Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Top 4 Benefits of Using Socks While Sleeping

Benefits of Using Socks While Sleeping
One of the unique and beneficial habits during sleep is wearing socks. For the majority of people think that sleeping with a blanket alone is enough to warm their bodies. However it turns out, the habit of wearing socks while sleeping it has many benefits. Like what are the benefits? Here's his review.

1.  Make Leg Warmer

One of the benefits is most certainly make your feet feel warmer. Especially when the weather outside is not friendly, the selection of socks into clever alternatives and solutions. A chill is felt in the feet can be extended throughout the body and makes the body shiver. When the blanket never makes you feel better, nothing wrong with using socks so that you feel better and sleep more soundly will.

2.  Protect Foot From Fungus and Infections

When the feet are left without cover or protector, then the possibility of bacteria and germs that develop on the feet will be greater. This is in contrast to those who regularly use socks while sleeping. Socks protect the feet from exposure to dust which can invite mold growth. Fungal growth on the skin can lead to infection of the feet.

3.  Reduce Excessive Sweat In Part foot

Excessive sweating in the feet is often make legs become uncomfortable, especially if it occurs at night. Condition of excessive sweating in the feet or better known as hyperhidrosis as it turns out can be overcome by using regular socks. With regular use of the sweat that arise in the area Nearby legs can be absorbed so feet will feel dry. Excessive sweating in the feet can also cause odor.

4.  Make Foot Skin Smooth and Flexure

To keep the legs to stay smooth and supple, try using a moisturizer feet before wearing socks. It can keep the moisture away and make it smooth and protected from foot odor and dry feet.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Asthma Patients Risk of Suffering Brittle bones disease

one of the things you must do to be able to live comfortably is to maintain health. But if you've been born suffering from the disease, one of which asthma, then you should be able to adapt well and keep the disease in order not to interfere with your life.

Well, lots of things to consider people with asthma if they want to do something, because the symptoms can come on suddenly without warning. Fortunately, now many asthma medications that people with asthma are not too worried about a sudden asthma attack.

But there was another thing about asthma you need to know, Ladies. A study reported by found that people with asthma could be at higher risk of bone loss. Although it is not certain that the two diseases are closely related to, but allegedly the long-term use of corticosteroids in the treatment of asthma is a risk factor for osteoporosis.

Kortisteroid itself is one drug for asthma sufferers are often used to relieve symptoms and prevent symptoms recurring. The researchers have studied more than 7000 people with asthma and found that they had low bone density than those without asthma.

It can also be triggered by a lack of vitamin D and calcium intake and may also be influenced by race. However, although steroids could threaten bone density, but very necessary steroids asthmatics even closely related to their survival.

So, there is no compelling reason to stop using asthma medications and continued consultation with your doctor about your situation. What can be done is to increase the intake of foods rich in vitamin D, and calcium, protein and phosphorus to prevent bone loss.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Top 7 benefits of eating Oysters for Health

As seafood, oyster offering a million delicacy for this food enthusiasts, as well as having a unique flavor. Restaurants serving seafood in particular, will never leave the grain on this one type of shellfish. Oysters, in addition to offering delicacy, also promises many essential nutrients for our health - It contains a variety of important minerals such as zinc, iron, calcium, potassium, yet low in fat and calories.

Many believe that oysters are especially beneficial for fertility, prevent anemia, increase bone density, etc.. If you want more complete information, please read to the bottom of this article:

Health Benefit of Oysters

Oysters Increasing fertility in women
Did you know that the oyster or oysters can actually increase fertility, especially in women. This is because the very high oyster containing mineral called zinc or zinc minerals, which are crucial for healthy ovulation and produce eggs (ova) are normal. In addition to helping reproduction, often consume oysters can also spice up your love life.

Oysters Boost immunity
The habit of eating unhealthy foods and food a little healthy nutrition is a major factor decreased immunity, especially in children. Oysters are one of the foods that are loaded with various nutrients, which also helps in improving the function of the immune system. As a source of high protein and low fat, seafood is good for overall health.

