Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Benefits of 4 foods as a natural antibiotic

Did you know, taking antibiotics which are not based on a doctor's prescription will make you more disease resistant to many antibiotics such. Therefore, a prescription is required when taking antibiotics. Apparently there is a natural antibiotic that can be obtained from the food we eat every day. Therefore, health tips this time will show the articles relating to food as a natural antibiotic.

Here are 4 foods as a natural antibiotic:

1. Red onions turned out to be a natural antibiotic. When we cough, consume onion helps remove mucus and other Raw-material from the lungs, bronchi and trachea. Consuming onion can also help increase blood flow and protect against inflammation.
2. Garlic was also a natural antibiotic. Garlic can help cure disease and alleviate pain. Besides that, the garlic can lower far right of blood and reduce cholesterol levels in the body and treat food poisoning.
3. Green tea was also a natural antibiotic. Green tea is working to help the performance of antibiotics. This is because green tea contains antioxidants that are high enough to be useful as a natural antibiotic.
4. Honey was also a natural antibiotic medicine for your body. The honey serves to inhibit the growth of bacteria and can also treat infections caused by bacteria. Therefore, honey is very good for your body as a natural antibiotic.

Monday, August 25, 2014

9 Foods beneficial to Lowering Your Cholesterol Levels

 The word "cholesterol", may have been familiar in the ears of every person. Did you know, cholesterol is one or more body fat known as lipids. As body fat, cholesterol thus has various functions in our bodies. But if, levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, or high rise. Then this could be a serious problem for the health of the body. Various types of foods proven to lower your cholesterol levels. So, what are the food for lowering cholesterol?

Cholesterol does have several important functions in the human body, if the cholesterol levels in the body under normal circumstances or stable. Some of the functions of cholesterol as the body fat as a constituent structures at the cell membrane, protecting the skin from toxins and drought issues and the formation of vitamin D (with UV light). However, various health problems in the body such as erectile disorders, kidney failure, and heart are some of the consequences of the increase in cholesterol levels in the body. Therefore, health tips this time will be to review an article that might be helpful for the reader. Here are 9 of cholesterol-lowering foods in your body:

1. Tomato is the first cholesterol-lowering foods. Although categorized as fruits, consuming tomatoes may help reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the body. You can make a delicious tomato juice and drink two glasses of tomato juice every day.
2. Pomegranate is a second cholesterol-lowering foods. The small red round fruit was also very good for lowering cholesterol levels in the body especially the functioning reduces cholesterol plaque buildup and to increase the production of nitric oxide which can help in reducing plaque in the arteries.
3. Avocados are cholesterol lowering foods that third. Fruit with a rounded appearance and colored green oval is one of the fruits that can increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body. This is because, there are two types of cholesterol in our body which is the bad cholesterol or LDL and better known by the name of the good cholesterol HDL.
4. Wine is the fourth of cholesterol-lowering foods. Fruit wine was also very good to increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body. By regularly drinking two glasses of grape juice every day is recommended to maintain good cholesterol levels in your body.
5. Garlic is the fifth of cholesterol-lowering foods. Although classified as spices or herbs one for all the housewives. Garlic was also very effective in helping lowering levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Try to consume one clove of garlic per day to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in your body.
6. Various processed soy (tofu) are also effective for lowering bad cholesterol. Both of these foods are also very good for lowering bad cholesterol levels in your body. Another benefit that can be obtained which are a source of protein in both types of these foods.
7. Nuts are cholesterol-lowering foods into the seventh. referred nuts such as peanuts, walnuts and almonds. The content of omega 3 fats and antioxidants in nuts is apparently also very good for lowering bad cholesterol levels in your body.
8. Salmon is also listed as a cholesterol-lowering foods. Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acid source is quite high. which serves to increase the levels of good cholesterol in your body.
9. Spinach ranks ninth on the list of cholesterol lowering foods. Popeye's favorite green leafy vegetables contain lutein sources. Lutein in spinach helps lower bad cholesterol levels in the body. So, it's good to start providing spinach as your daily diet.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Apparently, Men Can Also Experiencing whitish!

Apparently, Men Can Also Experiencing whitish!

Every woman would experience vaginal discharge. This discharge as a defense mechanism of the body, and gives moisture to the vaginal area. Only, complaints or conditions may differ whiteness.

