Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Health Benefits and Efficacy Eels

Eels Nutrient Content

Apparently, the eel contain so many substances that are beneficial to health. Nutritional content of which is cholesterol, sodium, protein, water, high calorie, unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3, total unsaturated fatty acids Omega 6, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folic, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, choline, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, manganese and selenium. 

The contents that are in the flesh eel maximum of 204 grams only. Knowing the nutrient content of course no doubt that much longer if benefits had eel into a first treatment derived from the animal.

Benefits and Efficacy Eels

Regarding the efficacy or benefits alone for health eel meat one is for our heart health. By eating eel meat will lower the risk of heart disease, including heart blood vessel constriction. Narrowing of the coronary arteries is certainly a frightening specter for us all, especially for those who already have risk factors. Therefore why do not we take advantage of the eel here.

In addition to our heart health, eel meat also contains properties for vision health, the development of central nervous functions, and of course normalize blood pressure in the brain. This is what makes the reasons why Japan has been rife sold capsules of food supplements with the main ingredient of eel. Several studies have also explained that the known benefits of eel on reducing the risk of diabetes type two.

Health Benefits of Ant Nest

Actual ant nests are epiphytic plants are used as a nest of ants, so it was not made ​​by ants. Adaptation to life by attaching to other plants in the form of an empty hole sectional, make what we call the ant nest.

Benefits ant nests are very good for people with high blood pressure (stroke), high fever liver, lungs, tuberculosis (excessive coughing), cholesterol, heart (chest tightness), diabetes mellitus, restore stamina and virility male, back pain, sprains (one veins, tingling or aches, pains in the back (behind the head), tingling in the arms or other body, as well as for those who are smoking or drinking habits, etc.

Ant nest are very good to consume, Due ants nest in the body will throw everything at once neutralize toxins.

Top 11 Health Benefits of Ant Nest

1. Cancer and Tumors
The types of cancer and tumors, both benign and malignant, which can be cured with the ant nest is brain cancer, nasal cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, and cancer blood (leukemia), except for cancers of the throat and oral cavity. Ants Nest ability empirically for the treatment of various types of cancer / tumor is allegedly related to the content of flavonoids.

There are several mechanisms of flavonoid in combating tumors / cancer, such as inactivation of carcinogens, anti-proliferation, inhibition of cell cycle, induction of apoptosis and differentiation, angiogenesis inhibition, and reversal of multi-drug resistance or a combination of these mechanisms.

2. Cardiac disorders, especially coronary heart
Until now, the mechanism is not yet clear, but the ability of ant nests for the treatment of various diseases / disorders of heart had something to do with a multi-mineral content of ant nests, particularly calcium and potassium.

3. Nor Light Stroke Weight
Treatment of stroke is related to the possibility of a multi-mineral content contained in ant nests.

4. High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
As a natural remedy for high blood pressure, ant nests contain flavonoids that prevent blood clots so for those who are taking this herbal remedy on a regular basis, then high blood pressure can be avoided.

This is because hypertension emerge if the blood clots and protect ants nest you have to keep the blood thin. Flavonoids addition, ant nests also have Tocopherol compounds proven to thin the blood so that blood clots and high blood pressure can be overcome.

5. Diabetes Mellitus
Many users report the ants nest their health condition improved after consuming this herb regularly, some are not even reported using insulin again. Ability of ant nests in the adjuvant treatment of diabetes is suspected because of the ability of this herb to restore the function of organs, particularly the pancreas, so it can produce enough of the hormone insulin, so blood sugar can be processed into a substance that is easily absorbed by the body.

6. Piles (Hemorrhoids)
Ants Nest ability to cure piles (hemorrhoids) associated with the flavonoid and high tanin. The second class of compounds in several studies it has been proven to treat hemorrhoids.

7. Migraine (headaches)
For the treatment of migraine associated with flavonoid functions and multi-minerals in ant nests, particularly calcium, sodium, and magnesium.

8. Lung (TBC)
Treatment of tuberculosis associated with the role of flavonoids contained in the ant nest that serves as an anti-virus.

9. Rheumatism (Gout)
This is related to the ability of flavonoids as inhibitors of xanthine oxidase and antioxidant enzymes, and tocopherol as an antioxidant and multi-minerals contained in the ant nest.

10. Ulcer pain (Stomach)
Like tuberculosis, which play a role in the treatment of ulcers is a flavonoid contained in the ant nest as an anti-bacterial.

11. Improving Breastfeeding
Multi-mineral content of ant nests of plants thought to have an important role in launching and increase milk production, maternal health accelerate the recovery process after childbirth, and recover femininity organ.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Sesame Oil - Strengthen Bones, Teeth, and Heart

The Health Benefits of Sesame Oil

Although not as popular as olive oil, sesame oil is also known as the healthy oils. In China and Korea, for example, the public is already familiar to use it to process food. It was none other than the intended use to create a distinctive taste as well treatment. What are the benefits of sesame oil?

