Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Fecal Occult Blood Test on Colorectal Cancer

Understanding Colorectal Cancer Symptoms

Modern Life today is very indulgent. The problem with the development of technology, transportation, and food intake consumed to make someone have to pay dearly for his health. In fact, various malignancies have been threatened and must be early detected.
One such disease is colorectal cancer. Patients with cancer that attacks at a young age caused by a gene mutation that is present at birth. Genes were exposed continuously by carcinogens in food, turned out to be the biggest trigger the occurrence of colorectal cancer.
Cancer is a disease of malignant cell growth and can affect any organ. Can attack the colon, rectum, or both. Colon cancer (colon) and the area between the colon and the anus (rectum) have much in common, and are often jointly referred to colorectal cancer.
Colon and rectum are parts of the digestive system processes food diasup and discard leftovers from the body. Colorectal cancer is cancer that grows in the large intestine (colon) or rectum.

Below is a few things that can increase risk of colorectal cancer

Personal history of cancer
If someone has already had colorectal cancer, cancer he could return for the second time. Women with a history of ovarian cancer, uterine (endometrial) or breast cancer also have a higher risk of colorectal cancer.

Family medical history with colorectal cancer
If you have a family history of colorectal cancer, then you have the same risk of cancer, especially if you have cancer you are a young age.
Lifestyle factors
Those who smoke, consume a diet rich in red meat or processed meat and less fiber, have an increased risk of colorectal cancer.

Age over 50 years
Colorectal cancer is likely to occur when people grow older. More than 90 percent of patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer are those aged 50 years and over.


Symptoms of colorectal cancer include:

  • A change in bowel habits (diarrhea or constipation)
  • Feeling that the stomach does not empty completely
  • There is blood (bright red or dark) on your feces
  • Your feces size smaller than usual
  • Often experience abdominal cramps or stomach pain due to gas, or feel bloated
  • Losing weight without reason
  • Always feeling tired
  • Often feel nausea or vomiting

Often, these symptoms may be not caused by cancer. Other medical conditions can also cause the symptoms mentioned above. Just a reminder, the cancer at an early stage usually does not cause pain. Therefore for anyone who was experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, it is advisable to immediately see a doctor to make a diagnosis and receive treatment as soon as possible.

Often, these symptoms may be not caused by cancer. Other medical conditions can also cause the symptoms mentioned above. Just a reminder, the cancer at an early stage usually does not cause pain. Therefore for anyone who was experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, it is advisable to immediately see a doctor to make a diagnosis and receive treatment as soon as possible.

Screening tests will help your doctor to find polyps or cancer before you are exposed to cancer symptoms. Early detection of colorectal cancer may help the effectiveness of cancer treatment. The following screening tests can be used to find polyps, cancer, or other abnormal conditions.

Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT)
Sometimes when cancer or polyps bleed, FOBT procedure may find blood in your Chapter in the smallest amount. If the test is found blood, then other tests will be needed to determine the source of the blood. Harmless condition (such as hemorrhoids) can also cause blood in the bowel movements.

Increasing Healthy Sperm Through Natural Way

Healthy sperm is needed for fertilization as the male gamete cells. Based on research, in a normal count it should be at least 20 million of spermatozoa for each milliliter of semen. Within at least 30 percent of normal size and shape and 75 percent of live cells at ejaculation. It means that the fertilization is less if the sperm count below the healthy amount. 

The factors that could increase the number of healthy mobile sperm is exercising. It is better for you to use loosing underwear as the way to reduce the scrotum temperature, healthy diet and abstaining from alcohol and smoking excess. 
Increasing Healthy Sperm Through Natural Way
Increasing Healthy Sperm Through Natural Way

How to increase healthy sperm count naturally?

Healthy sperm diet brings possibility to increase the sperm count in natural way. Remember that mineral zinc is required in order to produce sperm for prostate. The sperm will less mobile and the count will be lower if your body does not have enough zinc. It is recommended for you to increase consuming meats such as pork, chicken and lambs. Or, you can also consume seafood such as crab, lobster and salmon. Grains and legumes are helpful too such as whole grains, peanuts, and brown rice or pumpkin seeds. Not only zinc, but Vitamin C could increase the healthy prostate

What food you should consume to increase sperm count?

