Sunday, January 26, 2014

Global cancer sufferers to achieve 14 million

Global cancer sufferers to achieve 14 million

The number of people diagnosed with cancer around the world increased to over 14 million, said the World Health Organization WHO.

Data for 2012 shows in the past four years since 2008, cancer patients increased by almost 1 million.

During this period the number of patients who died due to cancer are also good from 7.6 million to 8.2 million.

The rise in cancer patients is caused by changes in the lifestyle of people in developing countries.

The number of smokers rose likewise with people who have excess weight.

Of the 14 million cancer survivors around the world, of which 1.8 million (or approximately 13%) lung cancer is usually caused by the habit of smoking.

The WHO also announced a sharp increase in patients with breast cancer, which is now known as the most most types of cancer found among women in 140 countries.

"Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in developing countries," said Dr. David Forman, officers WHO are active in the International Agency for cancer.

"There are two reasons, the first lifestyle changes and both advances in technology has not been fully implemented to tackle cancer in those countries," he said.

WHO estimates the number of cancer patients will rise to 19 million people in 2025.

Overcome Cervical cancer with diet, exercise and coffee

The risk of cervical cancer can be reduced with exercise, diet and drinking coffee, says a research.

Nearly half of the cases of cervical cancer in the UK, or about 3,700 per year, can be prevented by keeping the body stay slim and active, according to findings of research at Imperial College London.

Women also can reduce the risk by exercising 30 minutes every day and maintain ideal body weight.

The report of the World Foundation Research Fund was also found that coffee can reduce the risk Click uterine cancer.

But experts say there has not been enough evidence to recommend drinking coffee can prevent this disease.

Endometris cancer, or cancer of the lining of the uterus, is a cancer that strikes most women in the United Kingdom.

In the first global analysis since 2007, Imperial College London researchers gather and discuss scientific research about cancer endometris as well as in relation to diet, physical activity and weight.

The study found that about 3,700 cases could be prevented each year if women active 38 minutes each day and maintain a healthy body weight.

In the United Kingdom only 56% women follow the recommendations to move at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week, and only 39% who have a healthy body weight.

Study leader Dr. Teresa Norat from Imperial College told the BBC, "If you are physically active and if you do not have excess body weight, you can reduce the risk of uterine cancer and improve your health."

Karen Sadler, Executive Director of the World Cancer Research Fund added, "the evidence that coffee prevents cancer of the uterus is very interesting and is a further indication will be the link between coffee and cancer risks but there is still much to be done.

"We should consider the effect on other types of cancer Click and the impact of other health conditions on further research."

Saturday, January 25, 2014

New Way Boost Immunity to Overcome Cancer

A group of U.S. researchers found a way to boost the immune degrees in an effort to attack the cancer cells.

Immune system in the human body that is balanced with a very neatly designed to directly attack foreign substances that enter the body, but not on the part of the existing network within its own body.

From the results of tests on animals, the study showed changing patterns of this balance could be driveway maintenance efforts against cancer, wrote a team of researchers from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

The findings are published in the journal Nature Medicine.

There are many types of diseases caused by the body 's immune system to attack his own body tissue changes, such as type 1 diabetes or multiple sclerosis.
' New immune therapy '

One important point in this research effort targeting the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases are a result of Treg cells.

These cells are part of the immune system which in normal conditions would serve soothe the entire network to prevent the immune system attacks the body itself.

The researchers tried to interfere with the work of these Treg cells, to encourage the immune system is affected so then release the attack against cancer cells.

One of the researchers, Dr. Wayne Hancock, said : " We have to find ways to reduce the work function of Treg cells in order to perform the task of anti- tumor without causing auto immune reaction. "

In this study the experts bred mice that lacked Treg chemicals needed in order to work effectively. Experts then inject drugs that produce the same effect as a normal living mice.

In both experiments the movement of the immune system is able to limit the growth of one type of lung cancer.

" These results really change the field of research in the direction of a new drug that is a very great potential to be a new immune therapies against cancer, " said Dr. Hancock.

Nevertheless progress in that direction is predicted to last long.

Still it takes a series of further tests are needed to determine whether the same process can be manipulated in the immune system before it can be tested clinically in humans.
Beware of Bone Cancer Symptoms In Men

Beware of Bone Cancer Symptoms In Men

According to various studies, bone cancer is more common in men than women. It is not yet clear underlying, but you need to know the symptoms.