Top 6 Health Benefits of Sesame Oil

1. Heart healthy
One of the benefits of sesame oil which is heart healthy. This is because the oil works launched by minimizing blockage of blood vessels. It also lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol, through the polyunsaturated fat content (sesamin and sesamol) contained therein.

2. Prevent Cancer
Because it contains antioxidants that can get rid of free radicals in the body, sesame oil can protect the body from cancer and other dangerous diseases.

3. Overcome Hypertension
Reported Boldsky, a study in Japan showed that a diet rich in sesamin (phytoestrogens contained in sesame oil) to prevent happening hypertension.

4. Diabetes control
Sesame oil is rich in magnesium that can protect your body from insulin deficiency.

5. Health intestine
Some type of oil used for cooking tends to increase the amount of fat in the body because it is hard to digest. But not so with sesame oil is easily digestible and healthy colon. This oil is also often used for digestive problems.

6. Improve immunity
Zync The content contained in sesame oil also boosts the immune system. It also strengthens bones and teeth.

5 health benefits of lettuce

5 health benefits of lettuce

Usually lettuce is usually used as an ingredient in a vegetable salad, sandwich, lettuce have nutritional benefits for health. You can choose the type of lettuce based on color. The greener the lettuce the better for consumption.

Here are 5 health benefits of lettuce :

1. Source of Vitamin A

Lettuce acts as a source of vitamins. The lettuce was fresh and raw it contains a lot of vitamin A and beta carotene.

Vitamin A helps keep the skin to remain healthy and help to maintain vision.

2. Helps Prevent Macula (degeneration)

Lettuce contains zeaxanthin which help improve eyesight due to easy diaerap by retinal macula lutea. Zeaxanthin has antioxidant properties and helps prevent age-related macular disease.

This substance also helps the occurrence of cataracts. While flavonoids in lettuce help prevent lung cancer and mouth.

3. Strengthen Bones

Consuming lettuce can help strengthen bones. The content of vitamin K in lettuce increased bone mass and increased bone osteotrophic activity which helps prevent osteoporosis.

Vitamin K also reduces brain damage and help prevent Alzheimer's disease.

4. Improve Fertility

Lettuce contains lots of folate and vitamin C. Folate helps maintain the health of the fetus during pregnancy and reduce the possibility of complications, it also helps in improving reproductive health in men and women.

Vitamin C boosts the immune system and help fight infection.

5. Mineral resources

Lettuce is a rich source of various kinds of minerals such as iron, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, and potassium which increases the rate of metabolism in the body.

Potassium is an important vascodilutor which helps maintain blood pressure and improve heart health by regulating the fluid balance in the body.

Calcium strengthens the teeth and bones. Copper and iron producing red blood cells in the body.


Thus 5 heaalth benefits lettuce very useful for human health. Lettuce is very beneficial for your health, but lettuce is one of the vegetables that are most vulnerable to pesticide exposure.

Therefore, make sure you wash lettuce in cold water before cooking or eating straight.

Health Benefits of infant massage

Health Benefits of infant massage

Health Benefits of infant massage

Infant massage is not only believed to make the baby relax, more than that, activities that involve 'skin to skin contact' can deepen the emotional connection between mother and baby.

Please note in advance that the activity of infant massage should not be done except by the mother or therapist who already know the correct massage techniques. Risk of sprains can occur if the baby massage without the right knowledge.

Baby's bones and joints are still vulnerable and at risk of injury if a massage with the wrong technique. Consultation with your doctor or a therapist to learn how to massage baby baby properly.

Health Benefits of infant massage

Health Benefits of infant massage1. Train the neural response. one of the benefits of baby massage is to stimulate and train the neural response of the baby. 

Soft pressure and massage in some parts of the baby's body along with the scent of the mother is the ideal condition to train neural responses baby.

2. Increase breast milk consumption. According to Dr. Noor Idha Handajani SPK-FR, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialists dr Soetomo,  infant massage can increase nutrient absorption qualities of breast milk so that babies become hungry faster. As a result, your child will be more frequent feeding.

3. Because breast milk consumption increases, weight also increases. Thus indirectly, infant massage activities can improve the baby's weight.

4. Reduce pain disorder due to colic and flatulence. Proper way of massage can relieve symptoms of colic in babies include helping out of gas contained in the baby's stomach. The gas will usually cause discomfort to the baby so the baby becomes fussy.

5. Build emotional bond between the child and the mother. 'Skin to skin contact' between infant and mother, eye contact, smile and facial expressions mothers is a form of nonverbal communication between mother and baby.

6. Improve immunity system. According to a study conducted by the Touch Research Institute, Florida, USA, activities that infant massage can actually increase the production of white blood cell role in combating the disease from outside sources.