Sperm supplement could be the additional option for you, but the most important thing is about your eating manner. For example, it is important to have selenium, an antioxidant which is needed for good sperm health and production. Based on result showed that over 400 ml of selenium each day is not healthy such as whole – milk cheeses, eggs, chicken and tuna. 

Another thing you should consider is L – arginine as one of 20 amino acids which is helpful in creating protein and being essential in the sperm cell production. Basically, when you increase L – arginine of course you will increase the sperm count. You can find L – arginine in nuts and turkey. Or, you can find it out from beef and chicken and pork. The last thing you should remember is about avoiding soy. 

Reducing soy in your diet will help you if you are concerning about sperm count. Eating soy food a day could lower the sperm concentration has been found by Health Day in 2008, because soy could increase the estrogen production which means that it brings negative impact toward sperm production. That is why you should avoid soy for sperm count problems.

Understanding the Lyme disease Sign and Symptoms

Lyme disease sign could continue or recur in periodic way even if antibiotic could be effective to treat and destroy the bacteria. Lyme disease itself known well as a bacterial illness that could develop and this illness caused by an infected tick which is commonly in wooden or grassy areas. That is why spending you time around these areas could bring risk because of the developing infection. To know the symptoms and signs, here are some information for you. 
Understanding the Lyme disease Sign and Symptoms
Understanding the Lyme disease Sign and Symptoms

How to recognize Lyme disease symptoms?

Lyme disease symptoms could be seen from eye. The classic symptoms of Lyme disease occurs when bull’s eye rash occurs. In this case, it could develop within days or even weeks because of beaten by infected tick and then begin as a cluster. It is small red bumps and in a gradual way will spread through the bite areas featured by a clear center and red ring. The second sign is there is a joint pain or known as arthritis symptoms around the different parts of your body such as knees and fingers. This sign will appear if you left it untreated and being worsen. For the pain, it is intermittent and ongoing. In a normal period, it develop and being worsen in progressive time over weeks or months. Not only that, but you will feel like having flu symptomsalong the joint pain and rash. You will feel headache, fatigue, body aches, fever and body chills. It goes with the same time as the bull’s eye rash. 

Lyme Epidemologi

In some areas in the United States, Lyme disease is not only transmitted by ticks Ixodes scapularis, but also by rodents and ticks Ixodes paficius.  In Europe, other Borrelia species B. garinii is also capable of causing a disease with symptoms similar to Lyme disease . Transmission of the disease in the European region carried by vectors such as ticks I. ricinus.  In the Asian region, Lyme disease is caused by B. afzelii through the mediation of I. persulcatus. On the whole it can be said that the distribution of the disease is very widespread and transmitted to humans via group Borrelia and various different types of flea species, depending on their respective territories

Does Lyme disease could lead to neurological and heart problem?

Definitely yes. In some cases, Lyme disease could lead to neurological problem that make you experiencing numbness, muscle weakness and facial paralysis. Those are the common signs as the end stage of Lyme disease if you never do Lyme disease treatment. Other risks if never treat it, you can get mood swings, difficulty concentrating and memory loss. Not only that, but it could also lead to the heart problem because the heart tissues will get inflammation and irregular heartbeat. The risk of heart failure could happen because Lyme disease categorized as a serious disease for health. Consulting to your doctors is the best way in order to know what you should do and what treatment available for you. Or, you can try to go to clinic in order to find out the right herbs or Lyme disease antibiotics.

Lyme Diagnosis
Various serological tests such as ELISA and fluorescence staining can be performed to detect the presence of antibodies to B. burgdorferi that appear 4-6 weeks after infection.  However, the most effective serological test today is the western blot, the antibody is due to the presence of B. burgdorferi can be detected from the first infections suffered until several years later.  After several years, the body no longer produces antibodies against the bacteria because the bacteria was latent in the body.