Oysters Good for heart health
Oysters offers a wide variety of nutrients that the body needs to improve heart health, such as omega 3, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin E. Omega-3 fatty acids play a role increasing levels of good cholesterol in the body, vitamin E to protect the mucous membranes from damage by free radicals, thereby decreasing the risk of and prevent cardiovascular disease. While potassium and magnesium help lower blood pressure. Thus the conclusion is, oyster helpful to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Oysters Helps lose weight
A diet low in calories and high in protein is a healthy way to lose weight, and the oyster is one of the foods that you can include in your diet list. Seafood is not only can satisfy your appetite, but it also helps you lose weight in a healthy manner.

Oysters Build strong bones
Oysters are the food source of calcium which is very good. This mineral plays an important role in maintaining bone health and bone density, so that will build strong bones. Consuming oysters not only can meet the calcium needs for the body, but also helps protect the joints from inflammation problems, thus preventing arthritis.

Oysters prevent Anemia
Oysters also contain iron in a pretty good amount, it takes the body to produce hemoglobin which carries oxygen to cells throughout the body. And iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia, which can be prevented by consuming oysters.

Oysters Optimize growth and development of the fetus
Intake of omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which is also found helpful in improving the health of the baby oysters especially during development when the fetal stage. Pregnant and lactating mothers who consumed oysters will improve cognitive function and development of infants and their fetuses.

Oysters, although they contain nutisi very good and healthy, but it is not recommended to be consumed excessively. This is because the level of pollution in the waters of the high seas, making oysters can contain heavy metals that are detrimental to health. Especially for pregnant women or nursing, make sure the oysters are consumed is derived from the lower marine pollution. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Benefits of 4 foods for flat stomach

One of things that is frequently complained of by many women is the belly fat. This can be very disturbing appearance and makes women less confident. To be able to flatten the stomach, there are actually many things that can be done, as quoted from this

Flat stomach can be obtained by means of diet and of course exercise. Well, is that you can apply at home.

1. Eating acidic foods
Typically acidic foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges, lemons, kiwi, and grapes. Vitamin C functions as an antioxidant, it also will strengthen your immune system so the body stay young, fresh and protected from disease. Most importantly, vitamin C is very good at burning fat.

2. Eating colorful vegetables
Eating green vegetables are not only Ladies, all the vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that the body needs, as well as low in calories, so it is very good for health and helps burn more calories in the body. Remember also to cook vegetables with a little vegetable oil or no oil at all.

3. So nuts, seeds, oats and eggs
Many grains, nuts, etc. have a high amino acid and low in calories and fat. Do not forget also that you need more protein than carbohydrates. So, multiply the intake of protein, one is an excellent source of eggs. Quite simply boiled and eaten.

4. Expand the water
Water also has an important role if you want a flat stomach, because the water helps the fat burning process and dispose of the calories in the body.

So, be sure to eat the food and do not forget to keep up with exercise for toning the abdominal.

Recognize Triggers of Breast Cancer

Patients with breast cancer is a deadly disease in the world's number five. Therefore Ladies, you should be careful with the name of breast cancer. There is no harm in it if you listen to the trigger of this deadly disease?

Sure, it is not certain about the main causes of breast cancer. However, you need to recognize these triggers breast cancer as described by

* Pregnant young age. Instruments contained in the female reproductive needs time to proceed until finally ready to be fertilized. However, if you are pregnant at an early age will force the reproductive organs to work before they are cooked to perfection. One of these reproductive breast cancer you are at risk for later.
* Genetic factors. If you have a mother or sibling with breast cancer, usually have a greater risk to get breast cancer.
* Abnormal puberty. Adolescents who experience puberty too early or too late is also believed to have hormone instability that can lead to metabolic disorders.
* Smoking. Smoking or inhaling cigarette smoke is one of the factors that increase the risk of breast cancer because of the content of nicotine that are proven to damage the cells in your body
* Excess weight. Women with overweight or obesity is one of the things that can increase the risk of breast cancer. Because excess body fat can lead to increased levels of estrogen and insulin are known to trigger cancer.
* Lifestyle. Unhealthy lifestyles such as poor diet is also a trigger for the onset of cancer cells.
* Hormone therapy. Women who use hormone therapy tend to risk messing up the performance of the cells in the body that trigger the growth of breast cancer cells.