Well, it turns out, The whitish not only occurs in women. Men can also experience whitish. The difference, whitish fluid in men is definitely not normal and a sign of disease. "Because, normally male was dry damp, not wet," explains dermatologist and sex of the Royal Hospital Taruma Jakarta, Dr. Natalia Primadonna, SpKK.

Whitish fluid in men is commonly called gonorrhea is due to venereal disease gonorrhea (GO), it could be due to nonspecific bacterial infections which appear simultaneously with gonorrhea. Amounts can be a lot, or it could be a little bit.

Symptoms in men are whitish discharge whitish with a yellowish color as head of milk, with a texture that can be condensed or liquid. This complaint, it could happen with symptoms of pain or itching, but may also be asymptomatic.

Typically, GO transmitted due to unhealthy sexual relationships. When it hit, it is important to check with laboratoium, before deciding the pattern of treatment.

"If not treated, will continue into the pockets of the scrotum so reddened, swollen, and hot. If it does not descend into the scrotum and remain in the shaft of the penis, when erect it will be sore. If it does not run into the scrotum, could run into the prostate, "said Natalia.

7 Natural Ways to Improve Testosterone Hormone Levels

7 Natural & Powerful Ways to Boost Your Testosterone Levels

7 Natural and Powerful Ways to Boost Your Testosterone Levels

Do you often feel tired, depressed, and it is difficult to concentrate? If yes, then chances are you including one among tens of millions of people in the world who have low testosterone levels or "Low-T".
A healthy man exercising to boost testosterone levels
Testosterone plays a vital role in men's health, influencing everything from muscle growth and fat distribution to energy levels and libido. However, due to aging, stress, and poor lifestyle choices, testosterone levels can decline over time. If you're looking to naturally boost your testosterone, here are seven science-backed methods to help you regain vitality and strength.

1. Engage in Strength Training and High-Intensity Workouts

One of the most effective ways to increase testosterone levels is through strength training. Studies show that lifting weights, especially compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, can significantly stimulate testosterone production. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is also proven to enhance hormone levels, giving you an additional metabolic boost.

2. Optimize Your Diet for Testosterone Production

Eating the right nutrients is key to supporting your body's natural hormone production. Include these testosterone-boosting foods in your diet:

  • Healthy fats – Avocados, olive oil, and nuts help maintain hormone balance.
  • Protein-rich foods – Eggs, lean meats, and fish support muscle growth and testosterone synthesis.
  • Cruciferous vegetables – Broccoli, kale, and cabbage help regulate estrogen, preventing testosterone imbalances.

3. Reduce Stress and Prioritize Restful Sleep

Chronic stress elevates cortisol levels, which negatively impacts testosterone production. Engage in mindfulness practices such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to reduce stress. Additionally, sleep deprivation has been linked to lower testosterone levels. Aim for 7–9 hours of quality sleep per night to maximize hormone production.

4. Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

Excess body fat, particularly around the abdomen, converts testosterone into estrogen, leading to hormonal imbalances. A combination of regular exercise and a healthy diet will help you maintain an optimal weight, naturally supporting testosterone levels.

5. Take Essential Vitamins and Supplements

Certain nutrients are essential for testosterone production. Consider adding these to your regimen:

  • Vitamin D – Known as the "sunshine vitamin," it plays a crucial role in hormone regulation.
  • Zinc – Found in shellfish, beef, and nuts, it supports testosterone synthesis.
  • Ashwagandha – An adaptogenic herb that helps reduce stress and enhance male hormone levels.

6. Reduce Alcohol and Sugar Intake

Excessive alcohol consumption, especially beer, can lower testosterone levels by increasing estrogen. Likewise, refined sugar spikes insulin levels, which negatively affects hormone balance. Moderation is key to maintaining a healthy testosterone range.

7. Consider Herbal Testosterone Boosters

Several natural herbs have been traditionally used to improve male hormone levels. Tongkat Ali, fenugreek, and tribulus terrestris are among the most researched herbal remedies that may help enhance testosterone production and libido.