To detect B. burgdorferi from body fluids and tissues, can be used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a sensitive and relatively fast.  However, the PCR method is not able to distinguish between B. burgdorferi cells were still alive or already dead in the body.  Some microbiological tests by culturing B. burgdorferi from erythema migrans part can also be done but rarely because of B. burgdorferi requires specific and complex media for growth.  Generally, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics when symptoms appear early in the disease and the patient had been bitten by ticks in the near future, followed by the appearance of erythema migrans.

Prevent and Treatment of Lyme Disease
To prevent tick bites on the skin and of clothing, can be used a flea deterrent compounds diethyl-m-toluamide, cyclohexylpyrrolidinone (DEET).  The vaccine for Lyme disease have also been developed and is mainly intended for animals.  To treat the infection, it can be used doxycycline (tetracycline derivatives), or amoxicillin (beta-lactam antibiotics) for 20-30 days.  If the disease has entered the chronic phase of penicillin or ceftriaxone can be used in high doses accompanied by probenicid, chemical compounds that can maintain serum antibiotic in the body up to 30 days.

Healthy DASH Diet with Low Calorie

Healthy DASH Diet with Low Calorie
What is healthy DASH diet?
Healthy dash diet is different from fad diets which basically introduced on the market recently. DASH diet as its name (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) actually introduced in order to stop hypertension based well – rounded and healthy eating plan. Supported by the research that this diet plan has been proven as the way to decrease the high blood pressure and even recommended in medical way. 

Furthermore, it is also recommended by American Heart Association and U.S. Department of Health and Human Service. Based on the research, this diet however works well as the basis form of new USDA food program which recommend 2,000 calories in a day.

Healthy DASH Diet with Low Calorie

 Healthy DASH Diet with Low Calorie

What other benefits you can get through DASH diet?

It is not about using dash diet menu to help reducing the risk of high blood pressure or to keep your Heart stay healthy. In fact, by using DASH diet as the way against obesity as the other benefits you get through DASH diet. In this condition, it is recommended for the people who wants to do DASH diet to lose weight by consulting to nutritionist or doctor since every person’s calorie needs are not same. 

Another argument about DASH diet is about its flexibility and healthy. It integrates to the wide range of individual cuisines and food preferences includes for healthy vegetarian diet because there are a lot of choices for cereals, yogurt, cheeses, fruits, vegetables and many more. One important thing is this diet required exercise.

How to get low calorie in a day through Dash diet plan?

To do this, differentiate the time of breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner. For breakfast you can have 1 cup cooked oatmeal, low fat milk, orange juice and ½ cup of fresh or frozen berries. Provide nuts and vegetable juice as a snack. After all, you can have lunch with a large whole grain roll, low salad, grilled skinless chicken breast and a cup of leafy green. After lunch, you can enjoy a medium sized apple, low fat yogurt and ½ cup whole grain crackers. Consume a cup whole grain rice, a cup of cooked vegetable, ½ cup of dry cooked beans and cooked salmon. While for snack after dinner you can have a cup of grain cereal with low fat milk. For more about the menu of your DASH diet, you can find out by searching about some books that provides you more about low caloriediet. See more Preparing Healthy Dinner Food Ideas

Preparing Healthy Dinner Food Ideas

Preparing Healthy Dinner Food Ideas
Healthy dinner idea does not require you to take hours in order to prepare it. You can have a solid nutritious meal on your table which is under 20 minutes through keeping some ingredients on your hand. 
Preparing Healthy Dinner Food Ideas

Healthy Dinner Food Ideas

How to prepare healthy dinner food?

  1. Cooking meat. It could be your choice by choosing the fresh foods that will not make you need to spend more time in the first place. For instance you can have thinner cuts of pork or steak and then friend in the broiled or pan. Then, cook for around 15 minutes. Not only that, but you can also have chicken legs, thighs or breasts that could be placed in a seared and skillet.