4 Food Required to Restricted If You Want Flat Stomach

Having flat belly could be dream of all women and is not easy to obtain. Lifestyle and the food you eat greatly affects your waist size. Some foods can even cause stomach looks bigger and fatter. Among these 4 foods as reported follows.

1. Vegetables gaseous
Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale is a type of gaseous vegetables. However, this vegetable also contains many nutrients needed by the body, because the consumption of small amounts you should do.
2. Pickled food
Chips, canned foods and preserved foods high in sodium. Sodium can make the fluid stays in the body resulting in a magnification of the stomach and other body parts. Avoid the consumption of high-sodium foods as much as possible so that flat stomach.
3. Soda
Air bubbles in the soda will stay in the stomach and cause flatulence and enlarged. The best beverage is water, which helps 'clean up' the stomach so that it looks more flat.
4. Made in sweeteners
Should limit the variety of artificial sweeteners in packaged foods you consume. You can just eat them in small amounts and not excessive so as not to have an effect on your waistline.

In addition to food, you have to do to keep the shape of the stomach is to exercise regularly so that the abdominal muscles gradually formed.

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Natural Facial Skin Care Tips

For women, clean and shining face became one of the most important factors in an attractive appearance. The face looks dull will make women less confident. Not a few women who often complain of dull face and figure out how to change it to make it look white glow. Dull skin caused by the increased action of the enzyme tyronase to produce excess melanin in the skin.  

Some causes of face looks dull  
Exposed to excessive sunlight and are in hot environments Working in air-conditioned room which causes the skin to become dry Psychological disorders such as high levels of stress Irregular diet (high fat diet consumption) The presence of congenital factor Tips for facial skin is not dull 

- Be diligent to consume water. In addition to good skin mrawat, water is also good for your health in general. Standard normal water we consume per day is eight glasses. 
- Increase consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Lack of vitamin A and B can cause the skin to become dull and dry. The skin also needs vitamin E is enough to keep it bright and become more youthful and not easily wrinkled. 
- Clean your face using a gentle cleanser. For a dull face, just use once a day at bedtime that, and in the morning when bathing. Tip: do not use hot water as this will make your skin dry. 
- Use a soft textured towel and clean. Do not rub the towel on the skin. Do this by slowly pressing a towel, and let some residual water left in the skin to provide moisture to the skin. 

Tip: You can treat the skin with a scrub that has an extra fine grain and soft (do once a week). Additionally, you can also use a face mask to help nourish the face. If your skin type is dry, you can use an avocado mask or apples. 

- If you are using beauty products, choose one that has a high alcohol content because this can trigger more oil glands 
- Avoid using facial cleansers that cause facial skin becomes drier 
- For natural products that you can use celery leaves. Why is that? Celery is considered as fast and safe way in addressing the problem of facial skin dull and almost no side effects. Use celery leaves, cut them up small and put in a pot of boiling water. Let stand for 15 to 20 minutes to cool. After that, wipe the leaves of celery to face. Allow to dry and soak into the skin abortion. Finally, rinse with clean water.  

The most important thing to consider in caring for and keeping the skin is not dull is doing to your skin care routine and regular basis.

Top 10 Common Causes of Pregnant Difficult

General Information About Causes of Difficult Women Pregnant - Infertility In women themselves are usually influenced by ovulation problems. Having offspring is the desire of every couple. But not all couples can easily get a child. Difficulty in getting this baby has a strong link with fertility husband or wife.

Basically fertility can be determined by genetic factors to lifestyle factors and habits that are not healthy and thus affects the organ - the reproductive organs.

In fact, a study in the USA found that fertility problems in modern pair is not always a matter of genetics, but about 10 to 15% factors of unhealthy lifestyle took part. The following are some of the main causes why a pregnant woman is very difficult.

