cheat day, we forget all the healthy habits that have been built before. When the weekend was, actually we can work more freely and varied. Try to exercise in the open space. In addition to making healthy, exercise in the open space would be an interesting experience in itself because not necessarily every day we can do it.

3. affected friend
Being in an environment that does not support it seems it is difficult to create a healthy lifestyle for yourself. In fact, a long-term study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that people tend to be obese when their environment is full of people who are obese as well.

However, as long as there is no intention of us to want to transform into a more healthy lifestyle, we are actually able to affect the environment. Try to come to a fitness class with a friend, and make a commitment to help each other fight the unhealthy lifestyle. A study showed that a healthy lifestyle with colleagues will increase the opportunity for success.

Why Need to Eat Before and After Sports?

Sport has the benefit of being able to increase the metabolism so as to burn more calories in the body. However, intake of energy to perform exercise movements are also not to be missed.

Sports requires energy, let alone the type of exercise you do is strenuous exercise. To obtain optimal energy during exercise, you need to eat beforehand.

Energy does not actually have to be food. The body has a reserve of energy called glycogen. When required, glycogen is converted into energy. That is why some people can exercise without eating beforehand.

Eating before exercise is an action to get extra energy so that one can exercise better. However, not all food is good to eaten before exercise. Should choose low in fat and high protein foods. And eat two to three hours before the start of exercise or one hour if only eat small portions.

After the exercise was not to say you do not need anymore energy. Exercise burns glycogen which is the "content " of the muscle. So after that, you should immediately replace it with proper food intake.

According to JJ Vigrin, nutrition and fitness experts from the United States, eating after exercise is important for muscle repair process called back or muscle protein synthesis. The body requires the intake of carbohydrates to replenish muscle energy and protein to help rebuild muscles.

" The first hour after exercise is the golden period of the formation of the muscles, so now is the best time to mengasup nutrients needed in the process, " he explained.

Although carbohydrate is recommended, but should avoid fructose as carbohydrate sources. Virgin said that fructose may slow fat burning after exercise. So avoid juice drinks or fruit juice after exercising.

Instead, choose complex carbohydrates in combination with protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Diligently Eat Fish Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is still a scourge for women. However, this disease can be prevented by making healthy lifestyle, among others, often eat fish rich in omega - 3 fatty acids.

The researchers analyzed 26 studies of China's international involving 900,000 women, including 20,000 of whom had breast cancer. They found that women who consumed omega - 3 fatty acids from fish most often have a reduced risk of breast cancer 14 percent less.

The study results also showed a decrease in risk with dose relationship. Mentioned, each 0.1 gram increase in consumption levels of omega - 3 per day was associated with a 5 percent reduction in the risk of breast cancer. As a comparison, one serving of salmon contains 4 grams of omega - 3 fatty acids.

Omega- 3 fatty acids are a type of unsaturated fat that has been known to prevent heart disease and cancer.

However, the researchers say the consumption of omega - 3 fatty acids from plants did not show the same effect in reducing breast cancer risk.

In addition, they also discovered the benefits of omega - 3 to reduce the risk of breast cancer is different in each population. In Asians, the benefits may not be as big as the West. According to the researchers, this may occur due to differences in sources of omega - 3 are eaten.

The benefits of omega - 3 in fish is considered the most well to reduce the risk of breast cancer. While not yet clear whether the consumption of omega - 3 supplements also provide the same effect.

A review of 48 studies concluded that it is still unclear consumption of omega - 3, either from food or supplements, may alter the risk of heart disease or cancer. But that does not mean people should stop a diet rich in omega - 3.