Monday, July 16, 2018

Causing Cancer, FDA & 22 Other Country Recall Common Drug

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a voluntary recall on Friday of a drug commonly used to control blood pressure and prevent heart failure.

The drug, valsartan, is often a component of generic medicines, but not all heart medicines that contain valsartan are involved in the recall, the FDA warns.

The recall is due to the presence of an impurity, N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). It is an organic chemical that is often used in rocket fuel, softeners and lubricants.

NDMA is classified as a probable human carcinogen based on lab tests. The FDA believes this sudden presence of NDMA is because of the way the substance was manufactured.
Read Also : What Is NDMA?
Read Also : Valsartan Recall List

prostate massage health benefits

Have you heard about prostate massage? This type of male-specific massage therapy begins to rise as many people believe in its benefits for your sexual health. Massage does sound like a simple and easy solution to solve many health problems. However, is it true that prostate massage is beneficial to you?

Where is the male prostate?
Before understanding how to work and what are the benefits of prostate massage, know first where the prostate man. The prostate is a small gland of size and magnitude like a walnut nut.

This gland is located under the bladder, in front of the rectum. Some of the prostate gland also surrounds your urinary tract. During ejaculation, the muscles in the prostate gland are what will push the discharge of semen through the penis.

Best Natural Prenatal Vitamins

The intake of nutrients consumed by pregnant women is one of the things that need to get special attention. This is reasonable because the nutrient intake is needed by the fetus to grow and develop.

Therefore, consuming nutritious foods is something that must be done by pregnant women. Apart from the food consumed by pregnant women, nutritional intake can also be obtained from prenatal vitamins that are consumed.

Prenatal vitamins are absolutely necessary because it is difficult to get all the nutrients that Mother and fetus need in the future, even if the best diet approaches perfectly and the companions eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods such as meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts. Pregnant good milk is also needed to perfect the diet.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Benefits of Resutasi NEONATUS

A few weeks ago, the American medical scene was an intriguing debate because there was an unconscious patient.

What makes the doctor argue is not about the condition of the patient, but because the patient has a tattoo on the chest that read "do not resuscitate" which means "Do not Resust / Wake / Turn"

The doctors were confused between saving the man or following the written message on his chest so as not to be helped.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Papaya soap Benefits

Basically this soap already has characteristics that are difficult to forge other products, such as the aroma of a
special papaya perfume that provides a soft aromatherapy. While most facial wash soaps are usually made with perfumes that smell like drugs or sharp perfume smells.

Because of the benefits, benefits and effects on faces, body and beauty, there are many people who faked this soap. Although basically this soap is produced by many factories in various brands, but there are some definite and common traits that it has.

Benefits of Papaya Soap for Face:

Friday, July 13, 2018

Papaya Enzyme and vitamins pills benefits

Some Vitamins and Nutrition In Papaya

There are some vitamins and nutrients that certainly has benefits for the body in pawpaw fruit, such as vitamins A, C, and E. In addition to the papaya fruit also has how much antioxidant content such as carotene, flavonoids, folate and pantothenic acid.

Papaya fruit also has potassium levels and papain enzyme, the enzyme is the content of papaya that has a vital function that is, serves to reduce and prevent the formation of gas in the stomach.

In order not to be easily bloated, other than that this enzyme can also make your digestive system smoothly. And can clean the intestines of various toxic substances and impurities that are not in want.

Beside papaya vitamins and nutrient, Inside papaya sap contained papain enzyme. The word papain comes from English which is composed of two words, namely papa and in. This means that the substance in the papaya fruit (sap) that has enzymatic include the power of proteins to break down or break down proteins. A protein-breaking enzyme is called protease, proteinase, or proteolytic, and papain is a protease enzyme.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Rheumatoid Arthritis Prognosis

It’s normal to find that most rheumatoid arthritis sufferers are very anxious and have so much concern
regarding their rheumatoid arthritis prognosis. Their wonders mostly circles around questions like “will my illness become worse?” or “will I can finally can cope with it and enjoy normal life?” This is all because rheumatoid arthritis, while not life threatening, can lead someone to a phase in which powerlessness and unproductive, wich is something they must get used to.

While several people, maybe including us, it’s worse than common death. In this article we’re going to have rheumatoid arthritis prognosis as our main topic and discuss anything you can do to lead you to a better prognosis.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

tons health benefits of orgasm

Having sex is a basic human need, in doing this activity every couple would want a climax, what is the benefit of orgasm for the health of a woman's body? following his review, During orgasm, the body will release a number of hormones that are useful to you. These hormones are useful from starting to handle the pain to make you more beautiful. What are the benefits of orgasm?

Here are the health benefits of orgasm:

Make Younger
Orgasms help keep blood pressure well and slow the aging process in the body. In addition, sex also increases the production of estrogen that creates collagen, both to moisturize and prevent wrinkles.

Increase Confidence
The reason is the happy feeling created by oxytocin for you to be able to show the best in yourself. After all, with all the advantages you can get above, it seems to appear confident will continue to accompany your day, right? It's obvious that happy woman is the prettiest.

Monday, July 09, 2018

5 Proven Benefits of Planking

Planning to shrink the stomach? plank can be one of your choice to streamline the stomach, not only useful abdominal slimming plank also turned out to have many other benefits to our body. In addition to the plank benefits a lot, plank is also an easy activity, you can do anywhere and anytime, even on the sidelines during the break when working.