Thursday, January 16, 2014

Masturbation Can Reduce Risk of Cancer and Diabetes?

Benefits of Masturbation - Can Reduce Risk of Cancer and Diabetes?

 Some experts say masturbation as a healthy sex method for exaggeration and body hygiene is not maintained. Even two researchers in Australia discovered the healthy benefits than just incredible sexual satisfaction.

Anthony Santella, public health researchers from the University of Sydney and colleagues Spring Chenoa Cooper agreed if masturbation can prevent a variety of chronic diseases, including cystitis or urinary tract infection, diabetes and cancer of the prostate.

" For women ( 85 percent ), it can help prevent infection of the urinary tract, including the cervix. Because when aroused, this process makes the cervix stretched and circulation of fluid in the cervix, so that the bacteria -laden fluid is wasted, " said the researcher, as quoted by the Daily mail, Friday.

Both are also added if masturbation can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, reduce insomnia and tension due to the release of hormones during sex independently, as well as increasing the strength of the pelvis down through contraction that occurs when an orgasm.

Then masturbation was considered to protect against cancer, particularly for men. Several studies have shown that men who regularly have sex or masturbate a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. Mainly due to the release of toxins from the prostate gland during ejaculation.

Not only that, two researchers from Australia is also argued masturbation can prevent a person affected by depression. Not because when orgasm, someone produces endorphins which is identical to the ' happiness ' and resulted in an increase in the hormone cortisol, which can strengthen the immune system.

Moreover, they added that masturbation is ' the most convenient method to maximize one's own orgasm ', so that people who regularly masturbate stress, pain and reduced blood pressure and increase her confidence.

No less interesting, masturbation is also no risk of causing unwanted pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases.

Man Can be attacked Cancer Penis because of Cervical Cancer Virus

Cervical cancer is cancer of the cervix in women is caused by infection with human papillomavirus, or HPV. Although not as fierce as in the body of a woman, HPV also can cause penile cancer in men.

Cervical cancer is a cancer that can spread and most widely spread by sexual contact. The cause is the human papillomavirus ( HPV ) and genital men can be carriers and means of transmission.

The virus is a variety of types, but which have the potential to cause cervical cancer is about 20 and among the most common type and is a high-risk types 16 and 18 ( 80 per cent of the causes of cervical cancer ).

" Cervical cancer was contagious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases, including the most commonly transmitted because of sex, " said Dr. Fitriyadi Kusuma, SpOG ( K ), uterine cancer consultation and faculty Faculty of Medicine in the Division of Gynecology Oncology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, in the event SOHO # BetterU : Mother's Day, in Akmani Hotel, 91 Jalan Wahid Hasyim, Jakarta.

According to Dr. Fitriyadi, HPV that cause cervical cancer in women can also cause penile cancer in men. But the risk is not too great.

" In men it can cause cancer of the penis but not too big. Among women 99 percent of the causes of cervical cancer, but the guy who finished 42 percent of penile cancer. Having said that, men also need to be vaccinated with HPV, the vaccine together with women, " said Dr. Fitriyadi.

Although HPV can be attached to the skin or genital organs of men, but the virus is not going to be as dangerous as when it is in the cervix ( neck of the womb ) women. This is because the cervix is more sensitive to the HPV virus or penile skin than men.

7 common cancer type in men

According to the report, said that prostate cancer is increasing throughout the world and there are more than one million people who suffer from this disease. Although prostate only occurs in men over a certain age, usually after age 50, it turns out this cancer is not the only cancers that affect men today.

Reports show that one in eight men diagnosed with prostate cancer every day, and if the cancer is detected early it can be cured. It is indeed one of the biggest risk factors for cancer in men. Sources say that cancer is also dependent on a particular race. It is seen that the male Caucasians were more susceptible to bladder cancer, while Asians are more susceptible to stomach cancer and oral cancer Africa.

The type of cancer in men increasing number worldwide. As quoted from Boldsky on Monday ( 01/13/2014 ), here are some types of cancers suffered by men vulnerable.

1. prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is the second highest cancer in men. There are more than 2 million people in India are suffering from prostate cancer. Men over the age of 50 years are more prone to prostate cancer. However, if detected early, there is still a chance for survival and a healthy back.

2. Lung cancer
Lung cancer is another type of cancer in men are increasing day by day. Lung cancer has affected more than half a million people, the main cause is smoking. Lung cancer is the biggest killer in men of all types of cancer.

3. skin cancer
Not many are aware of the types of skin cancer in men. Many often think that skin cancer is more common in women, but reports say that men are more susceptible to skin cancer. One positive thing about skin cancer is that, if detected early can be treated.

