Thursday, January 23, 2014

New Ways to Cure Prostate Cancer Patients

New Ways to Treat Prostate Cancer Patient

The verdict of prostate cancer for men is like doomsday. That means they have to undergo surgery or radiotherapy. The problem is, two ways out it is a gateway to a new affliction. Both are not without side effects. The most severe, can cause male infertility.

But now, researchers find ways to minimize medical treatment for patients with prostate cancer. The team was originally from England and America. Way they apply Prolaris named. Through a test, can be differentiated men with prostate cancer and is not dangerous.

The test works by analyzing the genetic alterations of the tumor. The patient is then given a score from -3 to +3. Who score higher, meaning that it has a more aggressive cancer cells. That's the priority for surgery or radiotherapy treatment.

So far, existing tests are not able to examine it. As a result, 90 percent of prostate cancer patients to be operated on.

Professor Jack Cuzik, a scientist at Cancer Research UK is based at Queen Mary University of London said, too much treatment of prostate cancer is a serious problem. For that, it needs to be analyzed in the first stage of the cancer patients are which.

"Patients with slow-growing cancer that means a more secure and not at risk if left unchecked. They do not have to endure surgery and its side effects," said Cuzik as reported by the Daily Mail page.

Dr Harpal Kumar, Cancer Research and chair of the National Cancer Research Institute approves it. According to him, understanding the nature of cancer cells could spare thousands of people from unnecessary treatment and side effects that result.

In the meantime, new Prolaris test can be done in a lab in Utah. People should send samples of cancer there. However, researchers are developing further experiments.

Moreover, each year there are 41 thousand new prostate cancer patients in the UK. The number who died is down a fifth in the last 20 years. Therefore, diagnosis and better treatment. However, it does not mean that people are free from the side effects of prostate cancer.

Moreover, the cost to perform the test Prolaris only £ 17 thousand, or about Rp31 million. That figure is much lower than the patient having to undergo surgery or radiotherapy.

4 Benefits of Soaking Bath

Soaking bath to improve brain performance

Rain and cold weather make you crave hot chocolate and a hug. But, if they 're not in range, a warm water bath can be a better substitute. Why ? Because five reasons abstracted from huffingtonpost below :

In addition to cleansing the body, a warm water bath also has calming benefits. Steam coming out of the shower to make your body relax, but it can also make the water hot muscle flexing. In short, perceived fatigue was away all day.

Improve Brain Performance
Yes, not only soothing, bath turns positive effect on the brain. The warmth of the water, making the body more quiet overall and triggers the brain to rid itself of the " junk " that accumulates day. Few tips, mix a few drops of aromatherapy oils in the bath water to get maximum relaxation.

reduce stress
Fatigue or stress after working all day and immediately disappeared when the whole body submerged in warm water and soft foam. Additional eucalyptus or lavender oil can speed up the body to reduce stress while bathing.

Sleeping More Soundly
It is no secret if a warm water bath can help you sleep more soundly. The reason, in the bath, hot water helps to improve the body temperature and when out of the tub, along with decreased body temperature, brain also releases the hormone melatonin which triggers sleepiness.

Overcoming Symptoms of Flu
Hot steam when you breathe bath would relieve respiratory tract and relieve headaches. In addition, the warm water also helps relieve sore muscles.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Forget sunscreens, broccoli also effective prevent skin cancer!

Before going outdoor activities, most people use sunscreen to keep your skin does not sunburn. But according to researchers, eating broccoli may provide similar efficacy with sunscreen.

When applied to the skin, broccoli can reduce the risk of skin cancer, according to researchers from the

" Broccoli has a compound called sulforaphane is effective in preventing skin cancer, " said Dr. Sally Dickinson, as quoted by the Daily Mail.

This compound is also reportedly capable of triggering the growth of certain genes that protect healthy tissue from cancer chemotherapy drug. Because chemotherapy drugs typically not only attack cancer cells, but also healthy tissue in the body.

Excessive sun exposure is one of the causes of skin cancer. So experts recommend that we use sunscreen when going out of the house, even though we have a dark skin color.

However, these studies eventually find other alternatives to protect the skin from burning up cancerous conditions, ie with broccoli.
University of Arizona Cancer Center and Johns Hopkins University.

myths and Facts about breast cancer

The rise of slanted news about breast cancer certainly makes women confusion . You also often not able to identify which ones actually fact and which ones are just a myth. Therefore , in order to ladies become more intelligent women , the following will discuss the myths and facts about breast cancer that is collected from .
• Myth : Every 1 in 8 women in the world have an increased risk of breast cancerFact : It is true that 1 in 8 women in the world is at risk of developing breast cancer but it happens when the 85 -year -old woman . When you step on 30s then your risk is 1 per 233 women and increases with age .
• Myth : Antiperspirants can increase the risk of breast cancerFact : There are studies that prove that you antiperspirants may increase the risk of breast cancer . The American Cancer Society also considers this as a rumor .
• Myth : Women with small breasts have a small risk of developing breast cancerFact : This is simply a myth because there is no relationship between the size of the breast with high risk of breast cancer . However , large breasts would indeed be more difficult to detect breast cancer even using MRI and mammography .
• Myth : The emergence of breast cancer is always marked by a lumpFact : The signs of breast cancer not only in the form of lump alone . Skin irritation , pain in the nipple and breast , reddish sores are some signs of breast cancer . But , ladies must remain vigilant if you find a lump in your breast .