Final Thoughts

Increasing testosterone levels naturally requires a commitment to healthy living. By incorporating regular exercise, a nutritious diet, proper sleep, and stress management, you can optimize your hormone levels and enhance overall well-being. Take charge of your health today and unlock your full potential.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

2 Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

2 Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

In addition to fruit, pumpkin seeds also have health benefits for the body, which are:

1. Improve mood
Pumpkin seeds are rich in the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is a precursor of melatonin (sleep hormone), niacin (a vitamin) and serotonin (a transmitter in the nervous system). Serotonin is one of the major players that can improve a person's mood. Eat some roasted pumpkin seeds can help you stay motivated.

2. Maintain a healthy heart
Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols that can lower bad cholesterol (LDL). As it is known that high levels of bad cholesterol has been linked to a number of health problems in the heart. Therefore, pumpkin seeds have an important role to keep your cholesterol levels remain normal and maintain cardiovascular health. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in zinc which is important in healing the body.
Avoid Exercising above 9 Hours Night

Avoid Exercising above 9 Hours Night

In addition to implementing a healthy diet, we are also encouraged to exercise regularly. Sports is one of the keys to keeping your body healthy and fit. However, due to busy, a lot of us who exercise at night. In fact, exercising at night is not really recommended. Why is that? The simple answer is because it can increase the risk of injury.

Avoid Exercising above 9 Hours Night

Doctors Sapto Adji Hardjosworo, an orthopedic specialist Plastica Premier Hospital, said that the evening is a time to rest the body and the rhythm of the body had been prepared for it. Sports at night increases the risk for injury. According to him, the sport should not be more than 9 hours a night.

Naturally, humans have biological rhythms, known as circadian rhythms. The rhythm is influenced by the hormone melatonin, which is also called the sleep hormone. If it was dark, then this will increase the production of hormones that give a sense of sleepiness.

Exercising at night will make the imposition of the body, which in essence is ready to rest or sleep. That is, exercise performed at an improper time.

In addition to the risk of injury is high, the impact of exercise performed over 9 hours of quality sleep a night is disturbing. This is because the heart rate is racing faster when exercising, so the body needs time to lower it again.

According to doctors, after doing exercise in the evening, usually accompanied by restless activity would sleep, nightmares, sleep but as awake, and waking up feeling refreshed. Therefore, if only had time to do it at night, exercise should be done no later than two hours before bedtime.

help you lose weight with benefits of salad

Benefits of Fruit Salad or Vegetable Salad

Besides the delicious taste, salad also has many benefits for our body. Salad is often used by many people to succeed in his diet. This is quite reasonable because the salad is considered as one of the healthy foods that can help you lose weight. Many types of salads that exist in the world and probably with different recipes, for example, is a vegetable salad or fruit salad. Salad contains very little fat and offers a number of essential nutrients for the body, making it different from other foods. There are several reasons why a salad can help you lose weight.

Some reasons why a salad can help you lose weight

low calorie
Salad usually consists of fruits and raw vegetables. Raw foods tend to need more time to digest. This will make your stomach feel full longer. What's more, the salad does not use any oil because it does not need to be cooked so that the calories that the body does not offer much.

Rich in fiber
Salad is rich in dietary fiber derived from fruits and vegetables. Fibrous foods also provide a longer satiating effect but with very little calories. Fiber foods are very good for digestive health, launched defecation and effective weight loss.

Rich in water
Fruits and vegetables in a raw state has a very high water content. Water is a good friend, especially for those who are dieting. In addition to filling your stomach, water can speed up the process of metabolism.

Rich in essential nutrients
Fruits and vegetables found in salads provide many essential nutrients such as vitamins A, B, C, K, and minerals. These essential nutrients are needed to keep the body to keep fit while you're on a diet. Eating a salad will make sure that you are not malnourished while dieting.

Those are some reasons why a salad can be your friend when his is implementing a weight loss program. You can also add olive oil as a salad dressing. This way, you can get a little extra calories and good fats that the body needs. How about you? Are interested in involves a salad in your diet? Good luck

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Note, This is the First Aid Heart Attack Patient

A heart attack can be fatal if not treated immediately. Because the heart is a vital organ of the body for the role. Little disturbed or damaged, lives are at stake.

If you find someone who had a heart attack, you do not need to panic. Because Panic will makes the mind becomes cloudy so prone to act rashly. So how appropriate first aid measures?

"If you find someone who had a heart attack, anywhere, which was first performed immediately called emergency, " said Dr. Maria Silvia Merry Godeliva, M.Sc.