4. Colon cancer
Colon cancer affects men, mostly under the age of 50 years. The first sign of colon cancer is excessive bleeding while removing feces. So, if you often bleed during a bowel movement, you should be checked by a doctor.

5. Bladder Cancer
Common symptoms of bladder cancer in men is frequent urination besides that, often constant pain in the pelvic region.

6. Pancreatic Cancer
People with diabetes are more prone to develop cancer of the pancreas. One negative aspect of pancreatic cancer that is, if it wants to heal cancer patients, the only solution is the removal of the pancreas.

7. cancer of the penis
This is one type of cancer in men are rarely known. Cancer of the penis due to circumcision, HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is the virus that infect the skin and organs of the area as well as Gender and smoking habits.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Beware, Less Activity Makes Women More Vulnerable Got Cancer

Experts say that a lack of physical activity causes women at high risk of developing various types of cancer. That's what experienced by women in the UK. Britain is a country with cases of colon cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer and the tenth highest of 180 countries in the world.

What is the relationship between lack of physical activity of women with high cancer cases in the UK ? Experts say that the lack of physical activity that causes women to soaring cases of breast cancer, colon cancer, and cervical cancer in the UK. As reported by the Daily Mail, Monday ( 06/01/2014 ).

"It reflects the lifestyle of most people in western countries. Majority of us spend too much time to sit around and not being offset by physical activity in their daily routines. " said Dr. Rachel Thompson of the World Cancer Research Fund.

Researchers estimated that 12 percent of cases of colon cancer and breast cancer could be prevented if people were more physically active. Moderate cases of cervical cancer can be reduced by 10 percent if women are more physically active.

To avoid contracting the three types of cancer, women are advised to perform moderate physical activity for 150 minutes in a week. Examples are gardening. With such activities, can be more slender body while cutting hormone that triggers cancer is caused by fat.

"Regular activity can help strengthen the immune system, keeping it healthy hormone levels, also keep digestion in good condition. All it can help reduce the chances of cancer, " said Dr. Thompson.

However, only a few women who do enough physical activity. In the UK, only 36 percent of women are able to meet these targets. According to statistics, breast cancer, colon cancer, and cervical cancer whack 133 per 100,000 people in the UK.

Barbados is the country with the most cancers and the Bahamas was ranked ninth . But according to Dr. Thompson , the data from these two countries is less valid when compared to data from Western Europe and America . That caused the UK ranked eighth , under Belgium , Denmark , the Netherlands , France , Iceland , Luxembourg , and the United States.

Last year , researchers in the U.S. found that women who walked for one hour per day can slash the risk of breast cancer later in life . Vigorous physical activity they even have double protection . Therefore, women should continue to exercise regularly to avoid cancer .

" We already know that being active can reduce the risk of breast cancer in women , " said a spokesman of Breakthrough Breast Cancer .

The spokesman added , " We recommend to perform mid-level physical activity for 30 minutes in a day , or 3.5 hours per week . Was able to reduce the risk of breast cancer , at least 20 percent . "

According to the spokesman , regular brisk walking is the easiest way to keep women from cancer . Because every physical activity that increases the pulse rate can reduce the risk of cancer , including walking can be done anytime and anywhere for free . Well , regular walking is the most clever way to prevent cancer.

Beware, Oxygen Deficiency Could Aggravating Breast Cancer

Baltimore, Breast cancer is one of the diseases that target women. If the cancer has spread, the risk is death or surgical removal of the breast. However, for patients who have severe, recent research has found a way for the cancerous tumor can not grow. One is always sufficient oxygen levels in the body.

Research conducted by the John Hopkins University in Baltimore said that the low oxygen levels in the body will trigger the production of proteins that make the tumor develops. This study aimed to examine the influence is there any body in the process of developing the dangerous tumors.

Cancer of the breast, lung, bone, and liver, including the type of disease that is difficult to handle. Because these tumors tend to move from its original place. The process is called as metastasis, the biological process in which cancer cells spread to other body systems.

Gregg Semenza, professor of medicine involved in the study, said that the breast cancer cells growing as a result of anticipating body hypoxia or lack of oxygen. When being starved of oxygen, the body will release RhoA and rock1 that can make healthy cells to adapt, but also led to the development of breast cancer.

" When tumor cells spread, in part because the tumor will not run out of oxygen supplied by blood vessels. Thing that makes the body sends a signal lack of oxygen, and finally removing these proteins, " he said as quoted from medicaldaily on Monday ( 30/12 / 2013).

Laboratory test results showed the same thing. According to Daniele Gilkes, a team of researchers from the same university laboratories, lack of oxygen will make the cancer tissue release called parallel filaments. This network serves to grip the outer surface of the cancer and make it spread.