Top 10 Common Causes of Pregnant Difficult

1.    The older age of woman, then she will be more difficult to obtain offspring. Women aged over 40 years the number of eggs produced will be lower and if it could become pregnant, the risk of miscarriage also will be higher.
2.    Unhealthy lifestyle affects a woman's fertility. Women who have the habit of smoking, consumption of medications - certain medicines, and foods high in fat tend to be more difficult to obtain offspring.
3.    Women who are suffering from cancer and undergoing a series of treatment processes have a tendency to cure infertility. Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy will affect the female reproductive organs or render it infertile men and normal.
4.    Women who have thyroid problems usually also experience problems with fertility.
5.    Some operations in the past have ever done especially appendicitis and pelvic surgery can increase the risk of infertility. Operation - the operation will disrupt the smooth tubes so that the egg journey becomes inhibited and consequently would be difficult to pregnant women.
6.    Ovarian damage can also lead to women becoming pregnant difficult. Ovaries can be damaged due to surgery performed in the past as a result of a cyst. Surgery to remove the cyst on the ovary may interfere with ovulation process which makes it difficult for women to be able to get a descent.
7.    Other health problems that can interfere with a woman in order to obtain offspring is endometriosis. Endometriosis is a medical disorder of the uterus where there is uterine tissue that grows and develops outside the womb itself. Health problems will affect the performance of the female reproductive organs and disrupt the fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus, and may even interfere with sperm function that makes.
8.    Impaired production of abnormal androgen hormone or also called Polikstik Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can cause fertility problems in women. These health problems will interfere with the process of ovulation and disrupt the menstrual cycle each month, causing the woman becomes less fertile.
9.    Damage to the fallopian tubes or also called tube can cause a woman to be difficult to get descent. Disturbances in this tube can be caused by several things, and which are due to an inflammatory disease of the back, ectopic postoperative health problems, or because of a disease that is sexually transmitted chlamydia.
10.    Radiation and matter in the gene can trigger early menopause in women. as we have seen, this menopause occurs in women at the age of about 50 years. In this condition the menopause the female reproductive organs had stopped functioning and stop producing egg cells. Cessation of egg production at a young age will cause a woman to be difficult to obtain offspring.

that was article about Top 10 Common Causes of Pregnant Difficult.

Monday, September 01, 2014

Againts Cancer Through Immunotherapy

Illness occurs when the body loses balance. The same thing applies to cancer. When the immune system is weakened, the cell malignancies can occur. Therefore, some cancer researchers have begun to focus on improving immunity.

Cancer cells exist in every human body. When the abnormal cells start to grow, the immune cells will move to destroy it. In elderly people, people experiencing chronic stress or fatigue, and the immune compromised, the balance between cancer cells and immune cells disrupted. If the immune system weakens, the cancer cells will grow.

This is in line with the reality found in cancer management. Tumors by surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy does not guarantee the patient's recovery. There is always a risk of relapse for patients with low immunity.

The discovery of a number of drugs targeting the molecular level (molecular targeted drugs), among others, for lung cancer, breast, colorectal (colon and rectum), and liver, is shrinking the tumor tissue. However, therapy did not significantly prolong the patient's life. Drugs exist that cause severe side effects.

"We've tried as much as possible utilizing chemotherapy. Immunotherapy may be the last way to fight cancer, "said Herman Kattlove, Medical Editor of the American Cancer Society (the American Cancer Society), as quoted in the book published by the Cancer Immunotherapy Fuda Cancer Hospital in 2008.

Immunotherapy The new strategy

Immunotherapy is a new strategy against cancer. Basic theory, cancer is a systemic disease. Tumors were detected are part of a systemic disease. Therefore, treatment is not only directed at the tumor site was found, but more fundamental, namely strengthening the body's defenses. Tumors will not grow in a healthy body and has a strong defense. By improving and enhancing the immune system, is expected to halt the growth of cancer cells. Thus, the patient can live longer and quality of life increased because pain-free and recurrence.

Of course, the tumor needs to be turned off. Therefore, immunotherapy combined with other therapies, such as cryo surgery (surgery with tissue freezing), local chemotherapy, and other therapies are needed.