    The next step is add a ¼ cup of water to your pan, cover and cook it for around 12 to 15 minutes. In cooking your fish, it only takes ten minutes when cut into small pieces before broiling and fried in the pan. Give additional two or three minutes for microwaving that could speed up cooking time on the stove top later.

  2. Prepared food could save your time. To have healthy dinner for diet in prepared food you can use mixed salad green and broccoli crowns. Other chopped fresh vegetables also a good idea such as carrots, potatoes and onions in prepared food. As a back – up, you can have boxed and frozen dinner that stored in pantry or freezer. Those prepared foods are providing good nutrition for you.

  3. Check the label. Since the packaged healthy dinner for fat loss can be nutritious and wholesome, it is better for you to check the label when you purchase canned, prepared or frozen foods. Remember that you are avoiding lowered sodium content and additives.

  4. Invest a slow cooker especially for cooking stews and meats so that you can combine a rinsed pieces of chicken, dry ice, pork or beef into the cooker in the morning. You can also add the seasoning. Within it, you can find out your dinner prepared when you go home.
  5. Quick meals could be another options such as chili or canned beans heated via microwave or stove top in order to make a quick filling for tacos or burritos. Later, add salsa, lettuce and shredded cheese as the complete meal.
Choosing fresh vegetables, add consuming fruits and keep your food fresh in a hygiene place will be helpful in order to have healthy dinner recipe diet.

Simplest Way to Do Healthy Hair Treatment

Simplest Way to Do Healthy Hair Treatment
Healthy hair care will improve your self – esteem because it can make you look good anywhere you go. Healthy hair means that you have a strong and shiny hair. To support your healthy hair, you can have a diet packed with nutrients and vitamins because those two are the main actors to support your hair to be healthier. In order to protect it from heat damage so that you can maintain the shine and healthiness, you can pamper your hair through some ways available here. 

Simplest Way to Do Healthy Hair Treatment

Simplest Way to Do Healthy Hair Treatment


How to have healthy hair?

  1. Use warm water. It is recommended to use warm water for washing your hair and rinse with cold or cool to promote the shine. Apply a good quality conditioner and shampoo. Go for your natural product if you can and make sure you use a right formula for your hair type and scalp condition which means that you do not need to spend any fortunes. One important thing is do not even wash your hair everyday unless you have a dirty job or highly active to work. Just wash your hair two or three days to keep you from stripping out the nutrients and oils.
  2. Skip using curling irons, flat irons, blow dryers and other heat styling tools as the healthy hair tips since it can make your hair in damage condition and dry. Use cool dryers, curlers and other free or low – heat tools.
  3. Chemical treatment is not recommended. Straightening, coloring and perms could seriously damage your hair condition. Frequent chemical treatment will give a long term damage for your hair which means that healthy hair vitamins is required.
  4. Avoid any brushes since it can pull and then damage hair. It is better for you to choose a pick or wide tooth comb if you have curls. To avoid scalp damage, it is recommended for you to never use anything that designed from a hard metal or sharp ends. It could be said that you will need to use rounded end comb.
  5. If you need a deep conditioning treatment, you can do massage mayonnaise into your hair down from the root to the end. Let it set 5 to 7 minutes and keep it off your scalp. Shampoo and condition as usual for the next. The benefits are you add a lot of shine and moisture your dry hair through this healthy hair treatment.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Knowing Prostate Cancer Symptoms Diagnosis

Knowing Prostate Cancer Symptoms Diagnosis
Prostate cancer diagnosis as the disease that could affect the prostate gland which is located near the bladder. Toward this disease, commonly there is no symptoms for someone who suffers from this cancer because it only could be seen from the first discovered through a routine screening. One thing you should remember is the prostate cancer signs actually depends on how far the disease attacked you and how far it spreads outside the prostate. In order to know the signs, here are some information for you.

Knowing Prostate Cancer Symptoms Diagnosis

Knowing Prostate Cancer Symptoms Diagnosis

What are the signs of prostate cancer problems?