Gilkes stated that research has successfully proved that the spread of breast cancer can be prevented by creating a state of oxygen deficiency as seldom as possible. The hope is that there will be further research to understand the effects of drugs on the development of protein RhoA and rock1.

Breast cancer is the second most vicious cancer in the United States. It was reported that 200,000 women developed the disease, and 40,000 of them die every year. Meanwhile, one in eight women have expressed the cancer.

Men Like This More Vulnerable Got Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is most common in women. But make no mistake, men can also get breast cancer, you know. Well, what kind of man are susceptible to breast cancer ?

"Men with good lifestyles. He obesity, lack of exercise, eating too much junk food, smoking, and likes to stay up, " said publicist Jakarta Breast Cancer Foundation, Bambang Purwanto, after the press conference Fun Reebok Pink Ribbon Walk 2013 at Citywalk Sudirman, Central Jakarta.

According to Bambang, the latest data from the RS Dharmais found that breast cancer in men by 15 percent. However, he stressed that the number of breast cancer not only pure but is supported by other factors such as lung cancer is due to smoking.

"In men, breast size also affected, because the fat man milk glands there, so he is more vulnerable " he added.

Bambang exemplifies one of the men who get breast cancer are musicians Melky Ayala, the father of Joey Ayala. "If Melky Goeslaw cigarette because it affected, it's pure breast cancer, " he said.

Bambang also appealed to him to continue to examine her breasts, for example, saw a lump or pain in the breast. If you find a lump or often feel pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.

"Men are certainly different from the same woman, that women can be painful because you're menstruating., But if the man, did he not menstruating. So if you like pain and find a lump, see a doctor immediately, " said Bambang.

In women, body fat can also lead to breast cancer. Therefore, Bambang also remain women to routinely clean the nipples and the area below the breast crease. For if the dirty state of the breast, then the bacteria will be easy to get in and make women more at risk of developing breast cancer.

" Wear a bra is also not too tight later breast moist and could not breathe. If sleep try not to wear a bra. Pas run or the gym also wear a bra that is too tight baseball shaken, " said Bambang.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Type of Women with High Risk of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer can attack anyone, regardless of the presence or absence of risk factors. However, in women with certain conditions, the risk of breast cancer is higher.

Women with a high risk of breast cancer among those who had their first child over the age of 30. Women who gave birth to her first child over the age of 30 have a higher risk of breast cancer is two to three times higher than women who had a first child under the age of 20.

Mothers who do not breastfeed are also at higher risk of developing breast cancer. Comparison, mothers who do not breastfeed risk of breast cancer 2.5 times higher than the breastfeeding mother to four children.

Women who have never given birth are also at risk 1.5 times higher than women who gave birth to three children.

Family history is also one risk factor for breast cancer. Risk is higher in people who have family members with breast cancer. If there is one person of the family who had breast cancer, the risk is twice as high in other family members. If there are two people from families affected by breast cancer, increases the risk of high, up to three to five times higher.

Women, whatever the circumstances, need to be vigilant because being a woman is the first risk factor for breast cancer. Other risk factors to watch out for are age, family history, genetics, being overweight, consuming alcohol, not exercising, your first period before age 12, the use of family planning, have a high posture, and those with higher socioeconomic status.

" There is no risk factor does not mean there can get breast cancer. Therefore, regular screening is important, most easily by ' knowing ' ( check your own breasts ), " advises Dr. Ronald A Hukom, MHSC, SpPD - KHOM of current events Dharmais Cancer Hospital Philips Mom2Mom Breast Cancer Awareness Talk in Jakarta, some time ago.

How to Distinguish Lump Tumor and Cancer on Breast

Breast cancer is a serious threat to women. How not, the prevalence of first rank at most types of cancer in women, both in the world. For that, she needs to be more vigilant with the routine examination of the breasts.

However, not all breast lumps are cancerous. In fact, only 15 percent of lumps that can develop into cancer. Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Association of Indonesian Oncology ( PP POI ) Dradjat Ryanto Suardi said, in addition to the lump cancerous tumors can be benign, but they still need to watch out.

" Benign tumors are not more dangerous than cancer because it does not cause its host organ failure, " he said in a press conference Breast Cancer Expert Forum with the theme " Transforming Advanced Breast Cancer at the Molecular Level ", Saturday in Jakarta.

Dradjat also explain the differences between them, the first cancer to grow faster than tumors. In 8-200 days, the cancer cells can divide very quickly. While benign tumors grow more slowly.

Second, when touched, cancer lump feels solid and hard. " Cancer cells when palpable feeling it will be like a bone, " said oncology surgeon Hasan Sadikin Hospital ( RSHS ), Bandung, this.

Meanwhile, the tumor will be palpable lump is more lenient. Dradjat explained, lumps tumors can undergo a shift if pressed, unlike rigid cancer. This is because cancer cells generally do infiltration ( infiltration ) to the surrounding tissues, it is difficult to driven.

