Thursday, September 05, 2013

Toe Ring Health Benefits

Toe Ring Health Benefits

In India, as reported by Boldsky, story that the toe ring has a lot of tradition and relationship with health. Generally there, even wedding rings worn on both feet, at the foot of the index finger.

This tradition reportedly had been there since the first Ramayana legend. That said, Shinta throwing her wedding ring in the area of ​​Sri Lanka when kidnapped by Ravana, so he can find it.

Now, it's just some people are still running the tradition. Even if there are still doing it, it was not only limited to wedding traditions run.

According to the Indian, wearing a toe ring has many health benefits, especially in terms of female fertility. The following are the health benefits that can be gleaned when women wear toe rings.

Make Menstruation smoothly
The first reason India women wear toe rings after marriage is for smooth menstruation. Indeed, there are no studies that may explain the association with menstruation toe rings. But researchers estimate there are nerve points pressed while wearing toe rings, which can help make menstrual so regularly and smoothly.

With the activity and high stress, menstruation is generally so distracted. There is no harm if you try it this way, isn't it?

the balance of the uterus
In order uterus balanced and healthy, you are advised to wear toe rings on both feet forefinger. Nerve points should be pressed them together so balanced. The nerves associated with the uterus and also the heart.

Wear toe rings on both feet will help keep the uterus and reproductive fertility.

Good energy conductor
Indian ladies toe rings are made of silver, where silver is a good conductor of energy. So when you walk away, the silver material will channel good energy from the ground, and transferred to your body.

According to Ayurveda, it is good to put some metal in the body for energy to be balanced.
Ooh, so it turns out that yes the reason Indian women wear toe rings. So not just a reason to make it more stylish fashion, but also to carry on the tradition and maintain health.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Health Indicators of Woman Genital Organ

Health Indicators of Woman Genital Organ

Compared to male genitals, vagina in women is more often problematic because it lies within. If cleanliness is not really well maintained, disorders such as itching, odor and vaginal discharge often occurs.

Unfortunately, many women are embarrassed to ask when he sees something wrong with the genitals. To solve the problem the following indicators to examine the state of the vagina itself.

4 Health Indicators of Woman Genital Organ

1. Humidity levels
"It's easy, put your little finger into the vagina surface and touch the walls of your vagina. Feel humidity. Such is approximately normal vaginal moisture, " said dr. Ryan Thamrin, specialist genitals doctor.

Moisture can be reduced due to several things including menopause. When the humidity is reduced, does not need too problematic, unless you feel this situation disturbing your intimate relationship with your partner. The solution, among others, use of lubricants ( artificial lubricant ), consumption of soy products and vitamin E.

2. Odor
Normally vagina does not smell, but when they appear odor like rancid odor, there may have been fungal and bacterial infections.

3. Normal mucus
Whether normal or mucus discharge from the vagina can be seen from the color and viscosity. Normally, mucus translucent color and viscosity such as baby oil or egg white. Usually occurs before the fertile period and in the fertile period.

If the color is white and more concentrated as body lotion, is relatively normal as usually happens after ovulation or fertile period ends or when sexually stimulated.

4. Abnormal mucus
Abnormal condition is when the fluid that comes out thick and the color is yellowish, greenish, or brown, because there has been inflammation and bacterial and fungal infections.

Causes include use of antibiotics in a long time, so that the normal flora balance disturbed. It could also be because the immune system is not working properly, the use of birth control pills, or unhealthy sex.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Health Benefits of Thermogenic Foods; lose weight

Lose Weight with Thermogenic Foods Benefits

Actually it's easy if you want to lose weight. Consumption of foods lower calories than your body burn, you can lose weight.

There are some foods that can help burn fat, this is called thermogenic foods. Thermogenic foods can help burn more calories, explains Tara Gidus, a dietitian for the Orlando Magic basketball team.

What kind of food is thermogenic? Ellen Kamhi, author of Weight Loss: The Alternative Medicine Guide explains that the fat burning foods have three characteristics, it contains protein, good fats, and high in fiber. "Foods that increase the burning of fat for energy needed to process large when digested," he said.


This is the 6th most fat burning foods.

Lean meat
Consuming lean meats will make you feel full longer. Meat is rich in protein so it takes a lot of energy to process. If the body needs to break down proteins contained in meat, meaning it takes more calories to burn.

green tea
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that drinking four cups of green tea every day will make weight reduced up to 6 pounds in 8 weeks. That makes green tea so effective is the content of EGCG, an antioxidant fat burner.

Many will not eat avocados because of the high calories, but rich avocado monounsaturated fat and high in fiber which can burn more fat.

Raw Almond
A handful of almonds contains protein, good fats and fiber. Giving a sense of satiety for longer and help burn fat three times faster.

cayenne pepper
Add a spicy flavor in a dish of chili or cayenne pepper can increase the body's ability to burn fat. Thanks to capsaicin, the chemical in peppers can increase metabolism.

