Cassava, manioc, or cassava has the Latin name of the tribe Euphorbiaceae Manihot utilissima. Cassava is a staple food known as alternative sources of carbohydrates than rice. Cassava leaves commonly used as vegetables or fresh vegetables. Aside from being a good source of carbohydrates, cassava is also high in fiber. A variety of processed foods with cassava began to appear, such as chips and bread.
Here is the nutritional content of cassava and its benefits for our health :
1. Carbohydrate sources
Reporting from Nutrition and You, cassava has doubled the number of calories than potatoes. So no one if cassava became a staple as a source of carbohydrate. In 100 grams of cassava, contains 160 calories, consisting mostly of sucrose.
2. High protein
Cassava is lower in fat than cereals and legumes. However, cassava has a high protein content compared to cassava, potatoes and bananas.
3. vitamin K
Cassava is rich in vitamin K, which has a role in building bone mass. So that cassava consumption may decrease the risk of osteoporosis. In addition, vitamin C will protect and play an important role in the treatment of Alzheimer's patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.
4. Vitamin B complex
These tasty tubers are a source of vitamin B complex group of vitamins like folates and, thiamin, pyridoxine ( vitamin B - 6 ), riboflavin, and pantothenic acid. Riboflavin plays a role in the growth of the body and produce red blood cells to prevent anemia.
5. essential minerals
Cassava is an important source of minerals body bag, among others, zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, and manganese. In addition, cassava has a sufficient amount of potassium as an essential component of the cell forming the body and regulate blood pressure.
A study shows benefits as reported Affleap cassava as lowering levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.
6. sources Fibers
Not only that, cassava can also lower triglyceride levels and be a good source of fiber. No wonder the cassava can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, colon cancer and help control diabetes. With notes, cassava processed by steamed or boiled.
Nutrient content per 100 grams of cassava include :
Calories 121 cal
Water 62.50 grams
Phosphorus 40.00 grams
Carbohydrates 34.00 grams
Calcium 33.00 mg
30.00 milligrams of Vitamin C
Protein 1.20 grams
0.70 milligrams of iron
0.30 grams of fat
0.01 milligrams of vitamin B1
Well, so even though cassava is known as the hometown of food but it contains many nutrients that are good for health