myths about breast cancer (part1)

The increasing cases of breast cancer each year in the world makes a lot of myths arose about breast cancer that has not been true. Therefore, as an intelligent woman ladies should know the truth of these myths. The following will discuss some of the myths about breast cancer were collected from

• Myth : Breast cancer can only attack women with a family history of breast cancer
Fact : If one member of a family of ladies such as father, mother, brother, or your sister had breast cancer, then you have a high risk of developing breast cancer. However, you should know that 70 % of women who develop breast cancer have no family history of breast cancer.

• Myth : Wearing a bra underwire will increase the risk of breast cancer
Fact : This is simply a myth that is circulating in the community. Underwire bra has nothing to do with the increased risk of breast cancer in a woman.

• Myth : All breast lumps are breast cancer
Fact : It also includes a myth because 80% of lumps found in the breast is not breast cancer. It may be that the lump is just a cyst or thickening of tissue that has nothing to do with cancer. So, ladies should see a doctor to check if the lump is cancerous or not.

• Myth : Women with breast implants have a higher risk of developing breast cancer
Fact : Breast implants may not cause breast cancer. However, breast implants will interfere with current mammography examination. Examination itself is also more difficult to do if you have breast implants.

nutrient content and benefits of cassava

Cassava, manioc, or cassava has the Latin name of the tribe Euphorbiaceae Manihot utilissima. Cassava is a staple food known as alternative sources of carbohydrates than rice. Cassava leaves commonly used as vegetables or fresh vegetables. Aside from being a good source of carbohydrates, cassava is also high in fiber. A variety of processed foods with cassava began to appear, such as chips and bread.

Here is the nutritional content of cassava and its benefits for our health :

1. Carbohydrate sources
Reporting from Nutrition and You, cassava has doubled the number of calories than potatoes. So no one if cassava became a staple as a source of carbohydrate. In 100 grams of cassava, contains 160 calories, consisting mostly of sucrose.

2. High protein
Cassava is lower in fat than cereals and legumes. However, cassava has a high protein content compared to cassava, potatoes and bananas.

3. vitamin K
Cassava is rich in vitamin K, which has a role in building bone mass. So that cassava consumption may decrease the risk of osteoporosis. In addition, vitamin C will protect and play an important role in the treatment of Alzheimer's patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.

4. Vitamin B complex
These tasty tubers are a source of vitamin B complex group of vitamins like folates and, thiamin, pyridoxine ( vitamin B - 6 ), riboflavin, and pantothenic acid. Riboflavin plays a role in the growth of the body and produce red blood cells to prevent anemia.

5. essential minerals
Cassava is an important source of minerals body bag, among others, zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, and manganese. In addition, cassava has a sufficient amount of potassium as an essential component of the cell forming the body and regulate blood pressure.

A study shows benefits as reported Affleap cassava as lowering levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

6. sources Fibers
Not only that, cassava can also lower triglyceride levels and be a good source of fiber. No wonder the cassava can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, colon cancer and help control diabetes. With notes, cassava processed by steamed or boiled.

Nutrient content per 100 grams of cassava include :

Calories 121 cal
Water 62.50 grams
Phosphorus 40.00 grams
Carbohydrates 34.00 grams
Calcium 33.00 mg
30.00 milligrams of Vitamin C
Protein 1.20 grams
0.70 milligrams of iron
0.30 grams of fat
0.01 milligrams of vitamin B1

Well, so even though cassava is known as the hometown of food but it contains many nutrients that are good for health

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

7 lifestyle prevent breast cancer risk

According to Lester Barr, a breast surgeon and chairman of the Genesis Breast Cancer Prevention in the UK, breast cancer is caused by various factors including environmental, and lifestyle.

One way to prevent the risk of breast cancer is with a healthy lifestyle change, some of which can be done with the 7 following way:

Do homework
The experts say, become more active will reduce a woman's risk of developing breast cancer. Physical activity or exercise is believed to reduce the number of fat cells, which are capable of releasing the hormones estrogen and testosterone as the trigger for the onset of tumors. Even the head of public health at Breakthrough Breast Cancer, the UK, Eluned Hughes said, that women should perform physical activity for 30 minutes a day, in any form of activities including homework.

Breastfeeding baby
For women who breastfeed for a year during his life turned out to have 5% less likely to develop breast cancer compared to women who never breastfed at all. According to the statistical analysis conducted by the World Cancer Research Fund, the longer a woman breast-feeding, the lower the risk of breast cancer. This may be due, that breastfeeding can reduce levels of bad hormones associated with cancer in the blood of a woman.