Fuda Cancer Hospital in Guangzhou, China, is one of RS is applying this therapy. According to Prof. Xu Kecheng, president of Fuda Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, since 1991, the hospital team treated more than 10,000 patients with advanced cancer. As many as 70 percent of patients with inoperable tumors, they also have not progressed with chemotherapy or radiation. After receiving the combination therapy at Fuda Hospital, approximately 70 percent of patients experienced significant progress. In survival time (survival time) could be extended. A number of liver and lung cancer patients with advanced life until 5-9 years later. In fact, advanced stage patients with other cancers live up to 10-15 years.

"Immunotherapy is very good for preventing metastasis (spread of cancer) and relapse, slow the growth of cancer, improve public health, and boost the immune system after slumped as a side effect of chemotherapy," said Xu, gastroenterology and oncology expert who was a visiting professor of several universities in China , Japan, and the United States.

Runsheng Prof. Ruan, biology and nanotechnology engineering researchers who long worked in cancer research centers in Switzerland and Singapore are now working at Fuda Hospital, adds, weak patient's immune response against cancer cell growth is a major cause of disease severity. Helpful immunotherapy for the treatment of all malignancies. Through induction and stimulation of immune cells, treatment was successfully eradicate and suppress the growth of cancer cells. Cancer can occur in various organs, including the lungs, liver, pancreas, stomach, colon, breast, bladder eggs, kidney, brain, lymph nodes, and leukemia.

Immunotherapy is itself a combination of the use of T cells (T-cells), dendritic cell vaccines (DC), cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells, cytokines, interfering vaccine (MV), as well as modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine to boost immunity.

T cells are part of the white blood of patients who have a defense capability and activity eradicate cancer cells. T cells taken from the patient's body, selected a nice, and reproduced. The result is inserted back into the patient to boost immunity and eradicate cancer cells. The dendritic cell function and the process shows that the tumor antigen is suppressed by the immune system. In cancer patients, in addition to weakened immune, dendritic cells do not mature normally disabled or is unable to mark the bully body substances. Mixed vaccine is used to boost immunity. Similarly CIK cells, which is a mixture of gamma interferon, anti-CD3, interleukin-2 and interleukin-1 beta, as well as cytokines, such as interleukin 2, interferon, or thymosin 1 The traditional Chinese medicine used to support the therapy, such as an appetite enhancer and improve health.

The procedure is carried out, said Xu, 60-80 ml ​​of patient's blood is taken to isolate the required cell (T cells and dendritic cells) to be propagated. On the same day, 0.5-1.5 ml of a mixed vaccine is injected under the skin near the tumor area. The mixture is injected vaccine every week for three weeks, interrupted a break for two weeks. The same is done on the injection of 0.5-1 ml of cytokines, such as interleukin 2 Once copied, T cells and dendritic cells inserted into the patient on days 8-12. "Dendritic cells and T cells should be taken from the patient's blood. If not enough, the T cells can be obtained from the blood of others, "said Xu.

Immunotherapy prolong life

The result, Xu said one of the cases, the patient Tang (59), patients with sinus melanoma (cancer of the nose). He was operated on at a hospital in Shanghai end of 1991 followed by radiotherapy, but the results are less satisfactory. March 1992, Tang admitted to the hospital and get an injection Fuda interfering anticancer vaccine every week for 6 months. When the vaccine is given gradually reduced to once a month. Total vaccine is 8 years and 2 months. With immuno therapy, Tang survived until 2004.

Based on the research of Fuda Hospital, Xu explained, of 38 patients with advanced cancer were given immunotherapy and followed since 1995, there are 26 people living up to 15 years.

Related side effects, according to Xu, has so far not found serious. Unlike chemotherapy which can cause hair loss, nausea, vomiting, and damage to vital organs, immunotherapy of side effects depends on the condition of the patient. Usually include fever a few hours. The patient will feel cold and flu-like symptoms, such as headaches, back pain, and nausea. Another thing, pain and swelling at the tumor at the injection site. However, all that can be resolved without taking additional medication.