  1. Urination signs could be very important related to prostate cancer problems. You can see the sign from the urinary troubles that could give prostate cancer away in early stage. Trouble urinating means that there is a hard time to get a weak stream of urine. This condition happens because the prostate being enlarged.

    Bleeding. Finding blood in the semen and man’s urine could be the result of men prostate cancer. When this condition occurs, it is the sign that the cancer has been reached into an advanced stage. Another sign that associated with prostate cancer is the existence problem of achieving an erection. 

  2. Swelling could be the indication of prostate cancer illness. Since prostate cancer made its way near the lymph nodes prostate cancer symptoms will continue in the individual’s legs with swallowing. Not only that, but you could also feel discomfort in the area of your pelvis.

  3. The next is about bone pain as the sign of prostate cancer. In medical condition, prostate cancer could spread in a frequent way through your bones. That is why, you may feel pain in the ribs, spine, hips and other areas as the sign of this happening. Other painful feeling could be around your legs such as tingling numbness or weakness. It is because the prostate cancer has pressing the spinal nerves after invading the spine.
It is recommended for men to know more about the factors that could increase prostate cancer risks toward men since there are a few obvious signs of this cancer disease. In fact, men older than 50 will get more risk to get prostate cancer. The last possibility is learning through the family history because anyone with family history of this cancer should beware that he could suffer from it. That is why, it is better to have prostate cancer diet.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Milk Ingredients and Benefits During Pregnancy

content of the milk and the benefits for pregnant women and their fetuses

Milk contains proteins that function:
- Build and repair body tissues (muscle, bone, skin eyes heart and liver)
- Helps the formation of blood, amniotic fluid and placenta
- Forming antibodies
- It takes as much as 60 grams of protein per day
- Sources other than milk protein: beans, tofu

Milk also contains calcium that function:
- Form bones and teeth baby
- Prepare for breastfeeding
- Blood freeze
- Maintain calcium itself, because if the mother is not taking calcium, the baby in the womb will take calcium from the mother's body that can cause the mother at risk for osteoporosis
- Needs calcium 1000 mg
-source calcium than milk: cheese, green vegetables, fish

Milk also contains vitamin D that function:
- Helps the absorption of calcium in the blood for bone formation and tissue baby
- A source of vitamin D than milk: egg yolks, tuna, rays of the morning sun for 15 minutes

Milk also contains iron that function:
- Forming red blood cells for mothers and infants to prevent anemia
- Needs 30-60 mg iron
- Sources other than milk: meat (beef, chicken, fish), beans, oysters

Milk also contains vitamin A function:
- Assist the formation of bone and tissue in infants (teeth, hair, nails, vision)
- Forming in the gums enemel
- Form of defense against infection
- A 5000 IU vitamin needs
- In addition to milk, other sources of iron bisadidapatka of: fruits, vegetables, egg yolks, butter

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Top 8 Benefits of Pregnancy exercise

Exercise is very important for pregnant women, to still get a healthy and fit body. But the exercise is done, must also be in accordance with the physical changes. Gymnastics fitting is done during pregnancy pregnancy exercise.

Pregnancy exercise usually starts when entering the third trimester of pregnancy, which is around the age of 28-30 weeks of gestation. In addition to maintaining fitness, pregnancy exercise is also necessary to improve the physical and mental readiness mothers during childbirth.

The benefits of pregnancy exercise is:

  • Train posture in order to avoid or mitigate such complaints and back pain, constipation, swelling in the legs, varicose veins, and rapid fatigue.
  • Strengthen and maintain the flexibility of the muscles of the abdominal wall and pelvic floor are important in the delivery process..
  • Reduce anxiety and tension during pregnancy..
  • Make the body more relaxed so will help reduce stress and pain when giving birth..
  • Train various breathing techniques are essential for labor to run smoothly and faster..
  • Induce labor physically and mentally normal..
  • Improve mood and sleep patterns mother..
  • Accelerate the reduction of maternal weight after delivery..
Pregnancy exercise should be done when the content reaches the age of 6 months upwards. Before deciding to follow pregnancy exercise, pregnancy conditions discussed with your obstetrician or midwife.