" Lumps of cancer that has progressed further also cause changes in the surface of the breast, for example, are attracted to the nipple, it was because of infiltration, " he said.

In the same occasion, the Head of Sub-Directorate of the Ministry of Health Cancer Niken Wastu Palupi, breast examination performed regularly will increase the sensitivity of inspectors to detect any lumps. That is, the ability to distinguish between cancerous lumps and tumors also increased.

" If you routinely perform breast self-examination, measuring 1.2 centimeter lump can be felt already, " he said.

Breast cancer is the abnormal growth of breast cells become malignant. Currently, breast cancer is the most common cancer suffered by women around the world. In Indonesia, cases of breast cancer accounted for 35 percent of the total cancer cases.

Monday, January 13, 2014

6 Food as natural antibiotic

6 Food as natural antibiotic

Antibiotics are an organic material derived from microbes that are toxic and can inhibit the growth of other microorganisms. High value in the treatment of infectious diseases, especially in the selective toxicity, which was shown to cause the disease, but not to the infected host. It has been proven now that many classes of antibiotics showed their toxicity due to the fact that selectively target is a structure (function) that special either prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells.

Antibiotics are all chemical compounds produced by living organisms or obtained through synthesis that have a high index of chemotherapy, and the manifestation of its activity occurs at very low doses. As well as specifically through inhibition of vital processes specific to the virus, microorganism, or a variety of single-celled organisms compound. In terms of workability, antibiotics can be distinguished in a group of bacteriostatic antibiotics and antibiotic bakterisidik. The first group inhibits bacterial growth and development. Being the second working group of the deadly bacteria.

In general, antibiotics are issued bakteriosida effects on susceptible organisms by inhibiting cell wall synthesis, cytoplasmic membrane damage, inhibits the biosynthesis of proteins and inhibit the synthesis of nucleic acids. Penicillin is an antibiotic produced by Penicillium notatum. Penicillin has the advantage of being very prominent in removing lethal action on susceptible organisms by inhibiting cell wall peptidoglycan synthesis of the bacterial cell wall of the microorganism thus formed will eventually weaken the bacteria can be deadly.

1. Red Onions
Red onions contain sulfur which is believed to contain many antibacterial and diuretic substances. Syrup or drugs made from onion efficacious as ekspekstoran that help remove mucus from the bronchi, lungs, and trachea. Additionally syrup or drugs made from onion efficacious against inflammation and improving blood flow.

2. Garlic.
it was believed Long ago as a natural antibiotic because it is able to fight colds and fever. The content of allicin in the garlic has a strong taste and smell, and have theurapeutic substances that can be used to reduce pain and healing treatment of disease. According to the research, garlic can lower cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure. Even based on the results of a recent study, garlic proved to be effective for treating food poisoning compared to modern medicine.

3. green tea
It is true that green tea is not strong antibiotics, but based on the research results of green tea can help the performance of the antibiotic. Green tea contains high aktioksidan and very beneficial for the body. Green tea contains caffeine that is low and is able to make the weak bacteria to antibiotics.

4. Honey
Honey is useful for infections and injuries, especially if the use of Manuka honey. This honey comes from bees that are exclusively given manuka plants in Australia and New Zealand. Manuka honey is well known antibiotics. Antimicrobial enzymes contained in the honey will release hydrogen peroxide which is able to inhibit the growth of bacteria on the internal and external bacterial infections, such as stomach ulcers. With just a drop of Manuka honey, the infection will be resolved.

5. echinacea
This plant is capable of when in the form of extracts against various bacteria, insect bites, and also viruses. In addition, echinacea is also beneficial to stimulate the immune system white blood cell that is more robust and effective in fighting infection. Based on the results of the study, with Echinacea supplements on a regular basis, your immune system is stronger and less susceptible to diseases, such as colds. But not advisable to consume these supplements continuously since its effectiveness will be reduced. It is recommended to consume only for a few weeks only, especially when you are sick and endurance are declining.

6. Oregano
Known as the king of natural antibiotics in several studies and research. As quoted from Care2, oregano oil has a very strong antibiotic benefits compared to other materials.

In a study conducted by Paul Belaiche, oregano oil is able to kill 96% of bacteria pneumococcus, 92% of bacteria Neisseria, Proteus bacteria and staphylococcus bacteria. Strein and Neisseria bacteria is often found in diseases gonorrhea and meningitis. While Proteus bacteria found in the intestinal infections, and staphylococcus bacteria are often found in foods that are toxic.

It is said also, oregano oil is able to act as an antibiotic which accelerates the healing of sore throat, fever, rheumatism, outside infections, and anorexia.