The next step is to do while waiting for help to come is to ensure smooth supply of oxygen to the victim's path. In an unconscious condition, usually tend bent neck and tongue so that the tongue limp ' fall ' clog the respiratory tract. So that the airway is not blocked, the victim should be put to sleep in the supine position.

"Lay down the patient on his back with his head, chin up. Because usually, people that are not aware, his neck bent so that the tongue falls into the throat of the esophagus, and it inhibits the airway, " said Dr. Silvia, doctor and teacher at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ambassador Christian Discourse ( UKDW ), Yogyakarta.

Further still in that position, said Dr. Silvia, do check breath. If there was a sense of breath, give help breathing or CPR. Ensuring smooth respiratory tract is essential before performing CPR. Because artificial breathing will be useless if the obstructed airway due to neck or tongue buckle.

However, first aid to heart attack victims can also be done by directly checking breathing and pulse. If breathing and pulse was not palpable, it must be immediately performed cardiac massage and artificial respiration.

" There is also a direct check breathing and pulse. If no, do heart massage, " said Dr. Silvia

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Eating strawberries, tasty way lower cholesterol

Strawberry fruit is one of the most easily processed into various foods. In addition to having good taste, the fruit turns out to have many benefits to enhance your body's health. One of them is capable of lowering cholesterol.

A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry showed that people who regularly eat strawberries for a month, cholesterol levels in the body decline.

" A high content of antioxidants such as vitamin C in it is able to absorb free radicals in the body. Additionally vegetable pigments in it that anthocyanins are meritorious to give the red color in strawberries are also able to keep you from cardiovascular disease, one of which is cholesterol, "said Maurizio Battino, one of the researchers.

The team also confirmed that the strawberries will strengthen red blood cells and increases oxygen in the blood. Even another study published in the journal Food Chemistry, shows that eating strawberries regularly will improve the health of erythrocytes and mononuclear cells.

One cup ( 144 g ) of strawberries contains approximately 45 calories ( 188 kJ ) and is a source of vitamin C and flavonoids are goodBesides consumed fresh , strawberries can be frozen , and dried and used in such things as cereal bars . Strawberries are a popular addition to dairy products , such as strawberry-flavored ice cream , milkshakes , smoothies , and yogurt . Strawberries and Cream is a popular food , famous consumed at Wimbledon . Strawberry pie is also popular . Strawberries can be dipped in melted chocolate fondue as a healthier way to enjoy chocolate .
Strawberry pigment extract can be used as a natural acid / base indicator due to the different color of the conjugate acid and conjugate base of the pigment .
Strawberry Nutrition - StrawberriesOne cup ( 144 g ) of strawberries contains approximately 45 calories ( 188 kJ ) and is an excellent source of vitamin C and flavonoids .Units Category 1 cup ( 144 g )Water 132 gEnergy 43 kcalEnergy 181 Kjin gramsprotein 0.88Total lipid ( fat ) 0.53Carbohydrate , by difference 10.1Fiber , total dietary 3.3Ash 0.62in milligramsMinerals Calcium 20 mgiron 0.5514 Magnesium27 Phosphoruspotassium 240sodium 1.44zinc 0.19copper 0.07manganese 0.42in microgramsselenium 1.01
Vitamin Vitamin C , ascorbic acid 82 mg0.03 mg thiaminRiboflavin 0.1 mgNiacin 0.33 mgPantothenic acid 0.49 mgVitamin B - 6 0.09 mgFolate 25 mgVitamin B - 12 mg 0Vitamin A , 39 IU
in gramsLipid fatty acids , 0.03 g saturated16:0 à0.0218:0 à0.006Fatty acids , monounsaturated 0.07516:1 à0.00118:1 à0.073Fatty acids , polyunsaturated 0.2718:2 12:1618:3 12:11in milligramscholesterol 0phytosterols 17
Amino acids ( in grams )Tryptophan 0.01 gthreonine 0,027isoleucine 0.02leucine 0,045lysine 0.036methionine 0.001cystine 0.0070.026 phenylalaninetyrosine 0,030valine 0.026arginine 0,037histidine 0,0170,045 alanineAspartic acid 0.20Glutamic acid 0.13Glycine 0,035proline 0,027Serin 0,033