Most people will ignore the problems that occur in bone. In fact, if the bone cancer reached a stage where it can not be treated anymore, it would be dangerous and lead to death.

Here are some of the symptoms of bone cancer in men, as reported from onlymyhealth, Friday, namely :

1. painful
Pain is the most common symptom in all types of bone cancer in men, both primary and secondary cancer. This is because cancer cells put pressure on the nerves and tissues in the bone. Bone cancer is often on the legs, spine, ribs, and pelvic region. The pain is usually experienced at night or when doing certain activities.

Pain can also be felt in the form of back pain, due to the pressure pressing on the nerves around the spinal cord. If you experience back pain that is persistent, consult your condition to your doctor.

If the condition is diagnosed late and treated by a doctor, are likely to be more severe and cause paralysis, which means the total damage to the skeletal system of the body.

2. Appears bumps and swelling on the bone
Swelling around the affected area of cancer is also a very common symptom of bone cancer. Swelling can also occur when you hit something hard, but the swelling will not go away even after treatment. If blisters form and does not disappear for weeks, immediately consult your condition to your doctor.

3. Losing weight and appetite
Symptoms of bone cancer can also be demonstrated by reduced appetite and weight loss drastically. Even when you wish to increase your appetite, you may not be able to eat much. This leads to weight loss and fatigue.

4. Weakness Bone
Cancer cells effectively weakens the bone and nerve tissue in the cancer attacked. So, when you Tsedang fairly strenuous activity, you will feel your bones are too weak to move.

The tension on the bone is much larger than normal and forces you to rest for some time before moving back part of the bone. The weakening of the nerves in the spine can be very traumatic and dangerous.

5. Fever, nausea and vomiting
These symptoms are less common in nature bone cancer patients, but need to watch out because some people also show these signs. The level of calcium in the blood that can lead to increased fever, nausea and vomiting.

Bone Cancer Apparently Existing Since 120,000 Years Ago

Cancer is not only a disease of modern people, because it turned early humans have experienced a similar illness. It is revealed from a fossil found in Croatia, which has bone cancer. This discovery once listed as the oldest human bone cancer in history.

The tumor was found at Neanderthal fossil rib, which early humans found in Europe, Central and West Asia. This discovery is surprising because supposedly closely related to Neanderthals living in short -term, which is only about half of the old man's life today.

Bone specimens studied were collected from Krapina rock shelter, located about 34 km north of the city of Zagreb, Croatia. More than 900 human bones found during the excavation of the year 1899-1905. The results of radiometric examination and tooth enamel showed bone of this site is between 120000-130000 years.

"This is a young adult Neanderthal man. Krapina has produced one of the greatest examples of human skeletal remains accumulated from Upper Pleistocene sites, " said the researcher, Dr. David Frayer, who is a biological anthropologist at the University of Kansas as reported by Medical Daily, Friday.

Before the advent of these findings, bone cancer oldest ever found to be present in ancient Egyptian mummies who lived 1000-4000 years. However, tumors are found in the fossil Nenaderthal much older, beat specimens from Egypt with more than 100,000 years old.

In a report published the journal PLoS One, the results of X-ray examination showed the fossils contained in the 'fibrous dysplasia', a type of benign tumor most commonly found in current human ribs. This disorder is characterized by the appearance of soft fibrous tissue that replaces normal bone core.

The soft tissues are then expands and weakens bones and can lead to fractures. However, this finding was not the oldest ever discovered cancer. Previously been found to cause tumors in 350 million years old fossil fish from Cleveland, Ohio.

"The diagnosis is made by an experienced radiologist, Dr. Morrie Kricun, which has identified hundreds of disease in people who are hospitalized the University of Pennsylvania, " said Frayer.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Bone Cancer

Bone cancer is caused by a problem with the cells that create bone. Bone cancer generally occurs in children and teenager, and rarely occurs in adults or the elderly. Bone cancer in adults usually occurs due to metastasis of other tumors.