7. Improve the quality of sleep. Infant massage will make baby more relaxed and improve the blood
infant massage Health Benefits
circulation. Generated a sense of comfort that will trigger a good quality sleep. Make a habit of massaging your baby after feeding enough to improve the quality of sleep.

8. In addition to the above benefits, the right baby massage can also increase the supply of oxygen, increased senses sensory function, circulation of nutrients in the body, and raise awareness to her baby.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cure Diabetes With Watermelon Seed

Citrullus lanatus or a watermelon is a fruit vine, which contains a lot of water. Reddish flesh color really tempting to eat at a sweltering afternoon.

Watermelon is preferred because refreshing sweet flesh, easily available and the price is cheap. Watermelon contains 6 percent sugar and 92 percent water. The red color on the flesh of watermelon is caused by lycopene content, which is also contained in other red fruits like tomatoes.

Usually we will discard the seeds while eating watermelon. But who would have thought, it turns out watermelon seeds also have important benefits for health.

Watermelon Seed health benefitsBenefits of Watermelon Seeds

1. The contents of watermelon seeds are rich in iron, potassium, vitamins, fats and calories that are essential for the day-to-day nutrition. Watermelon seeds can also be used as a diet drug that has been modified in the form of seeds.

2.  When watermelon seeds converted dry seeds also have another benefit that is as anti-cancer agents and to treat kidney problems.

3.  Some other benefits of watermelon seeds are able to reduce inflammation in the bladder and as bowel moisturize.

4.  In addition, lycopene in watermelon are also good for your skin face.

6.  Watermelon seeds can recover health after illness and also sharpen your memory useful for the elderly.

7.  For the men, lycopene is useful to improve male fertility and also passion.

8.  In fact, according to a study, watermelon seeds has a similar function with the famous patent medicines but did not have any side effects even watermelon seeds is almost equivalent to soy nutrition.

9.  We have also been introduced to the market milk made from the seeds of the watermelon seeds has many benefits compared to cow's milk, because it is very good to include in your diet list.

Watermelon Seeds For Diabetes

Here we share one way to cure your diabetes by using watermelon seeds.
  • Take 1 handful of watermelon seeds
  • Boil watermelon seeds in a quart of water to a boil at approximately (45 minutes) and then cover the pan.
  • After 45 minutes, cooled boiled water before
  • Ready to drink every day
That is the benefits of watermelon seeds for a healthy body. So, if you consume watermelon, do not throw the seeds. Enjoy the freshness of the fruit and save the seeds to be processed later

This is the cause of Female Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction in women can not be underestimated. Because the condition can make a slit in a couple harmonious. Even so, there was no need to worry. Because knowing the end of the problem and re-run the base of a healthy life is the key to resolve the problem.

Women experience problems with sexual function at some point in their lives. Sexual dysfunction is quite common that affect nearly 30-50 percent of women globally.

Sexual dysfunction in women themselves occur due to several causes. For example, because of injury or trauma of the genital area of ​​the hip, surgical intervention, medical condition, imbalance hormonal, and medications can cause sexual dysfunction.

Not only that, the American Psychological Association (APA) classifies female sexual problems. Want to know? Following his presentation, as reported Mediindia:
  1. Mental disorder that causes loss of sexual desire

  2. Discomfort during intercourse

  3. Blood flow to the vagina-reduced

  4. Reluctance because of past traumas bad sex

  5. Inability to achieve orgasm
If you have any sexual problem, do not panic. Because almost all the causes of sexual dysfunction can be treated. One of them, communicating concerns to understand the cause of the couple and respond in a positive way is an important step to restore a woman's sexual life.

top 8 Health Benefits of Cayenne

Cayenne is a kind of powdered cayenne spice of the most widely used around the world. Usually people use cayenne in powder form.

Not only tastes spicy and sharp would you feel, but there are also many health benefits that you can get when taking cayenne.

Well, what are the health benefits of cayenne?, here are top 8 Health Benefits of Cayenne
top 8 Health Benefits of Cayenne
top 8 Health Benefits of Cayenne
1. Improve Blood Circulation
Cayenne can increase the blood circulation in the body, in addition to the other benefits that can overcome the problem of low blood pressure and also helps prevent blood clotting problems.
2. Helps Relieve Muscle Pain
Rich in capsaicin, it makes this herb has a function that can help relieve muscle pain and spasm problems. Another thing that is also associated with muscle as helping to relieve joint pain.

We have had a lot of patches that include cayenne powder composition as an adjunct because of its function which can relieve pain.
3. Helps Detoxify
Famous for sharp spicy flavor makes this a popular spice as one of the foods that can help the body's digestive system or in other words is a way of cleansing and detoxification.