Caffeine is also able to make your metabolism work faster. This is because caffeine can make the process of fat digestion or liposis. One or two cups of coffee per day is recommended for you.

Monday, September 02, 2013

healthy benefits of Inhaled steroids

Inhaled steroids are one type of treatment that is intended for people with asthma. This treatment contains many substances that are useful to relieve your asthma. Although the use of this treatment doesn't completely remove of asthma, asthma remains on your body, this treatment could very least minimize the recurrence of asthma you have.

Some of the effects you can get by doing this regularly treatment is reduced asthma symptoms that often arise in you, in addition, you can use this tool to control your asthma. Controlled asthma will no longer interfere with your daily activities.

There are several benefits of using inhaled steroids, as reported in, that you can feel if you are using this type of asthma treatment regularly. The first benefit is to reduce the frequency of your asthma relapse. It is certainly very encouraging because the burden of asthma you can decline.

The second benefit is to improve lung function. As you well know many people, asthma occurs due to inhibition of the flow of air that flows from and to the lungs or in other words, lung function and air flow to pump less than the maximum. Now, you do not have to worry anymore because inhaled steroids may improve the lung function.

The third benefit is to reduce the frequency you to stay in the hospital because of your asthma relapse more severe than usual. This is because, your asthma has become more controlled on inhaled steroids these services.

Baby Burp Benefits

Do you have to burp baby every time? why baby should burp? the baby burp after feeding, the goal that the baby did not vomit and give baby good air circulation. These benefits and how to Burp the baby.

Why could help?
Generally, babies tend to swallow air while eating, and it made ​​him bloated. Burp will remove all the air bubbles that often made him feel uncomfortable.

When to do it?
Burp the baby when Mama is shifting breasts while breastfeeding or after taking about 30cc or more milk. If the baby is swallowing milk formula too fast (this is the trend, yes), frequently make the baby burp.

How to burp baby?
In the upright body position, put him on the shoulder. Another way is to sit her on his lap, or get down on his lap. Gently, rub and pat his back towards the top until both sides of the shoulder.

Do not hit it because it will make your child feel scared and will not remove the air that is inside. After a few minutes patting him, enforce his body again.

Why should relax?
"If Mama is not never been burping a healthy baby, it does not mean something bad is going to happen," said Ari Brown, MD, author of Baby 411. At the age of 4 months, most babies can burp without help. Of course, the little Mama too. In fact, he knew, why, when and why he should do so.
Fairy Tale Benefits for Child psychological and emotional intelligence

Fairy Tale Benefits for Child psychological and emotional intelligence

Story Tale Benefits for child's psychological development and emotional intelligence

Word storytelling certainly no stranger to us. But the existence of this storytelling activity tends to fade as eaten by age. Though there are many benefits for our children if they get a fairy tale. 

We need to know that the children's fairy tale is very useful though in practice we have a lot of obstacles such as feeling tired after work and storytelling for children considered to be very troublesome. Though the benefits of a fairy tale for children is a lot like glue relationship with the child's parents and storytelling can also help optimize the child's psychological development and emotional intelligence. 

There are still other benefits of fairy tale that will be described below :

Developing Children's Imagination Power
We need to know that a child's world is a world of imagination. So the child has his own world and not infrequently they talk premises imaginary friend. With imagination, this is still very good, then we as parents should be able to direct it towards a positive and in control. With children's tales then this is the best way to steer them towards good.
Improve skills in speaking
Tale is that early stimulation can stimulate language skills in children. We need to know that the fairy tales children are able to stimulate the children especially girls to improve their language skills. This is because girls are more focus and concentration than boys. 

Verbal ability is the ability of the ones the kids and this is why they are the right brain is more developed and is also why they are more skilled in speaking. Fairy tales that contain positive stories about the behavior and so on make the kids become easier to absorb the polite speech.

Generating Children Read Interest
If you want to have a child who has an interest in reading good, then storytelling is the path to that result. By giving children a fairy tale, then the children will be interested and curious makes them want to find out. This is where the desire to read to be increasing. With an interesting read stories to children is the easiest way that we can do.
Building a Children's Emotional Intelligence
Tell stories to children can raise their emotional intelligence and also a great tool that is able to glue the relationship of mother and child. Just as we know that children have difficulty in learning moral values ​​in life. With children's tales so we can give child an example through the characters in the stories we tell. 

Children's tales will help children absorb emotional values ​​on others. It is undeniable that emotional intelligence is also important in addition to cognitive intelligence. Emotional intelligence is crucial for their future social life.
Children form a Sense of Empathy
Stimulation through fairy tales children, sensitivity in children 3-7 years of age will be stimulated on social situation around them. With this method of fairy tales for children, they will learn to empathize with the surrounding environment. Stimulation to be more successful is to stimulate the senses of hearing. 