Keep in mind that in adults or advanced bone cancer is different from osteoporosis - a disease characterized by the presence in bone fragility due to calcium deficiency.
Until now not known the exact cause of bone cancer. Medical experts can not explain why one person may develop a bone cancer while others do not. But it is clear that this disease is not contagious and is not due to hereditary factors.

Bone Cancer Symptom
The most common symptom is bone pain. In most cases, the symptoms gradually become more severe over time. Initially, the pain only appears at night or when on the move. In some cases, there is a bump on the bone or tissue around the bone.

Bone Cancer Treatment
There are various methods for the treatment of bone cancer. The best treatment is based on the type of bone cancer, the location of the cancer, how aggressive the cancer is, and whether the cancer has invaded surrounding or distant tissues ( metastasis ). There are three main types of treatment for bone cancer : surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. If the condition is severe, is the worst possible amputation.

The key to cure cancer saved in this tiny animals!

Do you know the animals named mole rat? Mole rats are one species of rodents that live in the soil. Mole rats have small eyes, large front teeth, and a body that has no fur. Recently, researchers claim that the key to curing cancer found in these animals.

Researchers believe that the mole rat cells were immune to cancer could be the key to stopping the spread of cancer that had killed eight million people worldwide each year, as reported by the Daily Mail (16/01).

A team of researchers who have studied the mole rats and naked mole rats for 16 years revealed that harvest the substances secreted by cells of the rat and make it digestible capable of destroying cancer in humans and mammals. These results will be presented by Professor Aaron Avivi from Haifa University in London.

During the 16 year study, researchers did not find a trace of cancer cells or tumors in the body mole rats. Mole rats also have the age of 20 years longer than other rodents. They found that the fact that mole rats live underground have changed their metabolic system.

They concluded that the mole rats are not only resistant to spontaneous cancer, but also cancer that deliberately embedded in them. Mole rats have the ability to prevent cancer, as well as kill existing cancer in their bodies.

To the researchers believe that the key to cure cancer in humans can be studied through the mole rat cells. The discovery by Professor Sam Ahmedzai will bring cancer research into a new phase which is more bright and attractive. They hope to find a cure for cancer and to save human lives affected by cancer.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Be aware of 4 Skin Cancer Symptoms

Skin itchy, red, and bloody, it could be a sign of skin cancer you. Prevent and detection of skin cancer now too so you can hands to your life.

 "Skin cancer usually develops on skin areas exposed to sunlight, such as the scalp, face, lips, ears, neck, chest, arms, hands and legs, " said Dr. Robert Weiss, president of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS).

Skin cancer can also develop in skin areas not exposed to sun sina. " It can also occur in areas that are frequently exposed to sunlight, including the back, scalp, armpits, genitals, palms of hands, soles of the feet and between the toes and hands. " He added, as quoted from

Skin cancer can appear suddenly or develop slowly, and each type has a characteristic appearance. Signs and symptoms of skin cancer include :

1. Skin changes, especially in size or color, for example the growth of pigmented mole or other dark.

2. Skin peeling, bleeding, or change the appearance of any bumps on the skin.

3. Moles with pigmentation (color) which is not usual.

4. Itchy skin, pain or illness.

Prevent Lung Cancer with Wine

The grapes are apparently not only good for beauty alone, but good for your health. Because carotenoids and lycopene content of the wine contained very high and could inhibit the growth of various diseases. Antioxidants thought to protect body cells from free radicals cause degenerative diseases, such as heart disease and cancer are also some age-related diseases.

Not only that, the wine also contains a lot of vitamin C, B6, K and B1. its contains vitamin C can enhance the body imununitas system and heal wounds. As well as B6 is very important for the brain to function normally.

Consuming grape juice every day it will make your skin stay awake, clear and perfectly naturally. The following properties of grapes for health, as quoted from page Boldsky :

Prevent Breast Cancer
The content of resveratrol in grapes can prevent peoples affected by lung cancer.

Lowering Blood Pressure
Consuming grape juice daily can lower and stabilize blood pressure in your body.

Wine contains organic acids, sugars, cellulose, known as a laxative. Thus, an excellent wine consumed to overcome constipation.

Drinking pure grape juice without water mixture in each morning to cure disease or migraine headaches.

Reduce Hair Loss
Grape juice good for the health of your beautiful crown. Because antioxidants can improve blood circulation in the scalp.