In addition, the resulting nutty flavor also helps in producing excessive sweat so that toxins will come out through the pores of the skin.
4. Helps Lose Weight
Antioxidants contained in cayenne will help improve and expedite the process of metabolism. Include these spices in your diet because it will help you lose weight and burn excess fat in the body and will reduce your appetite.
5. Relieve Pain Infections Gums and Teeth
You may feel a little strange for the benefit of this, but believe it or not cayenne can ease the pain caused by the infection of the gums and tooth pain. You simply make a cayenne in a paste, then apply it on the gums or your teeth are sore.

6. Helps Cure Colds and Flu
Another benefit of this pungent herb is that it can be used to reduce the formation of dense mucus in the nasal cavity that can cause colds and flu. You simply drink cayenne that is mixed with warm water.

In addition, cayenne can treat sore throat, sore throat light tackle and help boost the immune system.

7. Maintain Heart Health
For you people with high cholesterol, cayenne may be used as one of the alternative treatments for lowering bad cholesterol levels in your body. Where the decrease in cholesterol levels is, will indirectly reduce the risk of diseases like heart.
8. Good for Allergies
The anti-inflammatory owned cayenne proved very effective for healing skin allergy. It is also very helpful in reducing the pain of arthritis (inflammation) that occurs in your body.

Even with so many health benefits of cayenne. Avoid consuming excessive cayenne powder. Especially for those of you who have ulcer disease and pregnant women, if you want to eat spicy seasoning is advised to consult a doctor because of a sharp spicy flavor of this herb may be a little dangerous for you.

Acupressure Therapy for Beauty and Health

 the benefits of Acupressure Therapy for health and beauty

Unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits like eating junk food excessively without realized it greatly contributed to the emergence of various diseases in the body. Various treatment techniques have been developed to overcome these problems, one of which is acupressure therapy.

acupressure points
acupressure points back
EXCEPT medical treatment, many developing alternative treatments such as herbs, acupuncture and acupressure. Special acupressure, many believed to be able to prevent blood clots.

Acupuncture treatment technique may be more generally known than acupressure. Nevertheless both are similar to each other. Only difference, if acupuncture uses needles, acupressure uses fingertips as a therapeutic medium.

Acupuncture alternative medicine certainly familiar in the ears of most people considering treatment technique using a needle that is stuck into the nerve points, but did you know that there is a kind of treatment method using fingertip as therapeutic media?

"If the media disposable acupuncture needles to be inserted at the point of nerve channels on the sick, but many patients are afraid of needles, it can be selected for acupressure as a treatment alternative," said Dharma Husada Therapists Acupressure Specialist, Ani Levina Colomadu Mamiri in the region.

How to treatment, he said, by way of full-blooded stabbing or nerve points corresponding patient complained. Nerve to the point, he said the same as acupuncture. For patients, the treatment process will be felt as heat and pain in the treated section. Healing process was dependent on the body's metabolism of patients seeking treatment.

Not only the course of treatment, acupressure can also be done as health care in order to prevent blockages in the blood that would affect the performance of the organs of the body.
acupressure points
acupressure points front
Acupressure therapy is divided into three levels, namely:

1. Zone therapy or reflexology
Massage is a technique used to treat a variety of diseases based on the reflection points on the soles of the feet zone.

2. Meridian therapy
Massage is a technique used to treat a variety of diseases based map acupuncture points on the body's meridians.

3. Oticus Therapy / Ear
Massage is a technique used to treat a variety of diseases based on acupuncture points in the ear or oticus

What are the benefits of Acupressure Therapy?

1. Preventing and Overcoming Illness
Relatively many diseases that can be treated through acupressure therapy of mild disease to severe diseases [such as hypertension, stroke, kidney disorders, gout, heart etc]

2. Improve Endurance Body
With acupressure therapy blood flow more smoothly in the body so that the body becomes more fit and increased stamina.

3. expel Stress
Physical fatigue is not solved soon be at risk of increased stress, the body will seem sluggish and lacking energy. Acupressure therapy will make the body grow fresh, strong, and ultimately more powerful body to deal with stress so that stress will be reduced over time.

Acupressure Therapy for Beauty 

acupressure points face
acupressure points face
Facial acupressure or acupressure face can make our skin becomes tight and clean.

Here are some of the workings of facial acupressure or acupressure face:

1. Helps in regulating the free flow of Qi and blood and facilitate the absorption of nutrients

2. Stimulates lymphatic drainage and helps dead skin to breathe again

3. Stimulates the skin to produce collagen, as well as soften and smooth skin, and helps regulate hormonal balance.

4. Set the normal working of the internal organs and cause muscle contraction

Physical fatigue is not solved soon be at risk of increased stress, the body will seem sluggish and lacking energy. Acupressure therapy will make the body grow fresh, strong, and ultimately more powerful body to deal with stress so that stress will be reduced over time.