The Benefits of 4 simple step for healthy ear
4 easy steps beneficial for ear healthThe Benefits of 4 simple step for healthy ear - Care and health care is not just to clean the ear with a cotton bud. Many some of which also have to be done for the health of hearing organ. Well, as quoted from several sources, including the following:
1. Reduce the intensity of use of earphones: without realizing it, to listen to music using earphones especially with the volume too loud can cause disturbances in the organ of hearing. Exposure to noise above 100 dB for more than 1 hour per day within five years can cause a person to suffer from permanent hearing loss.
2. Stay away from too noisy atmosphere: too long in noisy atmosphere such as roads, music studio, or go to the concert can also aggravate the condition of the organ of hearing health. At least reduce its intensity is a wise move.
3. Use safety devices such as helmets with a good standard or ear protectors when driving. This step can also be done when you are in a noisy place because it sounds like a machine in a factory.
4. Always keep your ear hygiene: to keep the ears should also be careful. Never to clean the ear with a finger or a pointy object than a cotton bud. Although cotton bud fairly effective, their use should also be careful. Clean only the ears because if you clean up into the ear hole, cotton bud will push cerumen (ear wax) to a deeper place. If the wax accumulates in the ear drum can cause tinnitus or inflammation of the ear drum.
5. Simple way, use a soft towel soaked in warm water. Clean the outside of the ear canal slowly.
6. Make sure you check the health of your ears to the ENT doctor at least once a year.
2. Stay away from too noisy atmosphere: too long in noisy atmosphere such as roads, music studio, or go to the concert can also aggravate the condition of the organ of hearing health. At least reduce its intensity is a wise move.
3. Use safety devices such as helmets with a good standard or ear protectors when driving. This step can also be done when you are in a noisy place because it sounds like a machine in a factory.
4. Always keep your ear hygiene: to keep the ears should also be careful. Never to clean the ear with a finger or a pointy object than a cotton bud. Although cotton bud fairly effective, their use should also be careful. Clean only the ears because if you clean up into the ear hole, cotton bud will push cerumen (ear wax) to a deeper place. If the wax accumulates in the ear drum can cause tinnitus or inflammation of the ear drum.
5. Simple way, use a soft towel soaked in warm water. Clean the outside of the ear canal slowly.
6. Make sure you check the health of your ears to the ENT doctor at least once a year.