Important that we provide this stimulation to give them better equipped for the future. With the fairy tales that educate, then the child will easily absorb the positive values ​​that will make them children who empathize with others.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Bra strap Mark, Apparently Become Chronic Breast Cancer

Benefits of Using Right Bra Size

Breast cancer is haunting many women today. There is a lot of information that describes the symptoms and prevention. However, there is an important fact that you need to know.

Lisa Roberts, is one alive who is now feeling what he never thought before. A breast cancer is deadly and incurable appeared in her breasts.

She did not experience any symptoms or lumps, but rather is due to the grooves formed by the former use everyday bra. That is, a bra that is often used is not really fit to be one factor in the occurrence of cancer.

This story knocked conscience many people who later donated funds for medical expenses to the United States. Lisa bear three tumors as well as in parts of the spine.

Lisa's own hopes his story can make a lot of people, whether men or women, to remain vigilant with breast cancer and always check the condition of his body to avoid cancer.

She said that most people mistook the bump just looking to find that their bodies had cancer. Though Lisa itself did not even experience any symptoms of pain or lumps.

Precisely churned through bra that is the beginning of the emergence of the deadly disease. Lisa has now become one of the patients who received donations from the Kick Cancer Campaign. Although otherwise not be cured, but Lisa still hoping he can be healthy again.
Ladies, always keep and consult your health condition. Do not be afraid to check, in order to prevent more serious symptoms.

Night Shift Workers Have a Higher Risk of Breast Cancer; beware

Higher Risk of Breast Cancer on Night Shift Workers

According to a Canadian medical review, as reported by, someone who works on the night shift activities have a risk of breast cancer is greater than those who did not. The conclusion of the review is not just geared specifically for women workers, considering the men also have the possibility of breast cancer as women.

However, if the conclusions of the review right? Then, how can work at night increases a person's risk of developing breast cancer?

The above conclusion has been demonstrated by previous studies by The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) which revealed that the hours of work a person can be carcinogenic (causing toxic or poison). However, the lack of evidence in previous research as well as the narrowness of sorts respondents were involved - previous studies have only examined the nurses who undergo regular night shift - making Prof. Kristan Aronson from Queen's University in Kingston decided to design a new study.

In the new study involving 1100 workers Aronson women diagnosed with breast cancer and 1100 other without previous diagnosis. Although this study include factors such as reproductive patterns, lifestyle and body mass of each - each respondent, this research still focuses on whether the curfew affecting an increasing one's risk of breast cancer.

A hypothesis can finally be concluded from the study by Aronson. The conclusion states that a woman who works at night and spent his days sleeping or outside activity had a greater risk of breast cancer. That's because the lack of production of the hormone melatonin - the hormone anti cancer - due to lack of sun exposure that he got.

Pretty Without Makeup

Benefits of 7 Step to Look Pretty Without Makeup

Makeup is what women need to help maximize appearance and correcting some shortage in the face. However, continuous wear makeup without quality care will make your skin dull.

Occasionally may as well performing without makeup. But, how if does not look pretty?

Take it easy, do not change the actual makeup of a person's face anyway. Makeup only make this alone, so with or without makeup you can still look beautiful. Well, here's a recipe that you remain beautiful without wearing makeup.

7 Step to Look Pretty Without Makeup

Wake up early
Familiarize yourself up early will help your skin and keep it fresh and healthy body. Do not be lazy to get up and move your body. At least warm up so that blood circulation can remain smooth.

No need to take a long time, exercising 15 minutes each day will make your skin stays fresh. Never mind all the way to the gym too right.

Choose bright colors
Do not let you just look with white or black only. Exploration your style and wear bright colors that will help you look more fresh.

Compress face using ice cube
Habit of wearing ice compresses to the face in the morning will help make your skin look fresher. This method also relieve swelling and dark circles in the eye. Furthermore, the pores will appear smaller.
Wear earrings
Make no mistake ! Accessories can transform your appearance in an instant, for example, just earrings. Choose one of the earrings for you to wear and match with fashion and events that will be visited. And you will know how different you look.

Keep your cell phone away at night
According to a study conducted by the Lighting Research Center at Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute, as quoted from stylecaster, flickering flame of mobile phones can affect the amount of melatonin in the skin. The longer and more frequent exposure, then you will be more difficult to sleep. And because of lack of sleep is the skin look dull and not so fresh the next day.

Consume oranges
Consumption of citrus or fruit rich in vitamin C as an additional source of antioxidants. In addition, vitamin C is also good for the skin and improve the body's immune.

Doctors always recommend that if you are 20/20/20 engineering office workers who daily struggle with the monitor or other work. 20/20/20 means you have to look away for 20 seconds on other objects, walk 20 steps every 20 minutes or so.

Applying the 7 steps above you do not have to rely on smear makeup every day to look pretty. The skin will look more fresh, and healthy.