Reduce drinking alcoholic beverages
Frequent consumption of alcohol has been known to increase a woman's risk of developing breast cancer. According to experts, reduce or even stop taking alcoholic beverages is very useful to counteract the growth of breast cancer cells in women.

Reduce night work
A Danish study revealed that women who work 3 nights or more during a week in 6 years had 2 times greater risk of developing breast cancer. While the Health and Safety Executive in the UK is still doing research is scheduled to be completed in 2015 to better determine the relationship of night work for women with breast cancer. But some experts also believe that working at night can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle that is capable of developing breast cancer, such as irregular eating and become less active.

Reducing cholesterol levels
According to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, U.S., women who take statins (cholesterol lowering drugs) for 10 years to develop a two-fold risk of developing invasive ductal carcinoma, a type of breast cancer is the most common. This may be due, because long-term use of statins can damage certain chemical pathways that lead to tumor growth. While other studies have revealed that taking statins in the short term have a protective effect against breast cancer in a long time. Implementing a healthy diet, exercising and taking nutritional omega-3 fatty acids are also known to reduce cholesterol levels which can lead to breast cancer.

Avoid unhealthy chemicals
Nutritionists warn, do not use food or beverage cans, and plastic containers to cook food in the microwave, because the chemicals contained in the container is such that estrogen can increase the risk of cancer. In addition, grilling or frying meat in high temperatures can also produce acrylamide (hazardous organic chemical compounds) that can increase the risk of cancer. Nutritionists advise to try to cook the meat at a low temperature and avoid cured meats.

Getting enough sunlight
Sunlight is the best way to increase vitamin D levels in the body are useful to reduce the risk of breast cancer. The results of laboratory tests conducted by researchers from Canada showed that breast cells can convert vitamin D into a hormone which is anti cancer.

The Best Foods For Breast Cancer Patients

When trying to recover from breast cancer, of course, there are foods that become forbidden and not recommended by doctors. Certain foods recommended to help speed healing. And generally really sizeable effect if strictly followed.

Reported by Boldsky, doctors advise you to increase the consumption of the following foods in order to get well from breast cancer :

The content of antioxidants in the fruit can help ward off free radicals which function to prevent the formation of cancer cells. In addition he will help the recovery of the body so that the body does not look fresh and pale skin.

The starchy tubers will also provide enough energy for cancer patients to recover his body. Moreover, who is undergoing chemotherapy treatments, of course, the body needs sufficient energy.

It is recommended to boil or steam the potatoes when will consume. It may add a little salt to taste delicious.

whole wheat
Consumption of dietary menus are much healthier for the body. Such as whole wheat one. Neither must eat exaggerated, in moderation only as an energy source for the body.

Although many people think that it is junk food, but pasta actually contains many ingredients that are healthy for the body. The requirement is not to cook pasta using instant seasoning. But it is more advisable to mix their own marinade.

Lean meat
Is undergoing chemotherapy treatments, it is recommended to consume a low -fat red meat and low in cholesterol. You can choose which part is not much fat content.

long beans
Long beans good for breast cancer patients. Is a healthy menu for the fight against cancer. Processed by pan-fried or boiled in order to be healthy and beneficial.

drinking milk
Do not be afraid of fat while drinking milk. Precisely during chemotherapy treatment or cure of cancer, you need a lot of energy. This energy can be obtained by drinking milk and eating other dairy products.

Select the white part of the egg to be consumed at breakfast. Egg white useful against cancer cells in the body.

Other sources of protein you can get through the fish. But choose the best quality fish and nutritional yes, such as salmon and tuna.

By eating foods that are healthy and run healthy living, fight against cancer will be much easier. Just believe in miracles and still eager to fight cancer. Your body is much more powerful than the cancer cells themselves.

Shocking Facts About Cervical Cancer

The following is a surprising fact about cervical cancer as reported in site.

Cervical cancer is the fifth most cancer suffered by women. The above page mentions that there were more than 471,000 new cases of cervical cancer each year worldwide. Ladies, which is more surprising is once every 2 minutes there is one woman who died from cervical cancer.

It is more severe in less developed countries where cervical cancer or cervical cancer is the second most cases suffered by women where there are 300,000 deaths annually. The data also showed that 80 % of these deaths occur in countries that are predominantly low income.

Ladies, the same site also reported that most countries found skin cancer patients are Central America and South Africa. Caribbean islands and other parts of Africa and South America also have high cases of cervical cancer. Page add the slow cancer cases is known is that women in this area are rarely checked by using the Pap smear test.

Lastly, the page source also stated that although the diagnosis of cervical cancer in women aged typically 50%, but now 17 -year -old adolescents are also at risk. In the United States, cervical cancer is becoming the eighth cancer suffered by women.